Ascended Radio Hosted By Jessica Spencer



This show will provide intriguing and life transforming wisdom regarding the process of ascension or spiritual awakening in a simple and easily understood manner.


  • Shift into Greatness

    26/07/2012 Duración: 45min

    The shift in consciousness that is taking place on the planet is the purpose for this show and the reason that so many of us are waking up.  Awakening to the truth of who were are, free of the false sense limitations, illusions of fear and facades of separation is not only necessary, its eminent.  Once we have begun to re-member who we are and the magnitude of the power we embody, it is inevitable that our life becomes one of service, assisting one another on our path to collective awakening in order that we may Ascend in our Oneness ourselves, with one another, with God.   On this show we will discuss this Shift in consciousness with acclaimed musician, spiritual path walker and Co-Creator of Knowphest.  Knowphest is a “total immersion” experience focused upon navigating earth’s present shift to a higher level of consciousness. Coming to Los Angeles on October 13-14, 2012, KNOWPHEST will feature art, music, healthy cuisine and presentations by forward thinkers.  For more information go to or h

  • "FEEL" your way into purposeful living

    19/07/2012 Duración: 30min

    In order that we experience the life we were born to live we must obtain clarity, in order to obtain clarity we must release  blockages that hinder us. Once we have released fear, negative thinking, attachment and guilt then what? Then we allow the new energy to replace the old energy that has been released. Notice this new lighter energy, be grateful for it and "FEEL" the higher vibrational energy that you have become. The universe responds to energy, one way that energy is expressed is through our ability to feel it.

  • Interview: Master Spiritual Teacher Reverend Norma Edwards

    12/07/2012 Duración: 31min

    Reverend Norma is a Master Spiritual Teacher who has inspired me through her teachings on her show Spirituality 101. With more than 35 years of experience, she is a gift to the world, and this show will be one gift, you definitely want to receive.  She will discuss Ascension, Spirituality, Religion and provide tips for living an Authentic Spiritual life.  

  • Independence Life

    05/07/2012 Duración: 30min

    Rather than celebrating one day of freedom and independence, why not make your life be one of Freedom and Independence every day? The first part of the show will discuss more in depth the five paths to clarity that we mentioned in last weeks show, which are the release of Fear, Judgement, Attachment, Doubt and Negative/lower vibrational thinking and Im adding a 6th path which is the release of guilt. The second part of this show will discuss how we are all One, expressed differently...I found out through writing that "gifts were meant to be given" So go shopping in your store of creativity and give the world your gifts. What is your gift? Feel free to call in and share your gift and together we can create ways to make them a reality!    

  • Master-peace

    28/06/2012 Duración: 31min

    When seeking a path of awakening the first step is to obtain clarity.  Picture a blank canvas as vast as the Universe and as deep as the ocean, now imagine that this blank canvas is your life.  We are the only artist who can create a Master-peace worthy of the greatness that we are.  Despite a possible lifetime of seemingly negative experiences, limited beliefs and unhealthy thought patterns, we are capable of unlearning the behaviors that have painted a canvas with colors that no longer suite us. This show will offer tools that will assist us in making the first leap needed to paint the life of our dreams through the ascertation of clarity. Please tune in, listen, receive, participate, absorb and add to this discussion.  Love and Light!

  • Dr. Richard London: Doctorate of Life Prorgam

    19/06/2012 Duración: 45min

    In this sure to be life transforming show, I will discuss Dr. Richard London's Doctorate of Life Program that has transformed tens of thousands of lives throughout the world, assisting others in releasing their fears, breaking unhealthy agreements, ceating their Divine lives and manifestating instantaneous abundance, wellness, peace and gratitude, while becoming whole. This is an opportunity of a life time. Tune in and be Awakened...

  • Let there be light...

    17/06/2012 Duración: 15min

    This show will proovide basic information on spiritual awakening or Ascension and tools we can all use to continue to remain open, expand and grow.  

  • Ascension 101

    10/06/2012 Duración: 16min

    Much like in the motion picture the Matrix, the green pill of Ascension is a pill of spiritual awakening, of a divine existence that has up until this point only been experienced by a select few. The red pill allows you to live in a physical third dimensional world that has become increasingly disconnected from compassion and the real teachings of those who have achieved  ascension and taught us of its existence. Such Ascended masters include Jesus, Buddha and Mother Theresa to name a few, who have all moved from a human existence to a divine embodiment within a physical body.  Many people have the misperception that we are only capable of divination through death; however, through the process of ascension it is possible to reach a divine existence while on earth and in this human body, which is perhaps what we witnessed Jesus do when he walked on water and  turned water into wine.  Armed with the truth and a clear choice, which path would you choose during this time in human history when Ascension is calling

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