Joni And Friends Ministry Podcast



We're answering real questions about disability. Whether you are personally impacted by disability or youre looking for practical ways to include someone with special needs in your church or community, you are not alone! Each week, host Crystal Keating sits down with a special guest or ministry expert to hear real stories, share honest conversation about challenges, and explore creative ways that you can welcome and embrace people impacted by disability in your life and your church. Subscribe today!Find all resources mentioned on the podcast at and Friends was founded in 1979 by Joni Eareckson Tada who in a diving accident was left a quadriplegic at 17 years old. Ministry began as Tada, joined by friends around her kitchen table, responded to letters she received from people with disabilities in search of support. Over the past 40 years, the ministry has grown to serve thousands of people impacted by disability worldwide: Joni and Friends has delivered 150,000 wheelchairs and Bibles through Wheels for the World and provided Christian care to 63,000 special needs family members through Family Retreats. The organization also equips individuals and churches with disability ministry training and provides higher education courses through the Christian Institute on Disability.


  • Sasha Carpenter: Abortion Survivor and Voice for the Voiceless

    15/09/2022 Duración: 18min

    An abortion survivor and one of eleven adopted sisters (most with disabilities), Sasha Carpenter returns to the podcast to talk about her family and their ministry and advocacy work, her own journey living with cerebral palsy, and how to be a voice for the voiceless in today’s world.Listen to Part 1 of Crystal's conversation with Sasha Carpenter.Learn more about Ting Ministries.Learn more about Sasha’s family members: Our Family – Ting Ministries. KEY QUESTIONS:How can you speak up for someone who otherwise won’t be heard?What challenges in your life is God using for your good and the good of others?What can you do to care and advocate for vulnerable people in your community? KEY SCRIPTURE:“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well… Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:13–14, 16 RESO

  • An Abortion Survivor’s Story of Adoption and Redemption – Sasha Carpenter

    08/09/2022 Duración: 26min

    Sasha Carpenter joins the podcast to share her story of adoption and redemption in Christ. Born in Russia having survived a failed abortion, Sasha was adopted into a family that loves Jesus. Now an adult, and one of eleven adopted sisters with disabilities, Sasha works as an adoption advocate and writer—a “voice for the voiceless.” Sasha is also part of Ting Ministries, an adoption counseling organization founded by the Carpenter family to serve orphans and vulnerable children around the world.Learn more about Ting MinistriesLearn more about Sasha’s family members: Our Family – Ting Ministries KEY QUESTIONS:What makes a person valuable?Who in your life needs support or advocacy? KEY SCRIPTURE:“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well… Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:13–14, 16 F

  • Chronic Hope: Parenting a Child with a Chronic Disease – Bonnie O'Neil

    01/09/2022 Duración: 34min

    Bonnie O’Neil calls herself a hope hunter, finding hope in the hard seasons of life. Born in the shadow of her brother’s death to type 1 diabetes, and raised with a sister living with the disease, she was nevertheless unprepared for the sorrow she experienced when her own son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age five.Over time, and through a crisis of faith, Bonnie sought the Lord in her family’s struggle. She slowly learned the restorative grace of giving space for sorrow rather than pushing quickly past it. In her book, Chronic Hope: Raising a Child with Chronic Illness with Grace, Courage, and Love, Bonnie offers encouragement for parents and caregivers seeking glimmers of hope amid life’s darkest shadows.Get your copy of Chronic Hope: Raising a Child with Chronic Illness with Grace, Courage, and LoveLearn more about Bonnie O’Neil KEY QUESTIONS:How severe is type 1 diabetes? How does it affect daily life? “Will you surrender—and entrust your child—to God?” How can churches help parents cope with a chi

  • The Caregiver’s Journey: Surviving to Thriving – Susan Wahlers

    25/08/2022 Duración: 26min

    Susan Wahlers is the founder of Makers of Care, a nonprofit that provides resources and support for caregivers, and equips churches to proactively serve them. Susan understands the exhaustion, loneliness, and discouragement that caregivers face. When her husband Dave was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease at 55, their life went into disarray and caregiving became consuming for Susan. Following Dave’s passing in 2019, Susan founded her ministry to caregivers, providing a path from surviving to thriving in Christ.The Six Stages of a Caregiver's Journey | Comfort Keepers:Stage 1: The Expectant Caregiver—In the near future, I may help an aging relative.Stage 2: The Freshman Caregiver—I am starting to help an aging relative.Stage 3: The Entrenched Caregiver—I am helping.Stage 4: The Pragmatic Caregiver—I am still helping an aging relative.Stage 5: The Transitioning Caregiver—My role is changing.Stage 6: The Godspeed Caregiver—My caregiving has endedAccess Caregiver Resources & Workshops | Makers of CareKEY QUE

  • Alzheimer’s Disease: Help and Hope for Caregivers – Susan Wahlers

    18/08/2022 Duración: 35min

    Susan Wahlers is on a mission to ensure every caregiver has what they need. She founded Makers of Care, a nonprofit that provides resources for caregivers in dire need of support during a long-term crisis. The organization also equips churches to proactively serve caregivers.FACTS ABOUT CAREGIVERS (courtesy of Makers of Care)80% of care, for those unable to care for themselves, is provided by friends and family.Most caregiving situations result from an unplanned crisis or diagnosis.Amidst the chaos of change, caregivers actively invest their lives to meet needs, often without the critical support they need.Caregiver Resources & Workshops | Makers of CareKEY QUESTIONS:What are the early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease?How do you communicate well with a person living with Alzheimer’s disease?Should I tell my church or community about my loved one’s Alzheimer’s or dementia diagnosis?When is it time to call hospice?What losses do you need to grieve? KEY SCRIPTURES:“And we know that in all things God works for

  • God’s Power in Weakness—A Message from Joni Eareckson Tada

    11/08/2022 Duración: 09min

    When a diving accident left Joni Eareckson Tada with quadriplegia at 17, she felt like her life was over. She couldn’t fathom what good her life could be without legs that walked or hands that worked. She couldn’t imagine that God had good purposes in store for her. She certainly didn’t expect her suffering to sow the seeds of an international disability ministry. Looking back on 55 years in a wheelchair, Joni reflects on the Lord’s faithfulness amid her adversity. She shares how trusting God through hardship has given her strength to not only persevere but live with hope and joy!Joni’s personal mission statement: “I want to be God's best audio-visual aid of how his power is displayed in weakness, so that others can experience his power in their weakness.”Joni’s exhortation to you: “Let your weakness and need be the beautiful platform on which God displays his power through you.” Key Questions:What is your personal mission statement? (Try writing one down).Where in your life do you need to trust God’s strengt

  • Purpose, Identity, and Diversity in the Church – Dr. Lamar Hardwick

    04/08/2022 Duración: 26min

    Lamar Hardwick (DMin, Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary) is the lead pastor at Tri-Cities Church in East Point, Georgia. He and his wife, Isabelle have three daughters. Dr. Hardwick’s blogs and articles can be found on his website. Get your copies Dr. Hardwick’s books:I am Strong: The Life and Journey of an Autistic PastorDisability in the Church: A Vision for Diversity and Inclusion Key Questions:What is my purpose?How can my community become more inclusive?How can my church better include people with disabilities? Key Scripture:“A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or th

  • Meet “The Autism Pastor,” Dr. Lamar Hardwick

    28/07/2022 Duración: 32min

    Lamar Hardwick (DMin, Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary) is the lead pastor at Tri-Cities Church in East Point, Georgia. He and his wife, Isabella have three daughters. Dr. Hardwick’s blogs and articles can be found on his website.Get your copies Dr. Hardwick’s books:I am Strong: The Life and Journey of an Autistic PastorDisability in the Church: A Vision for Diversity and Inclusion Key Questions:What is it like to grow up with undiagnosed autism?What is it like to live with autism as an adult?How can churches and communities support people with autism?What do people (especially people with disabilities) experience when they encounter the church? Key Scriptures:“Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish. He went down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. After paying the fare, he went aboard and sailed for Tarshish to flee from the Lord. Then the Lord sent a great wind on the sea, and such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up.” Jonah 1:3–4“The Word became fle

  • Community: A Key to Hope for Families Living with Disability – Leisa Williams

    21/07/2022 Duración: 17min

    When Leisa William learned that her son, Justin, had autism, her hopes and dreams got sidelined. At first, the burdens of disability—constant demands, exhaustion, and nagging grief—made Leisa want to withdraw from Christian community. Now, 20 years into living with disability, Leisa shares the importance of HOPE: Having Other People Engaged. She relates her experience of accepting the reality of disability in her family and learning to embrace community, especially when life gets hard. Show Notes:For more than two decades Leisa Williams has cared for a son with a disability. She knows firsthand the grief, hopelessness, family divisions, and weariness that often plague families living with disability. (Listen to part 1 of this conversation.)Leisa joins the podcast again to talk about the power of HOPE: Having Other People Engaged when the challenges of life seem too heavy to bear. She shares about her journey from resistance to radical acceptance of the role Christian community can play in life, especially wit

  • Hope Wins: Don’t Let Disability Steal Your Hope – Leisa Williams

    14/07/2022 Duración: 24min

    For more than two decades Leisa Williams has cared for a son with a disability. She knows firsthand the grief, hopelessness, family divisions, and weariness that often plague families living with disability. That’s why she wrote her book, Hope Wins: Overcoming Feelings of Hopelessness in Special Needs Families.Leisa joins the podcast to talk about the challenges that come with disability and the importance of turning to God and Christian community, even when it’s tempting to withdraw. Her insights shed light on many pain points that can come with disability and offer strategies for families and communities to find connection and hope in the midst of difficulties.Learn more about LeisaGet your copy of Leisa’s book: Hope Wins: Overcoming Feelings of Hopelessness in Special Needs FamiliesKey Questions:How can I deal with self-pity?Do I need to simplify my life?What does it mean to serve from a place of rest?Key Scripture:“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing. Now it spr

  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: Finding God’s Gifts Amid Suffering – Darci Steiner

    07/07/2022 Duración: 31min

    After decades of living with the ups and downs of chronic pain caused by CRPS, author and Nutritionist Darci J. Steiner wants to give a message of hope to people facing disability and chronic suffering. Her book, Beauty Beyond the Thorns, and its companion study guide, include personal stories of suffering and biblical stories to demonstrate how God can turn unexpected curveballs into victorious home runs. Key Questions:What is it like to live with chronic pain?How does God help you when your pain feels like too much to bear?Where have you seen God bring good or beauty out of your suffering?Key Scripture:“She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: ‘You are the God who sees me,’ for she said, ‘I have now seen the One who sees me.’” Genesis 16:13 Resources:Learn more about DarciGet your copy of Beauty Beyond the ThornsSend Crystal a message. Find more encouragement through Joni Eareckson Tada's radio podcast  and daily devotional.Follow us on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.Your support  makes th

  • Creating Belonging in the Church for People with Disabilities – Scott Sauls

    30/06/2022 Duración: 16min

    Every person needs to find a place of acceptance and belonging. For people with disabilities, too often, inclusion can be hard to come by, even within the body of Christ. As a pastor, Scott Sauls knows how important it is for the church to embrace marginalized people, like those with disabilities. He has seen firsthand how a robust ministry to people with disabilities—not only welcoming them but evoking their gifts—catalyzes the life of a church.Scott also knows that pastors and ministry leaders can feel overwhelmed by the idea of starting or growing a disability ministry. He exhorts leaders to trust in God’s abundant provision (no matter the size of the budget or congregation) while stepping forward in faith to serve people with disabilities well.Key Questions:How can your church embrace people who are marginalized?What barriers do you face when it comes to serving or connecting with people with disabilities?How can you trust God’s abundance and step out in faith today?Key Scripture:“But if we walk in the li

  • How God Redeems Regret, Hurt, and Fear to Make Better Humans – Scott Sauls

    23/06/2022 Duración: 17min

    Everyone carries regret, hurt, and fear. These burdens can weigh you down and make you feel trapped. In his book, Beautiful People Don't Just Happen: How God Redeems Regret, Hurt, and Fear in the Making of Better Humans, Scott Sauls explores how Christ provides hope and healing amid the most trying emotions and circumstances.Pastor Scott hopes to reach people who sin and suffer—people who feel tired or afraid. He shares the message that because of Christ’s love, presence, and promises, the best is always yet to come, even when life feels hopeless.When it comes to redeeming regret, hurt, and fear, Pastor Scott also explains how God can make people better through difficulties. Using historical examples—Dietrich Bonhoeffer, C.S. Lewis, and Tim Keller—and biblical examples—King David, the Apostle Paul, and even Jesus—Scott points out a hopeful pattern of God’s redemptive work that applies to everyone who trusts in him.Key Questions:Do you ever feel burdened with regret, hurt, or fear?Who can you encourage today b

  • Better Together: The Power of Community Amid Isolating Health Struggles – Danika Deva

    16/06/2022 Duración: 18min

    Danika Deva knows isolation. Living with multiple chemical sensitivities, which can cause life-threatening allergic reactions to everyday things, she must be intentional about her relationships. Through seasons of severe sickness and physical isolation, she has found strategies for connection and invites others to walk the trails she has blazed.With God’s help, Danika has learned to serve and minister to others, even from a place of suffering. She urges everyone facing difficulty to seek ways to bless others, pointing to the fact that human beings were not made for isolated, independent lives, but for interdependence and mutual service. She urges Christians to encourage and remind one another of the great hope we have in Christ—whatever our circumstances.Key Questions:Do your health struggles impact your relationships?How is God shaping your character through your hardships?How can you offer hope to someone today, even if you’re suffering? Key Scripture:“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoic

  • How to Choose Joy When Coping with Severe Allergies and Environmental Illness – Danika Deva

    09/06/2022 Duración: 24min

    In 2016, Danika Deva’s life was turned upside-down by the sudden onset of severe environmental illness. Desperate, isolated, hopeless, and hurting, she begged God for healing. To this day, Danika lives what she calls “a bubble life,” to manage life-threatening allergic reactions to an ever-shifting range of environmental and dietary triggers. She will tell you, “It’s hard to live like this.” But amid her suffering, she has found hope and closeness to God.Danika’s God-given Ph.D. in "Hard Knocks" and "God Rocks" has equipped her to inspire others to be intentional, and to choose joy and hope in hardship so they can not only heal, but flourish. Key Questions:Where in your “hard knocks” do you see God working?What opportunity do you have to choose joy today? Key Scripture:“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11Additional Resources:Read more from Danika Send Crystal a message with your comments and qu

  • Persevering in Faith When Illness Remains – Dr. Andy Laurie

    02/06/2022 Duración: 22min

    Since the onset of POTS almost two decades ago, Dr. Andy Laurie has prayed for his suffering to go away. As his disease and the hardships that come with it have remained, God has led Dr. Andy through a process of clarification, grappling, releasing, and ultimately drawing closer to Jesus and his  promises.Crystal Keating and Dr. Andy explore aspects of suffering that God can use for good:Suffering causes us to focus on things that really matter.Suffering can force clarification about our self-image, identity, and priorities.When incurable or unsolvable problems come, Dr. Andy highlights the need to let go of the “old life” and embrace our new reality (with whatever limitations or struggles it comes with). This process of release and redefinition often includes grief. And without hope in God, self-pity, depression, and despair can take hold.Dr. Andy shares his own struggle with despair—the temptation to linger and wallow in the dark after his diagnosis. He also shares a turning point that came through prayer.

  • When Skies Aren’t Blue: A Doctor’s Journey to Hope Amid Chronic Illness

    26/05/2022 Duración: 32min

    Dr. Andy Laurie knows what it’s like for life’s skies to go dark. His book, When Skies Aren’t Blue: A Physician’s Personal Journey, recounts his journey from health to sickness, and to living with joy in the midst of traumatic and overwhelming circumstances.His prescription for hope that endures no matter what? “We need objective, provable truth,” he says. “To know that we can prove God is real, prove God is true. Prove the Bible is real.” But Dr. Laurie was not always a believer. Even in medical school, he considered himself a “man of science” and saw faith as a crutch some people needed—but not him! Then, his quest for knowledge led him closer to God instead of further; ultimately, he came to faith, and became a pastor-physician.When he “had it all”: a loving marriage, four small children, and two thriving careers, the skies went dark, seemingly forever. Faced with his devastating diagnosis, he dug deep into his faith, and asked the ultimate questions about identity, self-worth, hope, and love.Now, Dr. Laur

  • How to Flourish Within Your Limitations - Katherine Wolf

    19/05/2022 Duración: 20min

    Katherine Wolf kicked off Season 4 with a conversation about suffering. After surviving a catastrophic stroke at age 26, which left her with profound disabilities, Katherine now works to break down the myth that joy can only be found in a pain-free life. Here, in Episode Two, Katherine digs deeper into the topic of suffering, and particularly, how to flourish within our limitations. We as believers have all been there: we make a request to God in prayer, then wait for him to give us what we want. When we don’t get the results or answer we hope for, we get frustrated, perplexed, or even angry with God. Katherine offers insight about how to trust God when he doesn’t answer prayers the way we hope he will. When it comes to suffering well, she highlights the importance of the narratives we believe and tell about our lives—past, present, and future. She shares how to reframe and redefine the hardest parts of life: tragedy, disability, loss, and grief, with God’s goodness and his good story as the ultimate hope-giv

  • Let's Talk About Suffering: What Does it Mean to "Suffer Strong?" - Katherine Wolf

    12/05/2022 Duración: 24min

    Crystal and Katherine discuss what it means to “suffer strong,” and how community plays a key role in leaning on God through suffering. They explore what it means to heal—not just the body but the soul, and the difference between curing and healing.Katherine also gives tips about how to encourage and support people in suffering—what to do and say, and, just as importantly, what NOT to do and say.No matter what difficulties we face, Katherine’s wisdom gives refreshment and insight on what it takes to suffer strong, embracing God’s good story that he writes in each of our lives. Key Questions:What does it mean to suffer well?How can I reframe my suffering?Is it possible to find healing if there is no cure for the condition, disability, or pain that I live with?Key Scripture:“I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.” Isaiah 45:3Additional Resources:Listen to  How God Meets Us in Suffering with Vaneetha R

  • Season 4: Find Hope in Your Hardship

    05/05/2022 Duración: 02min

    Welcome to Season 4 of the Joni and Friends Ministry Podcast!We are excited to kick off a new series of encouraging conversations about finding hope through hardship, and share practical ways to include people with disabilities in your church and community. The past few years have brought unexpected changes and challenges, from the Coronavirus pandemic to global unrest, not to mention personal difficulties. And trying times bring up big questions: What does it mean to suffer well?How can we understand and cope with pain, loss, disability, and grief?Beginning next week, we will learn how to lean on Christ and redefine our experiences with suffering. In each episode, Crystal Keating will talk with a guest who knows what it means to suffer. Each conversation will shed light on some of life’s great challenges and provide deep encouragement. Episode One kicks off with Katherine Wolf, a true trailblazer when it comes to disability and suffering. In 2008, at just 26 years old and 6 months after having a new baby boy

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