Unasleep Audio (official)



Audio files by unASLEEP


  • Astonished

    07/03/2009 Duración: 09min

    Following in the footsteps of "Acceptance vs. The Power to Change", here are step-by-step details on how we can effectively 'exhale', releasing what we have called into our life but that no longer suits us, and 'inhale' as we draw into our life what we would now like to experience. The inhale and exhale are both intuitive and natural to this state of existence. They are performed by us all the time, whether or not we believe in them, and whether or not we are aware that we are doing it. We can believe it is happening or not, but if you are reading this, you are indeed doing it. Even if you were some isolated guru on a mountain top spending 95% of your time in a meditative trance, if you are still here, you are doing it. It's part of *being* 'here'. So lets take it one step further, and recall how to do it deliberately, instead of fumbling through it as we sleepwalk through life. It's easy. And with little effort, you quickly get better and better at it........in fact, you'll almost swear that you h

  • Waving Goodbye to Waves and Particles as Separate Things

    28/02/2009 Duración: 09min

    Hurry! Get your nails and cross and get in line quickly if you want a good spot for what may come down to my crucifixion by the scientific community (among others) as I dare to challenge the Double Slit Experiment, as well as the accepted theories behind particles and waves. :-) In the Double Slit Experiment, it doesn't seem to me that the multiple bands that occur for waves have occurred because the wave is somehow interfering with itself, and canceling out portions. I think instead we are being shown the most simple and direct answer but the answer is being misinterpreted: These multiple bands are showing the multiple and yet undetermined potential - the fluid, non-specific and non-localized behavior we choose to label as wave. It's saying "I am demonstrating to you that I'm not just 'here'. I am here. And here. And here. And here." Something like that. But a wave isn't "something" - rather, a wave is a behavior, a potential expression of being, as is a particle. And both wave behavior and partic

  • Acceptance vs The Power to Change

    11/02/2009 Duración: 10min

    Here's a video certain to elicit both howls and cheers: "Acceptance vs. The Power to Change". Come one, come all and witness these two heavyweights duking it out in the ring. Who wins? It depends upon how you look at it, because in the end there is only one left standing, with no opponent to be found.........only a winner, and the winner is you. Watch this and begin to put to rest forever the notion that "Acceptance of What Is" and "The Power to Change" are 2 different schools. (And dont worry - I'll put a more detailed video out later for my precious howlers. Until then................) :-) Much Peace and Love to You ALL, unASLEEP PS - Please excuse my head cold, I did the best I could. I hope you can understand me alright. PSS- And btw, WHEW!....Where DIDN'T I go this time to collect my crayons to color with? I think I picked up one from everywhere I looked. Again, a very VERY heartfelt thank you goes out to all my crayons who indulge my usage of their images for the creation of these free

  • Happy New Years from Plato's Cave

    29/12/2008 Duración: 06min

    Happy New Years from Plato's Cave. I hope you enjoy this video, and use what it reminds you of to begin to change your life for the better, and for the betterment all, for when one rises, we all rise. More detail on Plato's cave can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plato%27s_cave ?NEW!? A deeper explanation for those of you who have a hard time with this video can be found by clicking here: http://www.unasleep.com/plato.htm Much Love to you all~ unASLEEP Tech Note: As always, add &fmt=18 to the end of the video url to see it in high quality (or select 'high quality if it is available).

  • Wisemen (an Enlightened Holiday Greeting from unASLEEP)

    23/12/2008 Duración: 02min

    Merry Christmas, "enlightened style" ;-P Love to you all ~ unASLEEP


    08/12/2008 Duración: 02min

    Q: What do leaf graphics, a balloon, the sky, and the Breath that holds the balloon aloft all have in common? A: You. Each of these are you. Here is yet another attempt of the finger pointing to the moon. I hope you see past my clumsiness and enjoy. I love each of you~ unASLEEP PS- BTW, what an obedient little balloon that was, huh? Straight into the light. What cooperation. :-)


    30/11/2008 Duración: 03min

    What permeates you, permeates me. What permeates here, permeates there. There truly is no separation. None is possible. I love each of you, and hope you enjoy this. Peace ~ unASLEEP Tech Note: To watch in high quality, add these characters- &fmt=18 to the end of the video address (or just click the Watch in High Quality button beneath the video if it is available.)


    09/11/2008 Duración: 01min

    The key to gaining a larger understanding of ourselves, of the world around us, and of the Truth, is to broaden our perspective. There comes a day for each of us when we suddenly begin to see a Bigger Picture. And this new, larger picture continues to grow with every passing day, with every new experience we engage in. And with this new seeing, a new compassion is born, as this new vision shows us that we are woven infinitely tighter into the Web than we previously could imagine. We begin to see that, in fact, we are this Web. And as remarkable and paradoxical as it may sound, we eventually begin to understand that somehow, we are the Weaver, as well. I hope you enjoy this short video, and that it stirs a memory deep within you. Dont forget to share it if it moves you, because by this seemingly small action, you begin to weave a new web - You begin to better our world. I hope you enjoy. Peace and Love to each of you, unASLEEP If 'High Quality' is not a selectable option, you can also cut and paste

  • Illumination

    05/11/2008 Duración: 01min

    Oneness is like the clear blue sky- everything arises, unfolds, and subsides within its all-compassionate love. Oneness is our real Self. Everything is an aspect of Oneness. And our quest to know this comes from Oneness. ~Abhinavagupta All differences in this world are of degree, and not of kind, because oneness is the secret of everything. ~Swami Vivekananda Cleave a piece of wood, I am there; lift up the stone and you will find me there. ~Jesus, Gospel of Thomas "We are one, after all, you and I. Together we suffer, together exist, and forever will recreate each other." ~Pierre Teilhard De Chardin "Everything is a gift of the universe -- even joy, anger, jealously, frustration, or separateness. Everything is perfect either for our growth or our enjoyment." ~ Ken Keyes A man has many skins in himself, covering the depths of his heart. Man knows so many things; he does not know himself. Why, thirty or forty skins or hides, just like an ox's or a bear's, so thick and hard, cover th

  • Finding the Truth

    29/10/2008 Duración: 06min

    How do we find the Truth? Why do we have such a hard time seeing the Truth? How can we move closer to this Truth? I hope this video helps you uncover these answers and more. Music is The Tao of Love and the main theme from 'Missing, both by Vangelis. Cast of volunteers is from my yard. I hope you find this useful. Much Love~ unASLEEP If 'High Quality' is not a selectable option, you can also cut and paste this code: &fmt=18 to the end of the video url/address and it will automatically play in high quality.

  • Finding What is Real

    26/10/2008 Duración: 02min

    This is a deep Truth that I hope you can hear. Perhaps this video will help you begin to know what is Real from what only seems to be real. Music is provided by Vangelis. Puddle is provided by my driveway. I hope you enjoy. Peace and Love~ unASLEEP If 'High Quality' is not a selectable option, you can also cut and paste this code: &fmt=18 to the end of the video url/address and it will automatically play in high quality.

  • Changing Your Tune

    14/10/2008 Duración: 07min

    Who are we? WHAT are we? Religion has tried to tell us one thing, and science something else. As usual, the Truth lies somewhere in between. We have been told we are of flesh and bone - we are physical and therefore potentially frail. Yet science has also announced that flesh and bone are composed of atoms, and atoms are composed of subatomic particles. And then they revealed to us what Sages from thousands of years before have always insisted (and without benefit of diagnostic means, I might add): This subatomic field is composed entirely of energy and space. Nothing more. Suddenly, flesh and bone that seconds before seemed so comfortingly predictable and familiar, now takes on an entirely new face as we look beyond our superficial senses. If flesh and bone are made of this, then what we perceive as us is also made of this. But how can we be made of only dynamic energy? And space? Fortunately, another thing exists that is very familiar to us, and is obviously manifested in a similar way.

  • Happy HallowedBeing

    10/10/2008 Duración: 03min

    Happy HallowedBeing to you all. May you all know just how truly magnificent you are. I hope you enjoy. Peace and Love ~ unASLEEP Musical score is 'West Across the Ocean Sea' by Vangelis. Some of the spider footage was captured and contributed by Chaz.

  • Going Beyond

    23/09/2008 Duración: 04min

    Birds of a feather tend to flock together. And people do, too. But what happens when that's all we ever do? We become part of the status-quo. Just part of the flock. While it is true that there is nothing we must become and that we are already complete, that doesn't mean we see everything we actually are. We don't. And that is the source of our unrest, our endless searching. While it is indeed already all there, it is also true that there is much still needing to be uncovered. Yes - It's there, but we have yet to see it fully. Still, now and again, one of us sees something peeking out from around the edges. They have a bigger thought, a broader view - perhaps completely out of line with what everyone else is doing. What happens when this new idea is acted upon, instead of remaining with the flock and continuing to do what everyone else is doing? You get the Woodpecker Finch of the Galapagos Islands, who uses a cactus spine or twig to probe in to tiny holes and cracks for insect grubs. You g

  • The Secret Message (Walk With Me Series)

    10/09/2008 Duración: 05min

    Read This.....The Secret Message is where we least expect it -- right before our eyes. In this video, everything from chipmunks to overrun gardens to slicing celery conspire to help us see the secret. I hope you enjoy. The Secret Message As I strolled up and down my driveway I noticed a rustling sound and finally stopped to take a look and noticed there on the ground was a scampering family of chipmunks who delighted me with their ways- as they jumped and scurried and climbed and made the tall grasses sway. Then quite suddenly, Time stopped as I was drawn into their world - Who knew that just a flick of a tiny tail could command such a Mystery to unfurl? I saw the Truth of being in the moment The necessity in starting from wherever you are How we must be fully present with whatever is there But how that's the easiest thing to do, by far Because, then 'Fullness' wraps it's arms around you and 'Lack' completely leaves the room and your vision begins to clear as your new perception begins to bloom. And s

  • Seeds of Truth (Walk With Me Series)

    07/09/2008 Duración: 01min

    Read This.... I came across this decomposing cucumber as I was walking across my yard one day. It had been overlooked in my garden - hidden under some leaves, and gotten past its prime, becoming soft, and yellow, and nibbled on by insects. So, it was tossed into the yard, to be enjoyed by whoever wanted to continue to nibble on it, and it was thought of no more. Who knew it would have such a surprising and deep message to share.....This video is along the lines of Jesus' wisdom saying in the Gospel of Thomas: "If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not have within you will destroy you." Deep, huh? (You can read The Gospel of Thomas here: http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/gosthom.html ) I hope you enjoy. Note: Adding the characters &fmt=18 directly behind the URL may improve the video quality a little Seeds of Truth This once pristine cucumber lay decomposing in my yard never weeping at it's condition never claim

  • BUTTERFLY (Walk With Me Series)

    04/09/2008 Duración: 02min

    Read This ..... A beautiful black butterfly joined me on my walk, with an equally beautiful message to share. I hope you enjoy. (Note: Adding the characters &fmt=18 directly behind the URL may improved video quality a little) Butterfly The Truth is like a butterfly beautiful and elusive We stumble after it with clumsy, childlike steps chasing it relentlessly but never truly drawing one step closer though we think we are about to capture it time and time again it always eludes us and remains heartbreakingly out of reach Until the day we stop chasing it not giving up not walking away not losing our desire to know we simply see what we are doing isn't working and finally we stop in our tracks and just observe and suddenly to our complete surprise we are amazed as it appears unannounced it is suddenly right beside us as though it had been there the entire time and we see it's beauty and wisdom and things words cannot convey It is a mystery to us no longer and with eyes that are now able to see we easily obs

  • SEEING (Walk With Me Series)

    04/09/2008 Duración: 01min

    Read This........ I paused during my walk, and stepped beneath a dogwood tree and, without thinking, just began to film. Working my way randomly through the leaves and branches, I was delighted with what my eyes suddenly saw........ (Note: Adding the characters &fmt=18 directly behind the URL may improved video quality a little) Seeing This common canopy of brilliant green extends it's sweet message (though not typically seen) to any who discard their filtering screens and see all that's there and not just what seems but what is below, and what is between We find worlds within worlds and eyes within eyes and sounds within sounds and love in disguise --unASLEEP Welcome to my "Walk With Me" series of videos. Just who is unASLEEP and what causes me to see as I do? How do I uncover the things I share with you? Here's a chance to walk along with me if you like (literally, actually), and see the world through my eyes for a few moments at a time. Join me on one of my nearly daily routines, one that never

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