Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith

Truck Driver Health- The "best" health program for you is....



 "Truck Driver Health- The "best" health program for you is.... " Thursday 6PM ET 347-826-917 As move forward with Driver Health discussions we realize more and more that there is no "one size fits all health program" . If you believe there is, you're setting yourself up for failure. We can take in all the information we want, but the bottom line is we need to apply knowledge to our lives, and what works for John, may not work for Mary, and yet John and Mary are BOTH improving their health. How could that be? Although than most people concerned about health will agree to avoid: processed foods, trans fats, GMO's, sugar, soda ,artificial ingredients and chemicals, pesticides, herbicides..... AND to increase organic food, water consumption, exercise,....  There still needs to be that all important consideration of the Person making the change. So what diet is best?  Here's a few choices : Paleo Diet, Vegan Diet, Vegetarian Diet, Raw Diet, Zone Diet, Atkins Diet... and the list goes on. Join us tonight