Ted Talks Daily



Want TED Talks on the go? Every weekday, this feed brings you our latest talks in audio format. Hear thought-provoking ideas on every subject imaginable -- from Artificial Intelligence to Zoology, and everything in between -- given by the world's leading thinkers and doers. This collection of talks, given at TED and TEDx conferences around the globe, is also available in video format.


  • What happens to sex in midlife? A look at the "bedroom gap" | Maria Sophocles

    05/04/2024 Duración: 13min

    Menopause isn't just hot flashes, says gynecologist and sexual medicine specialist Maria Sophocles. It's often accompanied by overlooked symptoms like painful sex or loss of libido. Shedding light on what she calls the "bedroom gap," or the difference in sexual expectations of men and women in midlife due to societal norms, Sophocles advocates for education, medical advancement and a new understanding of menopause — because sex should be pleasurable and comfortable for everyone.

  • A futuristic vision for Latin America, rooted in ancient design | Catalina Lotero

    04/04/2024 Duración: 12min

    What would Latin America look like if colonization hadn't interrupted its ancient civilizations? Imagining a future where ancestral knowledge intertwines with modern aesthetics, designer Catalina Lotero shows how "pre-Columbian futurism" draws inspiration from Indigenous symbolism and technology — empowering Latin America to reclaim lost cultural narratives.

  • How to spot a cult | Sarah Edmondson

    03/04/2024 Duración: 17min

    Nobody joins a cult on purpose, says Sarah Edmondson, a former member of the infamous NXIVM cult and one of the three whistleblowers that led to its downfall. She explains how she got ensnared in this highly manipulative group — and then escaped it — and shares red flags to help you distinguish between a cult and a safe community.

  • Want to succeed in business? Find a problem to solve | Anthony Tan and Amane Dannouni

    02/04/2024 Duración: 18min

    Anthony Tan — the CEO of Grab, Southeast Asia's leading super-app — talks about launching a business that not only turns a profit but also helps people and the environment. In conversation with digital strategist Amane Dannouni, Tan discusses the design choices and tension points of running such a company and why it's something every entrepreneur should consider doing.

  • A comedian's take on how to save democracy | Jordan Klepper

    01/04/2024 Duración: 08min

    Conversation is a battlefield with only one winner. Or is it? Comedian and author Jordan Klepper believes we can get better at talking to each other (and perhaps save democracy) by learning how to lose.

  • Sunday Pick: ALOK is microdosing creativity and rejecting norms

    31/03/2024 Duración: 37min

    Each Sunday, TED shares an episode of another podcast we think you'll love, handpicked for you… by us. Today: an episode from How to Be a Better Human, a podcast that shares the small ways and big ideas that can change your life for the better. ALOK doesn’t call themselves a multihyphenate – but how else to describe the internationally acclaimed author, poet, comedian, and public speaker? Whether they are exploring belonging and the human condition, or fighting to degender the fashion and beauty industries, ALOK is always tapping into their creativity. Today, they share their approach to the creative process, how art has helped them accept the beauty and pain of life, why poetry and comedy need each other and so much more. For the full text transcript, visit go.ted.com/BHTranscripts  

  • The relationship between sex and imagination | Gina Gutierrez

    30/03/2024 Duración: 09min

    Sex is as much mental as it is physical — and imagination is the most powerful tool we have to expand our personal agency and capacity for pleasure, says sexual wellness storyteller Gina Gutierrez. The founder of audio-erotica company Dipsea, Gutierrez creates immersive audio stories designed to open up space to explore your desires and fantasies on your terms. She shares some tips to inspire your sexual imagination and bring joy, confidence and empowerment into your life.

  • The human cost of coal mining in China | Xiaojun "Tom" Wang

    29/03/2024 Duración: 14min

    Xiaojun "Tom" Wang grew up in the Chinese province of Shanxi, the world's largest coal producer. Each year, more than a billion tons of coal are dug out of Shanxi's mountains, and the impacts are devastating — from massive landslides to damaged cultural sites and threats to human health. Wang illuminates the need for sustainable alternatives to protect the environment and ancestral homes, underscoring the rich heritage and untapped potential of provinces like his own.

  • How to live with economic doomsaying | Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak

    28/03/2024 Duración: 10min

    Economic crises can and do happen. But for every true crisis, there are many false alarms, says economist Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak. He explains how to live with the media’s pervasive economic doomsaying, why we should stop treating financial forecasts like a precise science — and what we should embrace instead.

  • Let your garden grow wild | Rebecca McMackin

    27/03/2024 Duración: 12min

    Many gardeners work hard to maintain clean, tidy environments ... which is the exact opposite of what wildlife wants, says ecological horticulturist Rebecca McMackin. She shows the beauty of letting your garden run wild, surveying the success she's had increasing biodiversity even in the middle of New York City — and offers tips for cultivating a garden that can be home to birds, bees, butterflies and more.

  • Why don't we have better robots yet? | Ken Goldberg

    26/03/2024 Duración: 11min

    Why hasn't the dream of having a robot at home to do your chores become a reality yet? With three decades of research expertise in the field, roboticist Ken Goldberg sheds light on the clumsy truth about robots — and what it will take to build more dexterous machines to work in a warehouse or help out at home.

  • 3 steps to better connect with your fellow humans | Amber Cabral

    25/03/2024 Duración: 13min

    How can you effectively support people at work and in your community, especially when they're different from you? Inclusion strategist Amber Cabral shares three steps you can take to build connection — emphasizing that even small, everyday actions can make a big difference to those around you.

  • TED's Sunday Pick: The Spermageddon is coming

    24/03/2024 Duración: 30min

    Each Sunday, TED shares an episode of another podcast we think you'll love, handpicked for you… by us. Today: an episode from Am I Normal?, a podcast where endlessly curious data journalist Mona Chalabi dives into the numbers of our most pressing questions. "You should start thinking about kids at your age! Your biological clock is ticking!” When we talk about fertility, there's one section of the population that's consistently subjected to fear mongering: the people with the ovaries. But is that worry backed up by data? Should we be stressed out about sperm too? Scientist Joe Osmundson divulges his own fears and findings on the journey to save his sperm, and Mona breaks down the scientific, cultural, and psychological elements that have shaped the way we think and talk about fertility.

  • The benefits of not being a jerk to yourself | Dan Harris

    23/03/2024 Duración: 13min

    After over two decades as an anchor for ABC News, an on-air panic attack sent Dan Harris's life in a new direction: he became a dedicated meditator and, to some, even a guru. But then an anonymous survey of his family, friends and colleagues turned up some brutal feedback -- he was still kind of a jerk. In a wise, funny talk, he shares his years-long quest to improve his relationships with everyone (starting with himself) and explains the science behind loving-kindness meditation, and how it can boost your resiliency, quiet your inner critic and simply make you more pleasant to be around.

  • How business leaders can renew democracy | Daniella Ballou-Aares

    22/03/2024 Duración: 12min

    How much should business leaders speak out about threats to democracy? It's a question many corporations are wrestling with these days. Business and democracy leader Daniella Ballou-Aares shows why companies have both the ability and the responsibility to engage in protecting elections and the rule of law — and why their bottom lines may depend on doing so.

  • How to choose clothes for longevity, not the landfill | Diarra Bousso

    21/03/2024 Duración: 10min

    Buying cheap clothing online can be satisfying, but it comes with not-so-hidden environmental costs. When designer Diarra Bousso was growing up in Senegal, her family bought and created new outfits for longevity rather than on impulse — an intention she carries forth in her fashion tech brand. Outlining three sustainable principles, including crowdsourcing designs and limiting excess inventory, Bousso shows it's possible to decrease waste while increasing profit — and shares how to apply this wisdom across the fashion industry.

  • AI and the paradox of self-replacing workers

    20/03/2024 Duración: 09min

    As companies introduce AI into the workplace to increase productivity, an uncomfortable paradox is emerging: people are often responsible for training the very systems that might displace them. AI ethics advocate Madison Mohns presents three leadership principles to embrace technological progress while prioritizing your coworkers' well-being — paving the way for a future where AI enhances human potential.

  • 5 lessons on happiness — from pop fame to poisonous snakes | Mike Posner

    19/03/2024 Duración: 17min

    Singer-songwriter Mike Posner took a break from his music to take a walk — a very long walk, across the entire United States. He shares five lessons he learned from his epic, eventful trek (snakes might be involved) and how it helped him find the key to happiness. (He also performs two hit songs: "I Took a Pill in Ibiza" and "Could You Do the Same.")

  • Dear fellow refugees, here's how I found resilience | Chantale Zuzi Leader

    18/03/2024 Duración: 11min

    Chantale Zuzi Leader is one of the millions of displaced people around the world. In a deeply moving talk, she reflects on losing her family, home and sense of safety — only to break through and ultimately find community and hope. It's an astounding story of resilience that speaks to today's refugee crisis.

  • Is menopause the beginning of the end? | Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter

    17/03/2024 Duración: 31min

    There are only two mammals who have evolved to survive after their child bearing years: toothed whales and humans. This stage of life is called menopause, and it makes humans an evolutionary wonder! But our perception of it has been shaped by centuries of stigma and shame—up until recently it was even considered a "disease" by the medical establishment that needed to be cured. Menopause isn't a disease, but that doesn't mean it's a party either. There can be troublesome symptoms for many people. So you might be thinking, "I'm not in menopause now" or "I'm not going to go through menopause, ever. Why should I care?" Dr. Jen tells us why while taking us through the complex history of how we got here, giving hot tips on managing hot flashes, and sharing why menopause shouldn't be viewed as the end of the race, but a victory lap.  You can read the text transcript for this episode at go.ted.com/BodyStuffTranscript3. (Audio only)

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