Diabetes Connections With Stacey Simms | Type 1 Diabetes |

Our 2023 Diabetes Technology Predictions (and a last look back at 2022)



Happy new year! What will 2023 bring for diabetes technology? We bring our best guesses to the table and we take a look back at what we said would happen last year. Stacey is joined by Chris Wilson on a Twitter Spaces Chat and you'll also hear from Mike Hoskins for a look back to 2022. Mike is currently an editor at Healthline and formerly the managing editor at DiabetesMine. Chris Wilson, is a longtime advocate and information junkie who just marked 25 years with type 1. Chris will tell you that for much of his time with diabetes he didn’t have insurance and didn’t use a lot of the more advanced tech.. and now he really follows it all very closely, takes part in clinical trials and is designing his own pretty incredibly sounding DIY closed loop features. None of the three have financial stakes in these companies, past some stocks that may be buried in mutual funds – we don’t’ own individual stakes in these companies. And their information is based on whatever is publicly available. Check out Stacey's book: T