Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith

Is the ATA the voice for the Professional driver?



Is the ATA the voice for the Professional driver? 2-25-16 6PM ET 347-826-9170 We will be playing  a recent radio interview of the Chairman of the ATA, Pat Thomas, who made the statement that the ATA is not only the voice of the trucking industry, but more importantly the voice to Congress and Lawmakers, as well as those in charge for regulations!! Yes, regulations! You know the ones, Speed Limiters, ElD’s, heavier trucks....  A provision ( introduced in part by the ATA) is presently waiting to be approved in the FAA Reauthorization bill,.  Slipped into the FAA bill is a provision hidden deep within affecting the U.S. trucking industry, specifically the way wages are paid to CDL drivers. Among those who have placed pressure on the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure to include this wage damaging provision are: American Trucking Associations, the 50 ATA-affiliated state trucking associations, the National Private Truck Council, the Truckload Carriers Association and the Truck Renting and Le