Marketing School | Digital Marketing | Online Marketing



Neil Patel (CrazyEgg & Kissmetrics) and Eric Siu (Growth Everywhere & Single Grain) bring you daily ACTIONABLE digital marketing lessons that they've learned through years of being in the trenches. Whether you've just started a website or you manage millions of pageviews, Neil & Eric will help you take it to the next level.


  • #17: How to Create a Marketing Funnel for Best Results

    17/08/2016 Duración: 11min

    In Episode #17 Eric and Neil explain what a marketing funnel is. Then they’ll walk you through how to create your own marketing funnel, with advice on automated tools to help you get the best results.  Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:23 – What is a marketing funnel? 00:25 – Google a “marketing funnel” and see Neil’s site at the top 01:00 – Funneling down from 100 to one or two people 01:44 – A marketing funnel is a great way to get people to convert 01:55 – The chances of a random person on the street to agree to marry you vs. agree to go on a date with you 02:50 – Getting to know your visitors over time 03:10 – Collect emails and educate people to build trust 03:28 – They will be much more likely to say ‘yes’ a month or so later 02:55 – The top of the funnel 04:12 – The middle of the funnel 04:33 – The bottom of the funnel, closing them on an offer 04:49 – The importance of collecting emails 05:02 – Drip is an easy email automation tool 05:20 – Acquired by Leadpages 05:28 – Infusionsoft h

  • #16: Creating Great Links that Boost Your Website's Ranking

    16/08/2016 Duración: 12min

    In Episode #16 Eric and Neil talk about how to create great links that boost your website’s ranking. Hear about specific strategies that you can implement to create stellar links with high relevancy. Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:23 – What goes into a great link? 00:40 – The more people link to you, the better you will rank. 00:55 – Not all links are created equal. 01:20 – Look for domain authority 02:00 – Look at how relevant a link is 02:30 – Linking sites with related topics 02:55 – Do-follow links vs. no-follow links 03:50 – Study by Moz: The effects of links and where you’re linking from 04:30 – How easy is it for someone to build a certain link? 05:05 – Google knows the difference between user-generated content and non-user-generated content 05:30 – Links that can’t be easily manipulated are much more powerful. 06:00 – Don’t make too many links too quickly. 06:38 – Continuing with the same velocity will eventually make your ranking jump 07:00 – Stay consistent with your speed as you

  • #15: Link Building for Better Google Ranking

    15/08/2016 Duración: 10min

    In Episode #15 Eric and Neil talk about link building. When you want to up your rating on Google, you need to have strong links to sites with a good standing. Build relationships with sites similar to your industry, and put in the effort to get your links out there. Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:25 – What is link building? 00:40 – Google and the value of links 01:05 – You get to the top ranking on Google by having strong content and links 01:30 – Not all links are created equal 01:45 – Google can discern the authority of your links 02:00 – How to build great links 02:10 – pulls up links on your competitors’ sites and ranks those links based on domain authority 02:30 – It’s like a richter scale 02:45 – You want a domain authority of 60 or higher 03:00 – Hit up those sites and ask if they would be willing to link to your content 03:35 – Email relevant sites to get them to link to you 04:00 – Tools like and PersistIQ will send emails out for you 04:30 – Don’t automate the

  • #14: Leveraging Facebook Live as a Marketing Tool

    14/08/2016 Duración: 11min

    In Episode #14 Eric and Neil encourage you to use cu. Learn how to create engaging videos and build up your brand and customer base. Eric and Neil will give you simple, straightforward guidelines to leverage the future of Facebook. Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:25 – How to leverage Facebook Live 00:35 – It allows you to broadcast what you’re doing live. 01:00 – It’s a more personal experience with your customers 01:15 – Videos on Facebook will continue to grow 01:30 – The importance of Facebook Live 01:40 – Videos are pushed to the top of a newsfeed 02:00 – You get more comments, views, and shares 2:30 – Competitors, like Snapchat and YouTube 03:00 – This is one way to build a brand 03:15 – An opportunity to stand out and get people to buy from you 03:30 – Neil’s experience with Facebook Live is that the longer you stay on, the more people will view it 04:00 – Likes, shares, and comments will get your video to do better 04:30 – Neil does a Q and A on his live videos to get more comments 04

  • #13: How to Stay Consistent with Your Blog Content

    13/08/2016 Duración: 11min

    In Episode #13 Eric and Neil provide useful tips to help you stay consistent with your blog content. They’ll talk about the value of consistent posts, and they’ll give you the resources you need to keep producing content and stay organized. Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:25 – How to stay consistent with content output 00:55 – Neil’s blog Quick Sprout and what happened when he took a break from blogging 01:15 – Keep on top of your blog 01:40 – Block out time to create your content 02:27 – If you’re not sure what to write on, go to 02:40 – Find a blogger online and clearly label what you need from them. Ask for writing samples and know their rate. 03:20 – Pay should be between $50 to $200 for one blog post 03:40 – Schedule out your content with your writers 03:55 – Publish posts once you have a backlog of posts 04:10 – You will speed up with blog writing as you keep doing it 04:30 – You have to have a content bank 04:50 – Create an editorial calendar 05:20 – See what’s going to be po

  • #12: How to Build Premium Quality Backlinks to Boost Rankings

    12/08/2016 Duración: 12min

    In Episode #11 Eric and Neil discuss premium quality backlinks. They’ll explain what the heck that means, and they’ll give you clear tools to help you create the best backlinks. As you find ways to connect people with your content, using the resources available to you and being proactive will drive up your rankings in no time. Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:25 – How can you build premium quality backlinks? 00:45 – Get to the top of Google with backlinks and content 01:00 – Big websites have a high domain authority 01:25 – Backlinks are a vote of confidence 01:40 – You will up your rankings with better backlinks 01:55 – Network with people you know already 02:10 – Give each other value by posting on each other’s blogs 02:30 – Buzzsumo ranks most popular blog posts 2:45 – Take those posts and turn them into infographics 03:00 – Use and to see who has linked to that post, and share your infographics with those readers 03:40 – Infographics can do even better than the original d

  • #11: The Value of Customer Feedback

    11/08/2016 Duración: 10min

    In Episode #11 Eric and Neil discuss the value of customer feedback. Reaching out to your audience when you’re starting your business and as your business is developing will help your company to continue to grow and see success. Find ways to consistently get the truth from your customers—take even the negative feedback into consideration. Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:25 – Why and how should you collect customer feedback? 00:40 – What is customer feedback? 01:09 – “All that matters is what your customers are telling you.” 01:25 – The value of negative feedback 01:40 – “You can’t live in the black box.” 02:10 – Solve the customer’s problem 02:30 – Eric and Neil’s mistake when they built a blog was to leave out the audience 03:15 – Customers will drive your business in the long run 03:30 – Why people choose certain brands 03:50 – “Delight your customers.” 04:15 – Survey your customers and your competitor’s customers 04:50 – How often do you survey your customers? – Once a month at least. 05:00

  • #10: How to Find Your First Marketing Job

    10/08/2016 Duración: 09min

    In Episode #10 Eric and Neil help you decide where to start out for your first marketing job. They weigh the pros and cons of an agency or working in house, and they discuss what really matters most—your learning and growth.    Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:25 – What should your first marketing job be? 00:45 – Agency vs. in house 01:10 – Where should people should go? – Agency. 01:40 – The poker analogy 02:10 – Becoming a well-rounded marketer 02:45 – Getting into the agency world 03:05 – Growth potential 03:45 – Break Media 04:25 – Agency people typically have higher skills and more experience 05:25 – Neil’s experience at a startup 06:45 – Where’s the company at? 07:10 – “Are you growing or not?” 07:30 – Opportunities will continue to come as you learn and grow 08:20 – Experience is worth more than the pay 08:40 – Subscribe to this podcast and leave a rating and review! 3 Key Points: Starting at an agency will give you a better learning environment. Your first salary should n

  • #9: Breaking Down Retargeting

    09/08/2016 Duración: 11min

    In Episode #9 Eric and Neil break down retargeting. Today, retargeting has made huge leaps and is a great resource that you should utilize in your marketing.   Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:25 – What’s retargeting? -- Ads the follow you from website to website 01:00 – Now retargeting has grown a lot 01:50 – Helping you build relationships with people 02:05 – Options today 02:20 – Example of an ad on marketing funnels 02:50 – Giving people more opportunities to act, or to buy 03:20 – “Turn all those people who said no into saying yes.” 03:35 – “Show them something different.” 04:00 – “Remarketing is like marriage and dating.” 05:05 – Digital Marketer Traffic Temperatures 05:40 – Cold traffic 06:30 – Segmenting who you’re going after 07:20 – Marketing for a local business 07:40 – Look-alike audiences 08:30 – An option to target cold audiences 08:45 – Start with Google and Facebook 10:05 – Targeting people from your email list 10:45 – Subscribe to this podcast and leav

  • #7: Why Do You Need a Blog Today?

    05/08/2016 Duración: 14min

    In Episode #7 Eric and Neil talk about why you need a blog in today’s age. Blogging is a free marketing tool, but it takes certain tactics and skills to be successful at it. Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:25 – Why do you need a blog today? – “Best way to get free visitors to your website.” 01:10 – “This will help you generate more leads.” 01:20 – Providing value 01:35 – The Points Guy 02:00 – A home base 02:10 – Blogs generate as much traffic as paid advertising 02:45 – Facebook’s fan pages 03:15 – What are some tactics to starting a successful blog? – Consistency 03:30 – A long-term journey 04:00 – Having patience 04:35 – Traffic changes when blogs stop 04:50 – Corporate blogs 05:10 – A conversational tone 05:45 – Your headline 06:10 – Copy Blogger’s post on how to write good headlines 06:20 – YouTubers 06:45 – Your headline drives readers 07:00 – It must match your content 07:10 – “Make sure your content is relevant.” 07:20 – Kissmetrics 08:15 -- Repurposin

  • #6: Why is Personal Branding Important?

    04/08/2016 Duración: 12min

    In Episode #6 Eric and Neil talk about personal branding. The image that you put out for yourself can carry a lot of weight—even more weight than your company’s brand or philosophy. Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:25 – Why is personal branding important? – “You connect more with the individual than you do with the corporate brand.” 01:30 – Gary Vaynerchuk 1:50 – “You can control what you want to do with your audience.” 2:15 – What are some tactics to build personal branding? – Start out with social media and accept more friends and followers. 02:55 – Cross-promote on different platforms 03:20 – Twitter tools 03:30 – Following tools 04:10 – The growth of Eric’s business and brand 05:00 – How can you show the value of your service to your audience and help your brand grow? – Writing a book 06:00 – Blogging 06:15 -- How to reach out to be a guest poster on a blog 07:00 – Creating networks and relationships 08:00 – Finding opportunities as a writer 08:40 -- “You just have to start somewhere

  • #5: The Biggest SEO Mistakes of their Careers

    03/08/2016 Duración: 12min

    Summary: Welcome to The Marketing School Podcast—your resource to learn, grown, and nurture your passion for online marketing! In Episode #5 Eric and Neil center the conversation on, The Biggest SEO Mistakes of Their Career. Enjoy! Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:38 – Eric kicks off with blackhat, whitehat, and greyhat SEO 01:29 – Building low-quality links to a brand-new sites 02:00 – Google’s Algorithm’s are smarter than you—they will always find out if something shady is going on 02:20 – That being said, it’s worth it to dabble in some “shady” business if it’s your own site as an experiment, to learn about both sides of the coin 02:48 – Back in the day, Neil would do whatever it would take to turn quick buck 04:12 – Don’t think short-term, you need to think LONG term 04:40 – Go whitehat and build for endurance 05:05 – Eric talks blackhat SEO in-depth 06:01 – Take blackhat tactics and use them in a whitehat matter 06:27 – Do not crank low-quality content 07:23 – The Google Panda Pen

  • #1: Where to Learn Marketing

    21/07/2016 Duración: 12min

    In Episode #1 Eric and Neil introduce the world to The Marketing School—a daily podcast built to share marketing insights with the world. Today’s main topic: where you can go to learn marketing.   Show Notes: 01:36 – Do you want learn about online marketing?—Don’t go to college! 02:22 – College professors don’t have practical, up-to-date, field experience 02:31 – Go to blogs like,, 02:45 – Read some articles, take what you learn, and apply it to your website 03:19 – Every single online marketer that’s good got started on their own website 03:27 – Learn before you earn 04:01 – Learn to be persistent 04:35 – Small wins add up over time 04:45 – How Neil become Eric’s mentor 05:29 – Keep your foot on the peddle and you’ll start to pass everyone around you 06:00 – Like Eric, Neil got his start by emailing a random entrepreneur he looked up to 07:29 – Be willing to trade knowledge all the time 08:03 – How Eric learns marketing now?—Nuzzel

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