Ask The Trucker "live" W/allen Smith

Truckers Ride for the Constitution: For it or Against it?



For years truckers have been talking about a shutdown in attempts to display their grievances: Low pay, high fuel prices, CSA, EOBR’s, cross border trucking, detention pay,categorized as unskilled labor, the need for truck driver training standards, and continued increase in regulations. Now drivers are faced with a different situation, not a “shutdown”, but rather a convoy to Washington on October 11th - 13th.. The question is:  Why?  To display grievance within the trucking industry or to protest government corruption?  Truckers Ride for the Constitution is calling on a GENERAL STRIKE, asking all Americans to join the trucker convoy and stand with truckers by “doing nothing”  no commerce, no banking, no shopping. Will such a display help or hurt truckers? For years truckers have been trying to create awareness and get the support and empathy of the American people, but will this convoy create the kind of attention that they have sought so long for? Although such a strike is unlikely and the ride is now foc