Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith

GMO's (genetically modified organisms) and the affects on driver health



The onward movement towards improving health within the trucking industry continues. The Mid America Truck Show was the most recent example of the healthy awareness campaign as many within the industry came together to become educated and join forces to encourage others regarding solutions for healthier lifestyles. Our continued series of health shows will include tonight the topic of GMO's ( genetically modified organisms). This is a topic which is causing concern as well as confusion.  On this episode we want to cover the definitions of GMO, what constitutes a GMO, what are the health affects of GMO's, and how can we avoid them.  The term "eat organic" is many times associated when discussing eating healthy, including avoiding the harmful affects of genetically modified food, but often the term organic is also confusing. What constitutes "organic"? Call in tonight 4/2/15 6PM ET and become a part of the show. Dial  # 347-826-9170 and then press "1" on your keypad to notify us that you want to join in the