Podcasts From The Journal Medical Education 2011

Active learning on the ward: outcomes from a comparative trial with traditional methods



Academic activity during internship is essentially practical and ward rounds are traditionally considered the cornerstone of clinical education. There is a well-established principle within the educational community that actively manipulating material on the part of the learner tends to yield better learning outcomes rather than allowing them to be passive recipients of the learning material. Kevin Eva, Editor-in-Chief of Medical Education, talks to Professor Hegla Prado, (Paediatrician, Department of Learning, Instituto de Medicina Integral, Recife, Brazil) about this topic, which is the subject of an article Professor Prado co-authors in the March 2011 issue of Medical Education: ‘Active learning on the ward: outcomes from a comparative trial with traditional methods’ by Hegla Melo Prado, Gilliatt Hannois Falbo, Ana Rodrigues Falbo & José Natal Figueirôa.