Life Strategies With Monique

Clear Vision Through Cloudy Eyes with Pierra Collins



Pierra is a woman of God who is on a mission to help women. Why? Her story tells it all. Like many, Pierra had a dream to live in Altanta and fulfill here dreams. However those dreams were quickly turned upside down when she was led down a path that spiraled her life out of control. Pierra Collins found herself working 2 jobs being very unfulfilled and ultimately leading her to seek more.She became blindsided by wealthy men (ballers) who introduced her to unending cash flow, trips and bling. She hit rock bottom, finding herself broken and alone. After a time, Pierra quickly discovered that apart from God she could do nothing. In her desperate search for God to intervene the brokenness she learned how to lay postrate and seek his will and purpose for her LIFE! It was only after surrendering to the will of God, she was reminded in Jeremiah 29:11 that God had a plan for her life. Pierra was delivered from a spirit of promiscuity, defeat, insecurities, anxiety and fear. She is now a wife of a king and the mot