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Trucking Open Forum: “Does increase trucker productivity LOWER Wages



Saturday 4-2-16   Trucking Open Forum: Feature Topic “Does increase trucker productivity LOWER Wages?” Ongoing Truck Driver Issues continue as well as the discussions and ideas for solutions.  As Drivers wait for the FMCSA ELD Final Rule to kick in 12-2017, many are concerned that their wages will be reduced. Theoretically, if you legally log your paper logs anyway, they should not, but why do some feel they will? Recently OOIDA has filed their argument challenging the FMCSA’s ELD mandate stating that requiring electronic monitoring devices on commercial vehicles does not advance safety, is arbitrary and capricious and violates Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. But is there a way that ELD’s could be used to increase wages? What about hours of service (HOS)?  How are you logging your hours?  How many hours to you log off duty?  Are you really off duty? Veteran truckers Jerry Fritts and Pat Hockaday of Truckers United join us to share their twist on these topics.  Th