Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith

Highlights of "pre" GATS 2015 on AskTheTrucker 'Live' Open Forum



Join us Saturday 8/8/15 6PM ET as we unveil some of the best highlights going on at the Great American Trucking Show going on in Dallas Texas Aug 27-29 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. This years Truck Show displays much of its focus where it should be, around the professional driver! Here are few of our scheduled guests who will be calling in to share their highlights with us; Rick Ash, chairman of the Trucking Solutions Group (TSG), who leads the charge over at the Landstar Fit for the Road Health Pavilion. Listen to the details of the FREE Health Screening offered to drivers.  Read more   Also scheduled from TSG is Linda Caffee, owner operator with Landstar, and Les Willis, Owner of God Speed Expeditors. Tom Kyrk, founder of Road Tested Living will also share his extensive involvement. We are thrilled to also have on the show this year, Julie Dillon, of The Saint Christopher Fund who will discuss the “Driven to be Healthy Challenge” This is a 6-month challenge with 2 categories for bo