DeLillo's Running Dog, originally published in 1978, follows Moll Robbins, a New York City journalist trailing the activities of an influential senator. In the process, she is...
Soon to be a major film directed by and starring Tommy Lee Jones and co-starring Meryl Streep, Hilary Swank, and John Lithgow, this classic Western novel captures the devastating...
A Reading Group Guide toThe Last Magician #2: The Devil’s Thief By Lisa MaxwellAbout the Book Esta’s parents were murdered, and her life was stolen. Everything she...
An instant New York Times bestseller! “Will keep you guessing until the last page.” —Cinda Williams Chima, New York Times bestselling author A girl travels back...
A young woman struggles with her past and a future thrust upon her with threats coming from the past and now the present. Does she have the strength to withstand and grow? From #1...
“A dark and enchanting tale.” —Bustle “Fiercely written and beautifully feminist.” —Lisa Maxwell, New York Times bestselling author of The Last...
From the critically acclaimed author of We Are the Ants and At the Edge of the Universe comes a mind-bending, riveting novel about a teen who was born to a virgin mother and...
In the tradition of the popular business classics Leadership Is an Art and What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School, Dr. Helen Rothberg, a sought-after...
Virginia Heffernan “melds the personal with the increasingly universal in a highly informative analysis of what the Internet is—and can be. A thoroughly engrossing...
A vibrant, compulsively readable novel about two married couples who pursue a dream to open a bed-and-breakfast in small-town Vermont, from the internationally bestselling author...