Conscious Rebel With Talen Barney



Helping humanity to rebel against the status quo and reach a higher awareness.


  • How to Accept Endings and Create Space for New Beginnings

    26/04/2023 Duración: 20min

    In this episode we go over 9 ways to more fully let go of resistance in your life and embrace acceptance. Life moves in rhythms, patterns and cycles; all of these contain both a beginning and an end. The more comfortable we can become with these transformational changes in our lives and learn to let go of what is no longer serving us, the more calm and centered we will feel in our lives. Trust the magic of new beginnings. --- Support this podcast:

  • How To Be More Fully Present & Love Where You Are: 15 Practical Habits

    19/04/2023 Duración: 40min

    I know how tough it can be to push through your current obstacles and roadblocks while also keeping a a smile on your face. It can be really difficult at times to maintain good habits and a healthy, positive perspective of where you currently are in life. Without even noticing, we allow ourselves to get pulled into the illusion that our life as it is now is not enough. It's not glam enough, famous enough or [add whatever you want in here] enough.  We need to take a step back and realize that whenever we are getting pulled into this distortion, more often than not it's because we aren't fully present in our life. We are living in an imagined reality we have created in our minds that is riddled with expectations and we are resisting WHAT IS. The problem isn't that it is raining in our life; the problem is that we think it shouldn't be raining. That's the real issue. Tune in to learn 15 practical habits to help you get more fully present and LOVE where you are.  --- Support this podcas

  • If You’re Not Afraid To Be Seen, You Can Accomplish Anything

    12/04/2023 Duración: 32min

    To some degree or another we all run a negative program of fear around being seen. In some way, shape or form we hide parts of ourselves from the world. Insecurities, doubts, shadows, secrets, light, gifts... we are afraid that if we fully show up as ourselves and expose our soul to the world, it wont be enough. We are afraid of the failure, the rejection and the seclusion. However, if we want to play big and chase our dreams, we need to overcome the fear of being seen. If you can do this, if you can fully accept yourself and love yourself as you are now, you can accomplish anything in this world. Anything, my friend. Enjoy this episode. --- Support this podcast:

  • Build A Life That You Are Proud Of: The 8 Foundational Pillars

    05/04/2023 Duración: 49min

    The popular mainstream advice of 'follow your passion' is out the window. It's old school. We are stepping into a new paradigm, one that is sustainable and practical. One that actually works and is customized towards your individual life. This episode is about building a life that YOU are proud of. A life of sustained discipline that brings equal pride and fulfillment. It is about making the small 1% changes day by day to create a holistic ecosystem of success that will support you through all the storms in life. We are building a system for our life. Goals give you direction, but systems give you progress. --- Support this podcast:

  • Your Best Friends In 2023: Space, Silence & Presence

    29/03/2023 Duración: 45min

    You have to go slow to go fast. We've all heard this before, but what does it really mean? And is it true? A few months ago I went off social media completely because I was drowning in the noise of the world. I couldn't hear or recognize my own intuition anymore. Can you relate? In this episode I talk about what we can do in order to reconnect back to that inner guidance system and begin to be more present in the now moment. After all, it's the only thing that actually exists. Right here and now. --- Support this podcast:

  • Welcome To Season Three: YOU Are The Answer

    22/03/2023 Duración: 49min

    Welcome back to Conscious Rebel! The time for a new season has finally arrived, and what a journey it has been in getting to this point. We have so many things to look forward to in the third season. This season is all about YOU. The individual. The theme for this season is Individuation. We will be learning how to align with our true selves, how to integrate all of who we are, and how to step into the world as our authentic selves. We will be learning about our health and wellness, how to accept what is, and how to expand the joy in our lives. THANK YOU for tuning in and for supporting Conscious Rebel. It means the world to be able to foster and create a loving and supportive community that is willing to awaken during these tumultuous times and to rebel against the systems that are holding us back. This era will be known as the great healing. The awakening. And it begins with you. --- Support this podcast:


    03/08/2020 Duración: 18min

    With now over 100 episodes of Conscious Rebel under our belt, Season Two has come to a close. I am so appreciative and grateful for everyone who has followed along on this entire journey. Conscious Rebel started out as simply an idea, an impulse, a curious desire; and it has now become both my personal journal as well as a powerful platform for people to show up with courage and be their authentic selves, without guilt, shame or fear. Conscious Rebel is about redefining fear and failure, and using them as tools to power up and become the person you have always wanted to be. Stay open. Stay humble. Stay hungry. And most important of all, always enjoy ALL of life! --- Support this podcast:

  • 3 Short Stories That Will Change The Way You Think

    31/07/2020 Duración: 13min

    We all have storytelling brains, and through story we can better understand and grasp valuable principles and teachings. Story is what makes the world go round. In this episode I share three short stories that teach morals about belief in yourself, not selling yourself short, and creatively thinking outside of the box. Listen and apply these short stories and you just might rewire your brain! --- Support this podcast:

  • What Emotionally Stable People Do Differently That Trains Them For Unpredictability

    29/07/2020 Duración: 25min

    Here are the 10 things that emotionally stable people do differently: They build self-trust They say no to things They are wired for optimism They are selective with their environment They aren’t conformists - Adaptability They give to + support others They establish sacred rituals They take care of their physical vessel They aren’t afraid to be alone They don’t overreact or take things personally --- Support this podcast:

  • The 7 C's Of A Warrior

    27/07/2020 Duración: 21min

    "A warrior is a way of life, a way of thinking, a way of being. Carlos Castaneda says we choose only once, to be warriors or ordinary. We choose only once. Because choosing to be a warrior alters your fundamental approach to life. While others will view everything as a blessing or a curse, you see only challenges. And a warrior lives to overcome challenges. Every warrior has a code, an ethos. It is an invisible thread that connects him to all of his warrior brothers and sisters since the beginning of time. Steven Pressfield asks 'How do we find our true calling, our soul companions, our destiny? He answers, 'In this task, our mightiest ally is the warrior ethos.'" --- Support this podcast:

  • Push The Rock

    24/07/2020 Duración: 09min

    Today is a short and sweet episode as I read my favorite poem, "Push The Rock." I serendipitously came across this poem a few years back when I felt like I wasn't progressing or moving at all in life, yet I was trying so hard and was putting in so much work. Need a quick 10 minute uplifting message for your weekend? Listen and be touched.  --- Support this podcast:

  • A Great Man Is Always Willing To Be Little

    22/07/2020 Duración: 21min

    Today we talk about the power of humility. It might be one of the most under utilized and deficient values in our world today. As C.S. Lewis states, "Humility is not about thinking less of yourself, it is about thinking of yourself less." I go over nine principles that will help you develop AND maintain humility, for it can be lost very quickly. Listen for some deep wisdom on how to breed more happiness and contentment in your life through the gateway of humility.  --- Support this podcast:

  • How To Increase Your Social Intelligence

    19/07/2020 Duración: 17min

    We are approaching a time where things are not only getting more chaotic, but it is becoming more and more difficult to discern between what is healthy for you and what is disempowering. What is good and what is evil. What is light and what is dark. What is on your side and what is against you. In order to avoid some tragic pitfalls you need to increase your social intelligence and learn how to read people. So listen, and be enlightened.  --- Support this podcast:

  • Need Nothing & You Will Be Free

    17/07/2020 Duración: 12min

    True freedom is freedom from fear. The reason why a lot of people are crippled by fear and anger is because they NEED and depend on so many things in their outside world. They depend on things they have no control over. Talk about stress, eh? Can you imagine having a great need for something that you cannot manage, control or choose? That is a horrible way to live. If you can get to a point in life where you don't need anything, you will be free to do everything.  --- Support this podcast:

  • Could Wonder Be The Missing Element?

    15/07/2020 Duración: 20min

    Wonder is an emotion. It is also a powerful state of being that can alternate the course of your entire life. Wonder makes you take a step back and helps you to realize that you are actually small. Not insignificant, but small, and that there is much more to this thing that we call life.  --- Support this podcast:

  • Stop Taking Life So Damn Serious

    13/07/2020 Duración: 20min

    This is a bold statement to make during a time of upheaval, chaos and violence. How can I just stop caring about everything that is going on? Well, I didn't say stop caring. I said stop taking it too serious. Life is meant to be enjoyed but what we don't often realize is that the enjoyment, bliss and gratitude comes from within. It is completely independent of our eternal surroundings, whether those be good or not. Listen and learn.  --- Support this podcast:

  • 10 Essential Ingredients For Your Health

    10/07/2020 Duración: 24min

    These 10 wonderfully practical and essential ingredients are what we call the guide map of life. These ingredients are pulled from the study of Ayurveda, or the "Science of Life". I promise you that if you are struggling right now, in a rut, or don't know how to improve your life, there is at least one thing from within these ingredients that is missing from your life. Listen to this episode and it just might alter the course of your life.  --- Support this podcast:

  • 12 Stages Of Becoming A Warrior! (My Personal Roadmap)

    08/07/2020 Duración: 28min

    This is the blueprint that I originally created for the Conscious Rebel Retreat that was in the works. Every single one of these stages was birthed from personal experience and is rooted to a deeply pivotal moment or event in my life. I feel like in life we are constantly in a battle. So what better way to prep yourself than to study the life of a warrior and become who you need to become.  --- Support this podcast:

  • What You Appreciate, Appreciates

    06/07/2020 Duración: 27min

    Appreciation is the purest vibration on the planet right now. You want to really increase your positive emotions and experience life purely and fully? Learn how to appreciate every moment. --- Support this podcast:

  • It's Time To Get Real Vulnerable...

    03/07/2020 Duración: 16min

    Welcome to therapy with Talen Barney. Except for in this episode, I am the client and you are the therapist & observer. I think that vulnerability is my weakness... so what better way to expose and work through that weakness than on a podcast. Great idea huh? Well, I guess we will find out.  --- Support this podcast:

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