Uncluttered Office with Catherine Avery

The One Page Business Plan, The Gift, and Finding Your Fish EP 119



Our guest today, Cynthia Riggs, shares with us how and why to create a One Page Business Plan. We discuss the importance of high-level thinking about our business. There are five parts to the business plan and the key is it does not focus on the little tasks we do each day to move our business forward.  Cynthia explains why we have such resistance to writing things down – fear of failure, being held accountable. Yet there’s still fluidity and benefit in getting our thoughts on to paper.  We wrap up with the importance of defining your ideal client and how the business plan helps you do that.   About Cynthia Riggs  Cynthia Riggs is the Biz Diva!  A successful entrepreneur since the age of 23, Cynthia built several businesses from the ground up, including a multimillion-dollar company she sold in 2004.   She became a One Page Business Plan consultant in 2006 and has continuously used the process to support emerging and established businesses step into their next level of success and profitabi