Astrology With Deb Mcbride



Deb McBride is a professional astrologer & emotional healer. This program is designed to help others in understanding current astrological cycles & how to use the available archetypal energy to one's benefit. Deb is available for sessions to discuss your astrological chart or for emotional clearings.


  • Dec 1: Make Big Dreams a Reality as Jupiter Enters Capricorn

    02/12/2019 Duración: 32min

    We begin a new 12 month journey as Jupiter changes signs and now answers to Saturn with its practicality and ambition. With four planets in Capricorn, what can we accomplish? Tune in to The Golden Astrologer Podcast and find out what's in store and where we all need to focus now. 

  • Nov 24: New Moon fuels optimism & expansion

    25/11/2019 Duración: 28min

    An interesting week lies ahead as we experience a New Moon in Sagittarius with Jupiter still in that sign for another week. We reflect on what we've gained and how we've expanded in the last year. Neptune goes direct and reminds us of where we've been intuitively and spiritually. Deb discusses the aftermath and extremes of Mars Uranus and Venus Jupiter. 

  • Nov 17: Gratitude is all as Venus meets Jupiter & Mercury directs

    18/11/2019 Duración: 31min

    Major shifts this week as Mercury stations direct, Mars loves Scorpio & the Sun gets ready to party for the next month. Most importantly, we need to feel & express our gratitude as Venus joins Jupiter for the 2nd time in 10 months. A rare event indeed! You're invited to hear all about it on this episode of The Golden Astrologer Podcast. 

  • Nov 10: Compelling and influential words spoken with the Transit of Mercury

    11/11/2019 Duración: 27min

    If you're looking to make an impression or a powerful point, this is the week to do it! Mercury makes a rare eclipse-like passage in front of the Sun while connecting with a Full Moon. Communications are vital. A productive week awaits us, so tune in to the latest news with Deb on The Golden Astrologer. 

  • Nov 4: Focusing on the bigger life picture with Mars & Pluto

    04/11/2019 Duración: 30min

    Powerful energy is available to us this week to not only change our own lives, but to reverberate outward into the greater consciousness field. This week's podcast not only discusses what this is about, but why it's important to use this energy now. Venus entering optimistic Sagittarius helps us stay open as we zoom forward to our goals. 

  • Oct 27: Lightning strikes as the Scorpio New Moon meets Uranus

    28/10/2019 Duración: 29min

    Excitable energy fills the heavens as the New Moon in mysterious Scorpio opposes revolutionary Uranus. Deb discusses how to navigate Mars challenging Saturn and later in the week, Mercury retrogrades in Scorpio. This week won't be dull, so tune in and find out all about it!

  • Oct 20: Intense emotions as Scorpio season evolves

    21/10/2019 Duración: 28min

    Beauty, intimacy, passion, power - it's time to travel the depths of our lives and embrace the messy, creative, blurry parts seeking clarity. Venus, the planet of love escorts us through the darkness as the Sun joins and sheds light where we need it most. Find out more about this week on the The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • Oct 13: Finding our core strength with Jupiter & Pluto

    14/10/2019 Duración: 27min

    The Full Moon this weekend capped several days of emotional triggers, with the Libra Sun facing off both Saturn & Pluto. Roadblocks initiated a deep search through the wilderness to resonate to our own source of power. Deb will describe it all in this week's podcast. 

  • Oct 6: Emotions & relationships require attention & expert navigation

    07/10/2019 Duración: 31min

    Wow, it has been an extraordinary time with Pluto moving forward bringing big emotions everywhere. Relationships, complications, so much to process! More to come this week as the Libra Sun gets involved and culminating with a Full Moon on the 13th. Listen to the latest Golden Astrologer podcast & find out how to handle it all!

  • Sept 29: Power & passion this week with Pluto moving direct

    29/09/2019 Duración: 28min

    It's a week of intensity as Pluto moves forward in Capricorn & heads towards the scheduled meetup with Saturn. Venus, planet of love challenges Pluto - what will it bring? Heated passions, deep connections or soap operas? Listen to the latest with Deb and hear all about it!

  • Sept 22: Relationships require care & empathy, it's Libra season!

    23/09/2019 Duración: 28min

    An interesting week ahead, Deb shows us how to navigate our relationships as we watch Venus & Mercury pass through a sticky zone, while the Sun joins them in Libra. Get ready for the New Moon next weekend and some other important cycles are ending, have a listen and find out all about it!

  • Sept 15: Taking covert action with Mars & Neptune, moving forward with Saturn

    16/09/2019 Duración: 28min

    This week's astrology features lots of activity as we are still experiencing active Mars opposing passive Neptune, showing us how to come in through the back door. Saturn's direct motion recollects all we've accomplished since end of April. And an earthquake happens during the broadcast! Tune in to the week's energy with Deb's latest podcast!

  • Sept 8: Magic and revelation power us through the week

    09/09/2019 Duración: 28min

    Our parade of planets passing through Virgo continues as The Sun and Mars dive into the T-square of Jupiter & Neptune. This invites us to raise our awareness of spirit and manifestation. This is a highly revealing time for us to learn how we are using our energy in the world. Listen to Deb's latest podcast to learn how to use these aspects wisely. 

  • Sept 1: New website & doors open to opportunity in powerful week ahead

    02/09/2019 Duración: 26min

    Deb introduces her new website and discusses the busy week ahead for the inner planets in Virgo. Venus, goddesss of love, leads the pack as they contact all the planets from Jupiter on out. Follow along as each planet has a key to the manifestation of your dreams and visions. This is a rare week of opportunities, so be sure to listen and get the info! 

  • Aug 25: Action & progress with major manifestion New Moon!

    26/08/2019 Duración: 29min

    Get ready! This week is one unusual time with 5 planets lined up in Virgo for the New Moon! It's all talking to Uranus in Taurus and connecting with the rest of the planets in a significant way. A special time indeed & time for manifesting our goals & dreams. How do we handle all of this? Have a listen to Deb's latest podcast & find out all about it! 

  • Aug 18: Dramatic changes in where we focus energy as Mars enters Virgo

    18/08/2019 Duración: 30min

    An interesting week awaits. We shift gears as Mars enters the work oriented sign of Virgo, followed this week by Venus and the Sun. This creates an enormous amount of earth energy in the sky, which changes our perspective for weeks to come. How do we use this energy to our advantage? Have a listen to Deb's latest podcast and find out. 

  • Exciting, abundant times as Jupiter moves forward & Sun meets Venus

    12/08/2019 Duración: 28min

    Lots of shifts and changes this week as the god of abundance and expansion turns direct.  Also, Uranus moves into internal mode as it goes retrograde. The Sun connects with the relationship planets Venus & Mars bringing us a new awareness as they join with the Full Moon. Want to hear the details? Tune in to Deb's latest podcast!

  • Aug 4: Open your heart as Illumination & kindness rule the week

    05/08/2019 Duración: 29min

    We have a lighter week ahead as the Sun & Venus throw kisses to Jupiter. It's about being open and seeing what arrives. The excitement picks up towards the end of the week as Jupiter and Uranus shift direction & we shift in consciousness. Listen to Deb's latest podcast & find out more!

  • July 30: Clarity & fresh perspectives arrive as we say good bye to eclipses

    31/07/2019 Duración: 26min

    A New Moon in Leo with Venus kicks out the eclipse period and refreshes our lives. Mercury stations direct at the North Node eclipse point and we get new information about how to process the last month & proceed with our creative desires. Tune in to Deb's latest podcast & find out more!

  • July 21: Transforming relationship & money limitations with Venus opposing Pluto

    22/07/2019 Duración: 26min

    Venus, planet of love, relationships, beauty, harmony & money - greeted Saturn last week and now meets Pluto, planet of empowerment! What's in store as we learn lessons after the eclipse? Have a listen to Deb's latest podcast and she'll tell you about it!

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