Global Seducer Quickie Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 274:35:12
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Sebastian Harris, the founder of and author of Rise of the Phoenix: How to Get the Hottest Girls in a World That Wants You to Fail shares his experience picking up girls in dozens of countries on five different continents. If you struggle with approach anxiety, fear of women, fear of rejection, and the popular what should I say next syndrome, Sebastians daily 5-20 minute rants about pickup and seduction will change your life. It doesnt matter if you want a girlfriend, friends with benefits relationships, or if you want to travel the world and seduce a new breathtaking young girl every weekend. You will learn how to develop unshakable confidence and the right mindset to meet and attract beautiful women. You will learn how to become more attractive, how to approach women, how to talk to women, how to touch women, how to read a womans mind, how to get a womans phone number, how to have amazing first, second, third (and instant) dates, how to connect with women emotionally, and of course, how to pick up girls during the day (daygame) and at night (nightgame). Heck, youll even learn how to make a woman fall in love with you and how to get a girlfriendand some naughty sex tips in between. If you enjoy listening to podcasts such as the Tom Torero Podcast, the Savage Lovecast, the Mountain Tip (Chick Whisperer) Podcast, the How to Talk to Girls Podcast by Tripp Advice, the Art of Charm Podcast (back when they were talking about getting laid), you will love the Global Seducer Quickie. I mean, I even have listeners who told me that they also listen to the Mike Cernovich Podcast and the Kingmaker Podcast with Roosh V. Just click the subscribe button and listen to my free podcast! Youll either hate it or love it. Well, what can I say? The path towards becoming a Global Seducer is only for a selected few


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    25/05/2018 Duración: 05min

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  • Is Oneitis Real?

    23/05/2018 Duración: 09min

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  • Her Old Man Fantasy

    20/05/2018 Duración: 08min

    I met a good friend of mine. He's married and he's really worried about me. He's worried because I'm a seducer, a womanizer, an irresponsible dating coach who thinks with his dick. These were his words (He still loves me...I guess). Maybe that's why he's worried that I will die alone because once I reach the age of 35 or, God forbid, the age of 40, no woman will sleep with me. Then I told him about all my older friends, my female friends who had sex with older guys, and what's really going on...Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • The Lazy Man's Approach

    18/05/2018 Duración: 07min

    What do most daygamers do? They run after women, approach them with a direct compliment, and try to get their phone number. And that's great. But what if you can't run? That's the problem one of my one-on-one coaching clients had. He couldn't walk anymore. That's when I had an idea. It turns out that you can approach hundreds of women and get dozens of phone numbers without walking one single step. Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • Don't Waste Your Life

    15/05/2018 Duración: 07min

    A couple of days ago I had a very emotional one-on-one coaching. As a dating coach, I have a lot of younger clients, but then there are also the clients who are older than 50 and more often than not, these men are divorced and try to rebuild their lives. Maybe you are one of them. I just hope that you didn't waste your life...Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • Questions on the First Date

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  • How to French Kiss a Girl

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  • The 3 Mindsets for Newbie Seducers

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    Mindset is king. That's no secret. Unfortunately, a lot of aspiring seducers and pickup artists allow the negative thoughts and beliefs in their head to sabotage their success. They listen to their internal dialogue that tells him that she's out of their league and that a woman like her would never date them and sleep with them. That has to stop. I want to share three mindsets with you that allowed me to approach the hottest girls without worrying about the negative chatter in my head. Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • Stop Whining and Start Approaching

    02/05/2018 Duración: 10min

    We are a generation of whiners and complainers. It's absolutely terrible. There are guys who approach one woman and then they quit. They go on one date and then they complain that picking up girls is just not for them. Sorry, but you can't seduce the women you want if you complain before you have even tried. Stop the whining and start approaching girls...Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • How to Give Sexual Compliments

    01/05/2018 Duración: 12min

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  • Words Women Hate

    28/04/2018 Duración: 10min

    One of my readers sent me an email and asked me to answer his question in a podcast. Here's what happened: He was on a date with a girl and she got a call from a guy. Then it happened. He freaked out and blamed her for being a slut. It turned out that she received a call from her brother. There was no reason to freak out. But that's not the only situation where men tend to say the wrong words. It starts with the approach and it ends with, well, listen to the podcast. Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • Seduce the Perfect 10

    25/04/2018 Duración: 06min

    I got an email from one of my readers. He told me how he spends hundreds of dollars and countless hours chasing after the perfect 10s. The question is: Are these women really the perfect 10s or is he believing a lie? Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • The Girls You Want

    16/04/2018 Duración: 06min

    I got an email from a guy that made me sad. No, I wasn't sad because he told me how much he loves Asian women. I also love Asian women. What made me sad was that he wasn't confident enough to embrace his yellow fever. I had the same feeling when I got an email from a guy who was into chubby girls. He felt ashamed of it. I want you to stop this self-destructive behavior and embrace your preferences. You have the right to date the women YOU want. Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • Dating Strong and Independent Women

    14/04/2018 Duración: 08min

    Strong and independent women are the dream of every seducer. I mean, who doesn't want to date a nagging, manly, and demanding woman? Just have a look at your friends and family members. I'm sure half of them are together or even married to such women. Yesterday, I received an email from such a strong and independent woman and here's my message to everyone who thinks about dating her. Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • Visit a Brothel With Me

    09/04/2018 Duración: 07min

    I want you to visit a brothel. Yep, that's how you overcome your fear of women and your approach anxiety. You just have to visit a few hookers and voila, you'll have the seduction skills to meet and attract your dream girl. Wait...something about that smells fishy. Well, nothing is as it seems. But I still want you to talk to prostitutes...really, really close. Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • Don't Make Seducing Girls So Hard

    02/04/2018 Duración: 08min

    Do you really have to approach thousands of girls until you get a phone number or until you get an instant date? No, you don't. You don't have to make it so hard. It can be so easy to attract and pick up girls if you just do one thing...Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • Seducer Her with Emotions (NOT With Nails!)

    30/03/2018 Duración: 05min

    Picking up girls and seducing them is not about being logical. Your logical questions don't mean anything. With women, it's not about the nail. In the same way, as a guy in a relationship has to stop trying to fix things, you have to stop trying to attract women with logic. Women are emotional creatures. Seduce them with passion and feelings. Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • Who Is YOUR Dream Girl?

    24/03/2018 Duración: 11min

    I don't want to know what kind of girl Hollywood or the media wants you to want. I'm talking about YOUR dream girl. Who is she? How does she look? What qualities does she have? And most importantly: What is unacceptable? There are already too many guys who settle for girls who are anything but good for them. You don't have to make the same mistake. Think about your dream girl. That's the first step to meet, attract, and date her. Don’t forget to check out my book:

  • Getting Judged for Approaching Women

    22/03/2018 Duración: 12min

    Have you ever been in the following situation? You see a beautiful woman. You want to approach her. You want to pick her up and you want to take her on a date. You want to do all these things. But you don't because you are too afraid. You're afraid that you'll get judged. Let me tell you something...Don’t forget to check out my book:      

  • Find Her a Boyfriend

    21/03/2018 Duración: 06min

    It's not that easy to pick up girls in clubs. Nightgame can be hard, especially when your openers are less creative than "are you alone in this club?" Why don't you try something creative, bold, and unpredictable? I bet she never met a guy who was so confident that he invited her to look for a boyfriend for her...Don’t forget to check out my book:        

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