Kids Ministry Collective



KMC is about Children's Ministry, Leadership, Parenting, and other various ministry ideas


  • Kids Ministry Collective 267 I’ve Got BIG questions and How to Ask Them?

    11/12/2023 Duración: 30min

    Are you asking the right questions as a Childrens ministry Leader? If we are going to grow the kids ministries we lead and our teams, we as leaders must grow our ability to ask questions.  Join Host and KMC Coach, Tom Bump as he shares 10 questions along with 2 follow-up questions you can ask yourself and other ministry leaders.          Main Question Follow-Up Question 1 Follow-Up Question 2 1. Am I effectively communicating my vision and expectations to my volunteer team? - How often am I communicating with my team about the vision and expectations? - Are my messages clear and easily understood by all team members? 2. How can I create an environment that fosters collaboration and teamwork among my volunteers? - Do I promote open communication and active participation within the team? - What can I do to encourage cooperation and support among team members? 3. Am I regularly providing constructive feedback and recognition to my volunteer team? - How frequently am I giving feedback and recognition to my team m

  • Kids Ministry Collective #266 How To Handle ”Blue” Monday!

    27/11/2023 Duración: 19min

    Ever had a Monday where you were ready to throw in the towel? Woke up feeling down but not out, yet?  This episode addresses what many in Children's Ministry Leadership encounter, the dreaded, "blue" Monday! Host and Ministry Coach Tom Bump will share some personal stories and wisdom about how to respond and not react to the Monday blues!!  If you need someone to talk to, please reach out! is where you can learn how having a personal coach will help you build a solid plan against the blues! 

  • Kids Ministry Collective 265 Wrapping Up and Setting Up, Questions You Should Ask

    13/11/2023 Duración: 26min

    Every leader at this time of year should spend some quality time reflecting, evaluating and resetting for the coming year. Are you ready? Do you have a process to evaluate your children's ministry? Join Host and Leadership Coach, Tom Bump as he shares some powerful questions you should be asking. Principle 1: Self-Reflection Prompting question: "Have I authentically led by example this year and how has this impacted the ministry and my team?"  *How has my pace been? *What’s it like being on the other side of me? Principle 2: The Team  Prompting question: "How has my team grown this year? What challenges did we face and how did we overcome them?"  Have I given my team a way to give me honest feedback? Does anyone on my team need a break? Principle 3: Program Evaluation Prompting question: "What worked in our programming and what didn't? What could be improved for the following year?" What do we need to stop doing? What could we do? Question 1: Goals for the Ministry  Prompting question: "What

  • Kids Ministry Collective 264 The Waiting Season Corrine Noble

    29/10/2023 Duración: 39min

    Children's ministry leaders experience many different seasons in ministry. When a waiting season appears, it can be discouraging or it can be a powerful time of growth. Join Tom Bump and guest Corinne Noble as they have a great discussion about the waiting seasons.  If you find yourself in a waiting season but feel stuck, is a place you can find help navigating that season or any other hard season. If you need help growing your leadership to the next level is the place to learn about how a coaching journey can be custom-built to help you grow children's ministries, teams, and the leader. 

  • Kids Ministry Collective #263 The Kidmin Grab Bag

    16/10/2023 Duración: 59min

    Have you ever wondered about planning fall events, engaging with parents and how to prepare your systems for growth? Well in this episode host Tom Bump and David Reneau hit all these and more!! This is a little longer than normal episode but we decided it was worth sharing! Here are some resources mentioned on the podcast: Need some Coaching? Check out 5 Steps to Building Your Volunteer Structure for Growth How to Create a Volunteer Job Description 4 Ways to Not Do Registration at your Fall Festival and One Good One  4 Next Level Ideas for Your Fall Festival Blog posts about Events  Blog posts about Service Planning https://www.

  • Kids Ministry Collective 262 The Multiply Mindset

    08/10/2023 Duración: 49min

    Do you as a Children's Ministry Leader have an addition mindset or a multiply mindset? Do you know the difference? Join host Tom Bump and his guest, David Reneau as they have a conversation about what it looks like to have a multiply mindset and the impact it can have on your leadership influence and ministry.  Resources Mention: How to Create Volunteer Job Description 5 Steps to building your volunteer structure for growth  5 Volunteer Statements for your Ministry Chaos to Calm Guide Need some Coaching on this? Check out KMCCOACHING

  • Kids Ministry Collective 261 Lead Yourself Well- with David Reneau

    01/10/2023 Duración: 49min

    Children's ministry leaders have so many things to consider while leading. Oftentimes times we get so focused on leading others that we don't lead ourselves well.  Join host Tom Bump and his guest David Reneau as they share some important tips to help any leader get a strategy for leading themselves in a healthy way.    Resources mentioned: Chaos to Calm Guide on    

  • Kids Ministry Collective 260 Kids Ministry Basics- 5Things

    24/09/2023 Duración: 49min

    Children's Ministry can be challenging every single weekend. Join host Tom Bump and his guest David Reneau, as they dive into their Top 5 Things a Kidmin Leader should know and think through. David recommended these posts: Fifth: How do I choose a Curriculum and decide the end goals for discipleship? .  If you'd like to check out KMC Coaching and see if it will help you grow yourself and your ministry you can schedule a free 30min. Clarity Call. 

  • Kids Ministry Collective 259 Time To Update Brittany Nelson

    18/09/2023 Duración: 42min

    Do you have a digital strategy for your children's ministry? Join host Tom Bump and his guest Brittany Nelson in discussing her new book: Time To Update, 7 Areas to Integrate Digital Discipleship into Your Children's Ministry.  Check out Brittany's website If you need help with your children's ministry check out the Kids Ministry Collective Website

  • Kids Ministry Collective 258 Building Healthy Volunteer Culture and Teams Part 2

    10/09/2023 Duración: 34min

    This is the continuing Conversation about Building Healthy Volunteer Cultures and Teams with host Tom Bump and his guest David Reneau. This conversation brings in some powerful principles that Childrens Ministry Leaders should pay attention to while building their volunteer organizations.  Here are those links to blog posts written by David that were mentioned as well as some others that would be helpful. Other Helpful Posts  If you need help with your volunteer culture you should consider a KMC Coaching Journey. You can schedule a free 30 min clarity call to learn how you can grow yourself to lead your team to a healthy place. 

  • Kids Ministry Collective 257 Building A Healthy Volunteer Organization Part 1

    03/09/2023 Duración: 31min

    Ever wonder what it takes to build a solid and healthy volunteer team and culture? Join Host Tom Bump and his guest David Reneau as they discuss some important ideas every Childrens Ministry Leader should think through when building a healthy volunteer culture and team.  This is part 1 of a two-part podcast.  Here's some of the links mentioned in the episode and some other helpful links.   Other Helpful Posts  If you would like to talk about your volunteer coaching and learn about how can help you build a healthy team, you can schedule free 30 min clarity call on the website. Be sure to check out the Kids Ministry Collective Webpage too!

  • Kids Ministry Collective 256 Stressed Out, What You Can Do About It

    28/08/2023 Duración: 26min

    Leadership stress is at an all-time high. Children's Ministry leaders are always discussing how badly stressed out they are. What can we do about it? Join Host and Coach, Tom Bump as he shares some ideas about managing our stress levels and how we can leverage Good Stress, Yes, I said it, Good Stress!  Segment 1: Understanding Stress in Leadership According to Barna/Awana research, 68% of leaders always feel understaffed. This stat identifies a source of stress for so many leaders.  Segment 2: Impact of Unmanaged Stress:   Leaders with high-stress levels and burnout had teams with lower satisfaction rates and higher turnover. Segment 3: Strategies for Effective Stress Management: *Self Care- Hobbies, Rest, Boundaries, Priorities, Utilizing Tech Tools  Segment 4: Positive Stress and How to Leverage it: Eustress is positive stress that is short-term, focused, and energized. it always has a purpose. Remember, healthy leaders lead to healthy ministries. So, take care of yourselves and keep shining your light brig

  • Kids Ministry Collective 255 Setbacks And Mindsets: Getting back on track when things don’t go as planned.

    14/08/2023 Duración: 17min

    Every Children's Ministry Leader can have a setback. Most of us that are seasoned leaders have had more than we can count.  But, what makes the difference when a BIG setback happens?  Your Mindset will determine your bounce back.  Take a listen to this week's episode and learn some powerful questions you should ask yourself to make a setback a bounce-forward moment.  Here are the 5 Questions to help you get back on track: How do I currently view setbacks? Do I see them as failures or as opportunities for growth? How do my beliefs about setbacks impact my ability to bounce back and continue moving forward? What steps can I take to cultivate a more resilient and growth-oriented mindset? How can I reframe negative thoughts and see setbacks as learning experiences? What can I learn from past setbacks that can help me navigate future challenges? If you need help head over to the brand-new: Kids Ministry Collective Website!! If you need coaching, want to read a blog, or catch up on podcasts, this website has a

  • Kids Ministry Collective 254 What Do I Do When I’m In A Hard Season?

    07/08/2023 Duración: 24min

    Every leader will be in a hard or highly challenging season. "A Valley Season."  When you get into those seasons, if you know how to respond they can make you stronger as a leader. If you don't know how to respond, they can break you.  Join host Tom Bump, who's also the lead guide at a mission that serves hurting, overwhelmed, or burned-out leaders.   There are 3 prayers based on Ephesians 3 that can be powerful in guiding you through your season.    If you find yourself in a season where you feel alone, isolated, wounded, or worn out, you should schedule a free clarity call.   Need a Retreat? some time to rest, refocus, renew or restore? Check out what is offered at 

  • Kids Ministry Collective 253 Creating Volunteer Consistency, Creativity and Ownership for

    31/07/2023 Duración: 23min

    Children's ministry leaders need to build healthy teams, and there are some vital things we must do as leaders to create a healthy team that is more consistent, creative, and that owns what they do.  How does one do this? Take a listen as host and coach Tom Bump, shares some simple keys: if you do them consistently, you'll see generational impact in your ministry. 

  • Kids Ministry Collective 252 What Label Are You Wearing and Why it Matters!

    24/07/2023 Duración: 22min

    What label are you wearing? Who gave it to you? Why do you believe you have to own it? Join Host Tom Bump as he shares a personal challenge as part of a new series on Healthy Leaders.  If you are struggling with your leadership identity and need help, check out  a coaching journey with  You can set up a free 30 min clarity call.    Or if you have been wounded or overwhelmed by the labels you are carrying, please reach out.  is here to serve you through the hard seasons. 

  • Kids Ministry Collective 251 Retreat To Advance?

    17/07/2023 Duración: 24min

    Many leaders, only know one thing to do when things get challenging. "Keep Pushing Through!"  Many leaders are leading at an unsustainable pace and vacations and conferences don't help them reset it.  So what do we do?? You must learn to RETREAT so you can ADVANCE! This week's Episode is a special Restoring Leaders edition and Tom Bump shares about an upcoming Restoration Retreat open to ministry leaders and their spouses.  (This is a dated episode.)   To learn more about the September 2023 Restoration Retreat or future retreat dates and locations head over to

  • Kids Ministry Collective 250 Evaluating For The Next Time

    10/07/2023 Duración: 28min

    Ever wonder about the power of evaluations?  When we are doing events, programming etc. we must learn to ask then right questions to help us grow for impact. Evaluation also helps us decide about the future of events or programming. Join Host Tom Bump as he shares some powerful, pre, during and post event questions you should be asking. If you need help with evaluation, or feel stuck or overwhelmed with all the tasks, check out for to find the help you are looking for. 

  • Kids Ministry Collective 249 Stay Or Go with David Reneau

    02/07/2023 Duración: 46min

    One of the hard decisions is when is a season done for a leader? Sometimes the circumstances aren't clear and one must come to a place to see things clearly. Join Host Tom Bump and his guest, David Reneau as they have a crucial conversation for all ministry leaders. Check out David's Blog at If you are wondering how to figure things out, is a place to get confidential care and support. We are here to help you navigate hard decisions and challenging seasons. 

  • Kids Ministry Collective 248 Summer Prep For Fall Success

    25/06/2023 Duración: 25min

    Are you thinking about your fall plans?  It's hard to do in the middle of the Summer and all its events, vacations, and more. BUT, every leader knows they must start doing some things to get ready so that fall doesn't hit them when they are worn out from the summer.  Save yourself some exhaustion later by doing a few things now. Join Tom Bump, Leadership coach, and hear some doable actions to set yourself up to win this fall.  Check out if you find yourself stuck!

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