Diabetes Connections With Stacey Simms | Type 1 Diabetes |

Delaying a T1D diagnosis with Tzield: "A deep sigh of relief, for a little while"



Last fall, Tzield was approved to delay type 1 diabetes in people predicted to develop it. This week, I’m talking one of the first families to use what used to be called Teplizumab for their son, as a regular patient, outside the clinical trials. How exactly does this all work? Who’s eligible and how do you cover the enormous financial cost? Amanda Troutman talks about why they went through this process with her son, William. Their whole family was tested for the genetic markers after their daughter, Jenna, was diagnosed in 2020. As always, this podcast is not intended as medical advice. If you have those kinds of questions, please contact your health care provider. Our previous episodes on Tzield: https://diabetes-connections.com/?s=teplizumab More about the Troutman family: https://www.vcuhealth.org/news/north-carolina-teen-among-first-in-us-to-receive-new-diabetes-drug Please visit our Sponsors & Partners - they help make the show possible! Take Control with Afrezza  Omnipod - Simplify Life Learn abo