Empowered Empaths



It's time to look at being highly sensitive as a strength. Emotions are powerful. Join us to learn how to inspire them, utilize them to be of service, and live freely as your most authentic self. Our most popular series on Mental Health News Radio is now its own podcast. Tune in, join in, spread the word - but most of all - feel inspired and empowered about your highly empathic self.


  • Self Love Beyond The Ego: Seeing The Real You Without Judgement

    18/05/2020 Duración: 47min

    On this week’s edition of Empowered Empaths, Kristin and Martha discuss the idea that there is a “me” that is untouched by ego judgement and remains constant and true and is our very own North Star. Once we begin to truly believe that we are, at our core, spirits having a human experience, we can appreciate and understand that this life expression as well as the opinions of others, does not and cannot define us. We begin to see that we are here on purpose because we knew that an incarnation to earth would allow us to embody lessons and experiences that attend to our fondest desire: to bring heaven to earth. Join Kristin and Martha as they discuss their own evolution into a greater awareness of who we all really are. Namaste.

  • Experiencing Your Highest Potential with Dr. Joe Gallenberger

    27/04/2020 Duración: 47min

    On this week’s show, we had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Joe Gallenberger, a pioneer in the study of psychokinesis, healing and manifestation through the exploration of consciousness. He is the author of several books including Liquid Luck: The Good Fortune Handbook, Inner Vegas: Creating Miracles, Abundance and Health and Heaven Is For Healing: A Soul’s Journey After Suicide. Dr. Joe also hosts his Inner Vegas Adventure workshops where his students have achieved dramatic healing, strong PK influence over dice and slot machines. Dr. Joe is also a senior trainer at the Monroe Institute and created its popular MC2 program that introduces students to the world of psychokinesis, where the mind, energized by the heart, influences matter. Dr. Joe is instrumental in training people to realize their highest potential as spirits in a body and to embody the miraculous, magical and extraordinary aspects of our true and highest self. Please visit his website at: www.SyncCreation.com to explore the many tools Dr. Joe

  • Transformational Gratitude: An Ecstatic Union with Life

    23/04/2020 Duración: 56min

    Kristin and I explore gratitude as a spiritual practice, how we can delve into the very heart of creation and transform our lives. We discuss how the practice of deep, heartfelt gratitude rewires our brain in a way that allows us to live our lives unshackled from fear and victimhood while feeling peace and joy. Join us on the journey into possibilities as we remember more and more who we are and begin to live fearlessly! Many Blessings...Martha

  • Morphing Into a New You

    13/04/2020 Duración: 55min

    Kristin and I had the pleasure of interviewing an author and counselor who knows from experience, that if you want to change your life, you must change your mind about your life. Johnny Calloway shared his journey of discovering that truth for himself. Drawing on the wisdom of a Course in Miracles and a 12 step program as well as his own desire for truth and authenticity, Johnny overcame many personal difficulties and discusses that journey on the show. He is the author of “Taming the Dragon”, “Dragons to Butterflies” and “The Bridge”, host of the Podcast “Morph Into a New You” on the Mental Health News Radio Network. Visit his website: JohnnieCalloway.com for more information, you’ll be glad you did!

  • Setting Boundaries: Self Care or Selfish Care

    09/04/2020 Duración: 57min

    On this week’s edition of Empowered Empaths, Kristin and I discussed the importance of setting boundaries in our relationships with others. Many people think that setting boundaries means that you’re metaphorically standing on the parapet with gun loaded, waiting to open fire on any and all invaders as they approach your post. In that world, everyone and everything is a threat and must be dealt with as such, it is fear based and deeply counterproductive when it comes to having healthy relationships with ourselves and others.Setting healthy boundaries is one of the main tenets of self care, self love and self respect. Since I believe that you can’t give away what you don’t have, I believe that it is vital to cultivate a deep appreciation for who you are, not necessarily because of your accomplishments but because you know you are a sacred aspect of Divinity who is currently inside a human form because something needs doing here and you are the only one who can do that particular thing. We come here with all of

  • Is Fear Mandatory in Times of Crisis?

    26/03/2020 Duración: 47min

    Join Martha and Kristin for a discussion about fear! So...is fear mandatory in times of crisis? On the latest edition of Empowered Empaths, Kristin and I discussed the consciousness around the Corona virus and asked if it was necessary to connect with the fear that is so prevalent these days. There is no shortage of valid reasons to be afraid these days, we hear the stories coming in from around the world that suggest that the worst is yet to come and it’s going to be pretty doggone bad. Hoarding of essential items has begun and the grocery stores are struggling to keep shelves stocked. The fear of being caught without adequate supplies is powerful and catapults us into an “us against them” mindset that allows you to justify hoarding all the toilet paper and hand sanitizer. After all, don’t we have to take care of our families first and foremost? I am hoping that at least some of us can brave enough to entertain the idea that blind fear is optional. Fear is a powerful and necessary tool that alerts us to imm

  • What is Feminine Power and How Do We Find It?

    16/03/2020 Duración: 50min

    Lisa Erickson joins Kristin and Martha to talk about feminine power! Who are you? Here are the answers likely to be repeated ad Infinitum: I am a wife, mother, daughter, caretaker, teacher, cashier, volunteer. I cook, clean, shop, manage the health and well-being of my husband, children, extended family all while ignoring my own well being, run consistently on fumes and will not sleep unless I know my people are AOK. All very valid observations of the role you play on a daily basis, but I’ll ask again.... WHO ARE YOU?We’ve just described what you do in the human world to keep the status quo humming along but nowhere in that description is there any reference to what you love about yourself, what books inspire you, what dreams you have for the future, your favorite foods and music, your favorite color and scent. What make you feel happiness and gratitude and what pushes your buttons. Tell me what makes your heart sing, then we will have a clue about who you are.Our ideas about who we are have been imposed on u

  • Chakra Empowerment for the Empath Woman

    01/03/2020 Duración: 41min

    Lisa Erickson joins Kristin to talk about empathic women and how chakra empowerment can help us heal!Lisa is a chakra-based energy worker, writer, and teacher specializing in women’s energetics and sexual trauma healing. She has trained in multiple energy healing modalities and is certified in both mindfulness meditation instruction and trauma sensitivity. Lisa is a member of the International Association of Meditation Instructors, the American Holistic Health Association, the Energy Medicine Practitioners Association, and The Breathe Network, a non-profit dedicated to supporting holistic healing for sexual trauma survivors. She is also the creator of a popular DailyOM course Awakening Your Feminine Chakras.Lisa’s interest in the chakras and energy healing began over 30 years ago, when she began meditating as part of a yoga class soon after graduating from Sarah Lawrence College. She went on to study chakra and kundalini meditation seriously with a formal teacher for many years. During this time she was a tec

  • When Empowerment Becomes Your Home

    28/02/2020 Duración: 49min

    Join Kristin Walker and Martha Juchnowski, your hosts of Empowered Empaths, talk about the bare bones, the nectar, the seat of the soul of your empowerment. Are you there? It isn't a destination. It's a lifelong journey. Join us!www.empoweredempathsradio.comwww.mhnrnetwork.com

  • Highly Sensitive Men

    06/01/2020 Duración: 26min

    Join Kristin and Tom as they discuss what it means to be a highly sensitive man.Highly sensitive people think deeply, empathize instinctively, and behave in an ethical way that benefits everyone. Today, with the negative effects of “toxic masculinity” and aggressive behavior in evidence all around us, we need highly sensitive people—especially men—more than ever. Yet for men in particular, being highly sensitive brings distinct challenges, such as gender stereotypes that portray them as too emotional or not “manly” enough. Cognitive behavioral psychotherapist Tom Falkenstein offers the first psychological guide that specifically addresses highly sensitive men and those who care about them, and explores the unique advantages and obstacles they face. Drawing from his training with pioneer in the field Dr. Elaine Aron, and his own groundbreaking work, Falkenstein incorporates the mostup-to-date research on high sensitivity—what it is and isn’t—how it relates to male identity, and provides one-of-a-kind advice an

  • Extreme Self-Care After Emotional Abuse

    13/11/2019 Duración: 59min

    Join your hosts talking about life after you've gone no contact with toxicity (people, situations, our own behavior). Learning how to enjoy your alone time and putting yourself first: Extreme self-care!

  • Spiritual Warfare

    11/09/2019 Duración: 01h02min

    Join counselors Melanie Vann and Melissa Richards with host Kristin Walker talking about what spiritual warfare is and how we combat this in our lives. Regardless of your spiritual beliefs everyone has a journey of self-discovery. Many on the path choose a belief system that works for them and then are greatly challenged in those beliefs. We explore this dynamic on our show and hope to offer some insight from varying beliefs on how to combat what we refer to as spiritual warfare. www.mentalhealthnewsradio.com

  • The Squeaky Wheel Doesn't Have to Get the Grease

    28/08/2019 Duración: 49min

    Join counselors Melanie Vann and Melissa Richards with host Kristin Walker on a powerful show about chaos, drama, squeaky wheels, and being ultra responsible for IT ALL. Is codependency the "blame" for all that ails you or is it something more? Negative relationships require participation from all sides but we can choose how much of our emotional capital is used to defuse people and the drama they create, including our own dramatics! Pay attention the quiet ones that enter your field of experience and learn to share yourself with those that don't bring chaos and histrionics into your life.

  • Harvey Weinstein and Other Narcissists

    22/08/2019 Duración: 53min

    How many of you have felt triggered reading and hearing about the Harvey Weinstein allegations? Many of our listeners have. We have. We support the #metoo movement spearheaded by actress Alyssa Milano and have a very powerful discussion with host Kristin Sunanta Walker, Melanie Vann, and Melissa Richards about sexual misconduct and abuse. We've learned that while the abuser and society may wish to paint those who come forward as people who:Can't seem to "move on" or "let things go"Are vitriolicAre unfairAre "crazy"Are only womenThis is simply not the case. Uncomfortable topics need to be discussed. Every victim and then survivor of sexual harassment has their own journey to recovery. As you evolve, your voice and understanding of what you experienced changes. It does not disappear. Being quiet supports the abuser not the abused. It also supports those who enable and act as accomplices to the abusers.This is not gender specific.The days of "men are just men" are over.For Good.Thank you for joining us on this p

  • Living on Fantasy Island?

    14/08/2019 Duración: 54min

    Join counselors Melanie Vann and Melissa Richards with host Kristin Sunanta Walker as they talk about Fantasy Island. Is this really where you want to live? How do highly empathic people find themselves dwelling there and how narcissists weave a web of deceit and at all costs, including YOU, will defend their island. How and when do we "split" from reality in order to survive trauma? When does this become a crutch and unhealthy as an adult. What is the difference between being wounded and being proud, entitled, and arrogant?We cover it all and have some fun while we are doing it. Enjoy the show.

  • Using the F Word

    06/08/2019 Duración: 01h10min

    Martha Juchnowski, Rn is a healing facilitator and creator of Source Harmonics, an approach to healing using intuitive spiritual counseling and integrative energy work to guide the individual to discover the healer within and their sacred highest self. She has a series on Mental Health News Radio: The Healing Room. The great thing about Martha is that she says it like it is and the “it” she says is tailored to help facilitate the most healing her clients are able to process at any given moment. She has helped hundreds reach new levels of transformation and is what a true healer must be: a steward, a facilitator of the healing that exists within each of us.www.mhnrnetwork.com

  • Knowing the Language of the Empath

    30/07/2019 Duración: 39min

    Join Veronica Conway and Kristin Walker as they discover during this show that they both know the language of empaths. That dawn of awakening and "I see you" that happens during a conversation with a stranger and you find out they are also an empath and, yes, they know all about narcissistic abuse!

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