Weight Loss Nation



Weight Loss Nation is NOT a Diet! Weight Loss Nation is a LIFESTYLE. It is the one place to find the tools you need to live a long-term healthy lifestyle. The one location for online support, guidance, recipes and video demonstrations to assist you in cooking simple and healthy meals. We eat REAL food. If it grows out of the ground, hangs from a tree, roams the Earth, flies in the sky or swims in the ocean.....we EAT it!. No GMO, We stay away from "boxed" food as much as possible. This has to last a lifetime....so we make it easy and delicious!We have Mentors from the health & wellness industry ready to guide you on your journey. Go to www.TheWeightLossNation.com for more details.


  • Concoction Friday Recipe

    16/02/2018 Duración: 11min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com Today is Concoction Friday Nation! I have found a recipe on the internet for you......that I'm hoping you'll like....It is called "Blueberry Glazed Salmon" I didn't think it sounded good either when I first read it....but.....it was easy, quick to make and.....it tasted Good!  Give it a try.....I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. INGREDIENTS 1 Cup of Fresh Blueberries 5-6 Fresh Rosemary Leaves 1 TBLS of Raw, Organic Honey 1 TBLS of Balsamic Vinegar 2 tsp of Lemon Juice 1/2 tsp of salt 1/2 tsp of fresh ground black pepper 4 Wild Caught Salmon Fillets   INSTRUCTIONS 1. In a small saucepan....add the blueberries, rosemary, honey, balsamic vinegar, lemon juice and 1/2 tsp of salt. Place over medium heat. After it simmers, raise the heat a tad so it doesn't "rapid boil." Let it cook for 15 minutes. The blueberries will release it's juices and the sauce will thicken. 2. Place an oven rack about 6" from the broiler and put aluminum foil on a baking sheet. 3. Pa

  • Tampa Bay Tuesdays in Orlando at Coopers Hawk Winery Restaurant

    13/02/2018 Duración: 24min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com While at Podfest Multimedia Expo, I had the opportunity to spend time with friends and fellow podcasters for dinner each night. Friday night, the gang selected Cooper’s Hawk Winery Restaurant…..which is located at 8008 International Drive, Orlando. When we walked in ……the place was buzzing! The décor was pleasant to the eye and the wine tasting bar immediately caught my attention. The Maître De was polite and very considerate to our large group. All 12 of us were invited to the wine tasting bar while we had a short wait for our table. Being February …..and close to Valentine’s Day….the group unanimously chose “Romance Red” wine for our tasting. I am NOT a wine connoisseur by any means. I like to occasionally drink wine and I like the Resveratrol in wine. To me, the Romance Red wine was “pleasant.” It has a maraschino cherry and spice taste to it. I think the Romance Red would have been best suited for a dessert wine, but hey…….what does a group of podcasters

  • Are Blueberries REALLY That Good For You? S3 Ep005

    09/02/2018 Duración: 31min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com I am not a Doctor….nor am I a nutritionist or dietician. In fact, I have no degree in health whatsoever. I research fruits, vegetables and grains online…..just like anyone would do.  Therefore…..the information I am providing you is INFORMATIONAL and for your entertainment only. If you have a medical condition or injury and you are going on a diet or meal program, please check with your physician first…. prior to beginning any diet or exercise program. With that said…..let’s learn some things about Blueberries!   BLUEBERRIES THE KING OF ANTI-OXIDANTS!   HISTORY Blueberries are “Native” to North America.  We finally have a GREAT Food Representing US! In early America, The Native Americans recognized the health benefits of blueberries using them for medicinal purposes and as flavoring in their foods. It wasn’t until 1910, that Frederick Coville, an American Botanist, discovered blueberries could only thrive in “acidic soil.” In 1911, Elizabeth White, daughter

  • S3 Ep004 Tampa Bay Tuesdays Restaurant Review

    06/02/2018 Duración: 17min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com It’s Tampa Bay Tuesday, and today I’m Reviewing the Oxford Exchange Restaurant……located at 420 W. Kennedy Blvd, Tampa, FL The Oxford Exchange is across the street from the Beautiful University of Tampa Campus. The Oxford Exchange is a unique building, bringing a historic flare, with a modern twist to the Tampa Bay Area. The building was built in 1891, and is believed to have began it’s history as a horse stable. In the 1920’s an Arcade of local shops and businesses occupied the space. Brother & Sister……. Blake Casper and Allison Adams bought the building decades later, and envisioned a place where people could feel like they were part of the community and engage in conversation. Keeping traditional architectural designs …blended with European inspiration…..the Oxford Exchange opened it’s doors to the public on September 24, 2012. The Oxford Exchange contains a vibrant, open seating area…..where guests can sip on tea from the Tebella Tea Company or coffee

  • Peanut Butter is Sooooo Good For You

    02/02/2018 Duración: 29min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! It’s Ground Hog Day! Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning…..so……. that means 6 more weeks of winter! It’s also Concoction Friday Nation! Today……I’m talking about how healthy Peanut Butter is! www.TheWeightLossNation.com Become a member of Weight Loss Nation Tampa Bay today....for only $20.18 a month for the next 12 months! Here's the link:  Weight Loss Nation Tampa Bay Members  Today's show is sponsored by Allison Hollister - Licensed Massage Therapist, who specializes in Therapeutic Bodywork Therapy in Tampa, FL. If you are in PAIN, and you cannot move your body.....YOU need to call Allison Hollister. She will get rid of the source of your pain, so you can start doing activiites that you love to do! Live in Tampa? Contact Allison at AlliHollister@gmail.com or schedule an appointment at 813-417-3628 Peanut Butter is one of my favorite satisfying foods to eat.                                               Today, we take it for granted on how easy it is to go from the thought of

  • Get Rid of Back Pain, Knee Pain and Start Moving Your Body Again

    23/01/2018 Duración: 41min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! It's our very FIRST Tampa Bay Tuesday! If you suffer from pain....whether it's back pain, knee pain, plantar fasciitis.....or any other pain that prevents you from doing the activities you love to do......our guest this week is going to help you get rid of that pain for good! I want to introduce to you our newest Weight Loss Nation Tampa Bay mentor, Allison Hollister! Join Weight Loss Nation Tampa Bay Allison is a licensed massage therapist as well as a Structural Energetic Bodywork Therapist. What's a Structural Energetic Bodywork Therapist? Good question! Structural Energetic Therapy is a total body therapy that produces maximum rehabilitation of physical conditions causing pain. SET® is the integration of cranial / structural techniques with specialized soft tissue protocols designed to work together to restore balance, strength, and function in the body long term. Allison Hollister studied at the Cortiva Institute PInella's Park, Florida Campus Allison received her certification an

  • Season 3 is Here!

    15/01/2018 Duración: 08min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! It's January 15, 2018! Happy New Year Everyone! With the new year, I have so many things to be thankful for.  I have lost a total of 60 pounds with Weight Loss Nation and I have kept it off! I'm healthy and living life! In 2018, I am going to lose 10 - 20 additional pounds as I continue to improve my healthy lifestyle. And the best part of all.......is the addition of..... Weight Loss Nation Tampa Bay! I listened to your emails and conversations and I have brought the Weight Loss Nation podcast to life! I have added Tampa Bay Tuesdays to the Weight Loss Nation lineup! On Tampa Bay Tuesdays, you will hear interviews of our Tampa Bay Mentors. You will hear stories from our Weight Loss Nation Tampa Bay Members.  I'll be interviewing businesses that offer healthy food and products in the Tampa Bay area for you to try. And...finally.....I'll be going out to eat at local restaurants, looking for great-tasting healthy food to review for you. This is going to be an awesome season and I hope yo

  • The Healthiest Rice on Earth!

    04/08/2017 Duración: 25min

    Hey there Weight Loss Nation, Today, we take a good look at - The Forbidden Food – Black Rice Black Rice is also called “Forbidden Rice” or “Emperor’s Rice.” In Ancient times, Black Rice was “reserved” for the Emperors of China and used as a “Tribute” food. As a matter of fact…….Anyone caught stealing even a “handful” of the sacred Black Rice, would be put to death! “Black Rice” was rare in Ancient China and it’s origin was unclear until recently. In a study published by “The Plant Cell,” in September of 2015, Researchers from two institutions in Japan collaborated to examine the genetic basis for the black color in rice grains. They discovered that the trait was due to a rearrangement in a plant gene, which activates the production of “Anthocyanins.” I hope you recall that I spoke about “Anthocyanins” on last week’s episode on “Raspberries,” on Concoction Friday. “Anthocyanins” are what give fruit it’s color. Red Raspberries, Black Berries, Red Rice and…..Black Rice!   The researchers concluded that this rea

  • Eliminate Menstrual Cramps & Hot Flashes With Raspberries S2 Ep039

    21/07/2017 Duración: 22min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation!   www.TheWeightLossNation.com I hope you are enjoying your summer! One of my favorite fruits that is peaking right now, are "raspberries." This high fiber, anti-oxidant rich fruit, kicks ass! Raspberries are in the Rosaceae family, which means they are related to roses. I had no idea the raspberry was related to roses!  The Raspberry's classified name is "Rubus idaeus"  In Greek mythology, Zeus enjoyed raspberries, which were "white" in color. Zeus's nursemaid was named "Ida."   According to legend, "Ida" was picking some raspberries for Zeus and she pricked her finger on a thorn. Her blood stained the white raspberries, turning them red. In honor of "Ida's" passion for the raspberries, Zeus kept the raspberries red and they have remained that way ever since. Americans most commonly recognize Raspberries in two different colors - Red and Black. Raspberries do come in other colors, such as purple and yellow, and come in almost 200 variations. The State of Washington leads the U.S. in Ra

  • Learn How To Saute ANY Protein on Concoction Friday S2 Ep038

    14/07/2017 Duración: 19min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! It's Concoction Friday! Today, I'm going to tell you how I SAUTED Chicken from MY OWN Kitchen! Last week, I interviewed Chef Todd Mohr, from Web Cooking Classes.com  Chef Todd gave ME and ALL of Weight Loss Nation the "5 Skills Taught in Culinary School That is Essential for Home Cooking."  Chef Todd was kind enough to take it a step further.... AND he taught us how to "SAUTE" ANY Protein. Chef Todd Mohr told us the "9 Steps" to Saute properly. I promised I would do the 9 Steps and report back to all of you! Well....... it's Concoction Friday and I'm ready to report...... I did it and......... I am my own worst enemy! I DID NOT follow the "9 Steps" EXACTLY as Chef Todd Mohr told me to do. What happened?  I burnt everything I put into the pan! LOL! This was MY Fault! I had the "9 Steps" written down in the EXACT order Chef Todd taught me. Instead.......I "looked over" the "9 Steps" and then went into the kitchen without the paper. I tried to "Saute" by Myself! OMG! I decided to try it a

  • 5 Skills Taught in Culinary School That is Essential For Home Cooks S2 Ep 37

    07/07/2017 Duración: 01h09min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! Are you a good cook? A so-so Cook? A terrible cook? I'm a TERRIBLE cook! I need a recipe to cook a meal. Until.......today! I had a conversation with Chef Todd Mohr. Chef Todd is from the Baltimore, MD area. He has been to culinary school, taught Culinary Courses and now has his own "on line" cooking courses for all home cooks to learn from. Chef Todd has a FREE gift for all Weight Loss Nation listeners.  Chef Todd is giving WLN listeners his "5 Forks to Freestyle Cooking" eBook. Just go to this website http://www.webcookingclasses.com and "click" on the RED "Get Free Guide" Button! Enter your email address and Voila! Your FREE eBook will be delivered to your email. Chef Todd is sharing with WLN the "5 Skills Taught in Culinary School That is Essential for Home Cooks." Here are the 5 Skills: 1. Knife Skills 2. How Heat Effects Food 3. Cooking Methods 4. Sauces 5. Herbs & Spices Chef Todd says if you are proficient in these "5 Skills," you will be an awesome home cook! I asked Chef

  • S2 How Drinking Diet Coke Made Me Sick Ep036

    23/06/2017 Duración: 49min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! Weight Loss Nation How is your healthy lifestyle going?  If you are new to Weight Loss Nation, I want to "Thank You," for being here! I LIVED a very unhealthy lifestyle, for almost my entire life. I gained weight and I lost weight. Then I would gain more weight and then lose weight. I lived the "yo-yo" diet life, for almost 40 years! Can you identify your emotions? Do you know the difference between feeling frustrated and anger? Between feeling anxious and uncomfortable? I did not! I could tell you when I was feeling "happy" and when I was feeling "sad." That's it. If I felt any other "emotion," I wasn't able to identify it, which meant I didn't know how to "deal with it."  So what did I do? I "stuffed" myself with food. Have you ever "stuffed" yourself with food, to stop the feeling? That is a very "unhealthy" way to deal with emotions. Yet, it is a very common reaction many of us have. It took me until the ripe old age of "54" to start realizing, I was living an unhealthy and "insane

  • S2 Get a Good Night Sleep Listening to This Episode Ep035

    09/06/2017 Duración: 40min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! How is everybody? Thanks to all of you, who have sent me emails, worried about me and wondering what the heck has been going on with the podcast! I had a major, and I mean MAJOR "Malware" issue, that corrupted many of my Weight Loss Nation files! Uuugggghhhhh! A huge undertaking to have some files restored and re-interview guests. All I can say.....is a "big Thank You" to everyone who contacted me! I am still here and still LIVING a long-term healthy lifestyle! We are up and running again, so episodes are being launched and operations are as back to "normal." Today, I have a special guest for you! I am speaking with Drew Ackerman......the host and producer of the highly acclaimed "Sleep With Me" podcast. If you haven't listened to the "Sleep With Me" podcast....you should be! Are you the type of person who has trouble "Falling Asleep?" Are you the type of person who has trouble "staying asleep?" If you are either one, the Sleep With Me Podcast is for you! I am the type of person who ha

  • Breast Cancer Survivors - This Fitness Program is For You S2 Ep034

    26/05/2017 Duración: 35min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com If you are ready to "finally" lose weight and keep it off forever, you need to "join Weight Loss Nation." You know the adage....."It takes a village to raise a child." The concept is the same with weight loss! Would you rather continue "yo-yo dieting" by yourself and not be able to go out to a restaurant with friends, since you know you will "struggle" with food choices? Are you happy with losing weight only to gain it back again? Do you have too much "stress" in your life? I've said all of those things and I've had every excuse in the book on why I couldn't keep weight off. Or....... Would you like to be part of a "community" of people who are just like you and will be there to support you every single day! Weight loss Nation has a collaboration of experts in the fields of Nutrition, Mindset, Movement, Weight Loss, Yoga, Pilates, Cross Fit, Fitness, Meditation, Emotional Eating and Post Traumatic Stress! When you become a member of Weight Loss Nation, you

  • 5 Secrets to Release Weight and End Body Shame

    12/05/2017 Duración: 01h01min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com   Today, I'm speaking with one of the inaugural mentors of Weight Loss Nation. In April of 2016, I launched Weight Loss Nation. With ten mentors beside me, I began my journey.  One of the original mentors was JJ Flizanes. www.jjflizanes.com JJ Flizanes is an Empowerment Strategist and host of the "Fit 2 Love" Podcast. She is the Director of "Invisible Fitness" an Amazon best-selling author of Fit 2 Love: How to Get Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually Fit to Attract the Love of Your Life,  and was named Best Personal Trainer in Los Angeles for 2007 by Elite Traveler Magazine. JJ vividly reminds us that the word ‘fitness’ is not just about the state of one’s physical body, but also the factors which determine a person’s overall well being. And, for JJ, the key components in all these areas are ‘invisible’ — balanced support structures of nutrition, emotional center and health. JJ Flizanes is the author of "The Invisible Fitness Formula - The 5 Secrets to

  • What The Heck is Clean Eating? S2 Ep032

    05/05/2017 Duración: 40min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! Weight Loss Nation I've been hearing many people talking about "clean eating" these days. What does "clean eating" really mean? Am I supposed to take a shower or brush my teeth before i eat something? Am I supposed to put on a clean shirt before I sit down to eat? Maybe, being "clean" before I eat has nothing to do with it. I went to my resource of podcasters, and I contacted Mark Ritz, who is host of the "No Diet Podcast," and proclaimed "clean eater." After speaking with Mark Ritz, I had a much better understanding of "clean eating," and I asked him to be a guest on Weight Loss Nation to help all of us have a better understanding of "clean eating." I'm happy to report.... Weight Loss Nation is all about clean eating! Wow! I've been "clean eating" the past year and I didn't even know it! Every time I state the Weight Loss Nation adage..... "If it grows out of the ground, hangs from a tree, roams the earth, flies in the sky or swims in the ocean.....I can eat it" That Is EXACTLY what C

  • Start Losing Weight Today. Keep it Off Forever!

    28/04/2017 Duración: 41min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! Happy Anniversary! That's right. It's one year ago, that I started Weight Loss Nation....and my personal healthy lifestyle journey! I am thrilled to report......Weight Loss Nation works! I'm the proof! I've not only lost 51 pounds, I'm LIVING a healthy lifestyle. A "long-term" healthy lifestyle.  Today, I am able to do ANYTHING I WANT TO DO in life. I'm able to walk for long distances, play sports, travel, work, play..... whatever I want! That is 100% due to Weight Loss Nation! eating healthy foods instead of "dieting," "Moving" my body instead of "exercising," and most importantly.....being MINDFUL by putting "portions" of beet chips or black bean chips in a bowl that I can eat and enjoy mindfully, instead of sitting in front of the TV "mindlessly" eating an entire bag of unhealthy Doritos is INCREDIBLE! You can LIVE a healthy life too! LISTEN to the previous Weight Loss Nation Podcasts. They are soooo educational and helpful. Plus...... they are FREE! Experts in the health & fitn

  • S2 Ep030 Burn More Calories With Fitness Mentor Lynn Valaes

    25/04/2017 Duración: 46min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! www.TheWeightLossNation.com If you are ready to "finally" lose weight and keep it off forever, you need to "join Weight Loss Nation." You know the adage....."It takes a village to raise a child." The concept is the same with weight loss! Would you rather continue "yo-yo dieting" by yourself and not be able to go out to a restaurant with friends, since you know you will "struggle" with food choices? Are you happy with losing weight only to gain it back again? Do you have too much "stress" in your life? I've said all of those things and I've had every excuse in the book on why I couldn't keep weight off. Or....... Would you like to be part of a "community" of people who are just like you and will be there to support you every single day! Weight loss Nation has a collaboration of experts in the fields of Nutrition, Mindset, Movement, Weight Loss, Yoga, Pilates, Cross Fit, Fitness, Meditation, Emotional Eating and Post Traumatic Stress! When you become a member of Weight Loss Nation, you

  • S2 Ep031 Don't Stress Over Your Taxes

    21/04/2017 Duración: 30min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation!   Have you filed your 2016 taxes yet?  Have you filed an extension and don't even realize you are accruing interest in late penalty fees? Are you the type who do your own taxes online using tax software? Are you 100% certain you are getting the refund you are owed? Are you 100% certain you didn't "overpay" the IRS in taxes? If you're not 100% sure, you should have hired a CPA (Certified Public Accountant). You see.....I hate taxes! I hate math! So.....I've always had a CPA handle my taxes. I've always had my taxes done properly and everything filed on time. I have never "stressed" over my taxes! You shouldn't either! Today, I am interviewing my own CPA, David Dvorak in Tampa, FL. David has been handling my taxes for almost 5 years now, and he always has my best interest in mind. David can help almost anyone in the United States with their taxes. David has clients in many other states. If you would like a FREE 30 minute consultation to determine if you filed your taxes properly, contact

  • Grab Two Green Balls Today and Burn More Calories

    14/04/2017 Duración: 26min

    Hey Weight Loss Nation! Go Grab Some Green Balls Today and Burn More Calories! Today, I am following up from last week’s episode on the unbelievable Health Benefits of Green Tea. I will be showing you  a simple….you know I need simple…recipe which includes “Matcha” Green Tea Powder. www.TheWeightLossNation.com If you are ready to "finally" lose weight and keep it off forever, you should join “Weight Loss Nation." You know the adage....."It takes a village to raise a child." The concept is the same with weight loss! Would you rather continue "yo-yo dieting" by yourself and not be able to go out to a restaurant with friends, since you know you will "struggle" with food choices? Are you happy with losing weight only to gain it back again? Do you have too much "stress" in your life? I've said all of those things and I've had every excuse in the book on why I couldn't keep weight off. Or....... Would you like to be part of a "community" of people who are just like you and will be there to support you every single

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