Affirmations For Queer People: 100+ Positive Messages To Affirm, Empower, And Inspire

  • Autor: Jess Vosseteig
  • Narrador: André Santana
  • Editor: Simon & Schuster
  • Duración: 1:22:55
Prueba ahora Firma sin compromiso. Cancele cuando quiera.


Celebrate your resilience and bravery in the face of discrimination and empower yourself and your community with these 100+ affirmations for queer people that celebrate being LGBTQIA+.

Queer people are essential members of society—trailblazing for positive change and building up a stronger and more vibrant community every day. It’s time to affirm these truths and so many more with Affirmations for Queer People.

In this book, discover more than 100 affirmations to empower yourself, emphasize your self-worth, care for your mental health and emotional well-being, and so much more. You can use these affirmations and the accompanying texts to reflect on your own life and your future. You’ll find amazing, inclusive artwork throughout that speaks to the beauty, bravery, and diversity of this incredible community.

With Affirmations for Queer People, celebrate being a queer person, affirm your talent and worth, and bring your dreams to fruition.


  • 001 AffirmationsForQueerPeople Open Credits

    Duración: 16s
  • 002 AffirmationsForQueerPeople Acknowledgements

    Duración: 02min
  • 003 AffirmationsForQueerPeople Pg 014 023

    Duración: 14min
  • 004 AffirmationsForQueerPeople Pg 024 044

    Duración: 08min
  • 005 AffirmationsForQueerPeople Pg 045 075

    Duración: 10min
  • 006 AffirmationsForQueerPeople Pg 076 109

    Duración: 11min
  • 007 AffirmationsForQueerPeople Pg 110 149

    Duración: 13min
  • 008 AffirmationsForQueerPeople Pg 150 201

    Duración: 17min
  • 009 AffirmationsForQueerPeople ListOfResources

    Duración: 02min
  • 010 AffirmationsForQueerPeople Close Credits

    Duración: 27s