Becoming With Ann Fancy



A collection of conversations and musings on the journey of becoming your truest self and the journey towards unraveling the conditioning that keeps us from living our most meaningful and wakeful life. You and I will have heart to heart chats about the challenges of life or we will delve in deep with others as the walk us through their journey, and the trials and tribulations that have led them to creating a meaningful, soulful life. There is so much power in stories, truth-telling and thoughtful conversations and this is the space for them. It is time to wake up to your divine nature, your dharma, your purpose and your light.


  • Tamara Kolton | How Eve shaped our world and reclaiming the divine feminine

    12/03/2020 Duración: 01h01min

    Rabbi Tamara Kolton Ph.D. is the author of Oranges for Eve: My Brave, Beautiful, Badass Journey to the Feminine Divine. Tamara tells her incredible personal journey to becoming a Rabbi and the uphill battle that ensued. She got a kick in the ass from the Universe that resulted in her leaving the Temple she grew up in and deeply loved. These dark times led to a beautiful metamorphosis and the birth of a renewed sense of purpose. Tamara is an independent rabbi, psychologist, and feminine mythologist.  As a prominent rabbi in Michigan, she is known for her warm, inspirational style and deep capacity to help people heal.I LOVED this conversation and truly could've gone on for hours.  Keep your eyes peeled for round 2. Follow:https://rabbikolton.com HER BOOK: Oranges for Eve

  • Carly Lozdoski | March Astrology Report

    03/03/2020 Duración: 51min

    Our favorite astrologer is back to give us the March 2020 update. Who are the major players this month, what to look out for, mercury in retrograde, pisces influence and more! Want to hang with Carly in person? Join her at Drifter Coffee in Ferndale, MI on March 24th from 6-7pm. out her website: 

  • Rasia Pouncie | Plant Medicine & Healing

    29/02/2020 Duración: 01h28min

    Rasia Pouncie has many titles: Priestess, Seer, Diviner (shells, tea, tarot), Crystal Therapist, Quantum Healer, Student and Practioner of Sacred Psychology, Plant Medicine enthusiast. Her calling is in mentoring others in an effort to support them in reaching their highest timeline and frequency. Rasia’s goal is to fan your soul's desire to inspire you to be honest, real, fun, sexy, wise, and loving to yourself.She was raised by her father who was a spiritualist and led the way for her to explore many mystical traditions. He also rooted her in her personal ancestry that has now led her to explore plant medicine on a regular basis. This conversation spans wide. Rasia talks about her connection to the Church of Daime, her experiences with nearly weekly plant medicine, and how it has transformed her anxiety. We talk about cultural appropriation in the spiritual world and how to navigate these issues with sensitivity and awareness. Keywords: Orishas Church of DaimeSanto DaimeAyahuasca http://wanderling.trip

  • Lauren Laudani | You are not the worst thing you've done. Begin Again.

    14/02/2020 Duración: 01h12min

    Lauren's tattoos tell you her story over the last 3+ years. Her first tattoo ever has the words "begin again" and the date her life changed forever. Have you ever struggled to remember that you are more than your mistakes, you are more than the things that have happened to you, you are more than your upbringing? Lauren's story is vulnerable, brave and so relatable. We have all waited too long to make a change, we have all sat idly by when the Universe was offering us lifeboat after lifeboat. We have all avoided change only to find ourselves in a swift kick in the pants that forced to leap into the next chapter of our lives. Lauren tells the story of why she was had no choice but to completely reinvent herself, reckon with shame and step boldly into a life she didn't recognize only to be lead gently back to her true self. She's had one hell of a journey these last few years and is now ready to shine light into the darker corners of her life. Please listen with an open and receptiv

  • Carly Lozdoski | February Astrology Report

    02/02/2020 Duración: 01h02min

    My favorite astrologer is back with a little review on the end of 2019 and all that we have to look forward to and work with in the new year. We talk about all the usual topics of what we need to know and how to best harness the energy we are experience. We chat reincarnation and what that has to do with the planets... Carly and I laugh, I say URANUS too many times and a good time was had by all. I think I am starting to get the hang of us this astrology thing...well, kind of! www.astro-alignment.comIG: @carlyonthedailyFB: Astro Alignment 

  • Get the F out of your head | Ann Fancy

    22/01/2020 Duración: 39min

    This is something that has been heavy on my heart and mind over the last year. After decades of being completely disconnected from my body, I have realized the profound impact yoga has had on me. I spent my childhood & young adulthood struggling with severe anxiety and depression. I spent decades at war with my body, dieting, bingeing, loathing and obsessing over my form. I am certain I own every diet book, and self help book about food, body, emotional eating and the likes. Why does this matter? Because for one reason or another almost everyone I know is struggling to live in their human form. We all have come at this issue for a thousand different reasons, perhaps it's simply the culture of disconnect, it could be trauma, or ancestry, or any other multitudes of reasons. But we I know for sure, is that we MUST learn how to integrate in order to live out more meaningful, connected, purposeful and impactful lives. We as the collective must learn how to get out of our heads and into our bodies so we ca

  • Amanda Mossing | Reframing Addiction

    09/01/2020 Duración: 01h04min

    Amanda was put on her spiritual path, over twelve years ago, with her own recovery from drug addiction that was the catalyst to her spiritual awakening. Throughout the years, she has developed spiritually through her work within the Twelve Step Programs, being an active student and teacher of the metaphysical text, A Course In Miracles, work with The Laws of the Universe and ongoing intensive self study. Her intuitive abilities have been enhanced in her work with prayer, meditation, energy work, divination, crystals, the chakra system, body work, astrology and other metaphysical and intuitive practices.Amanda's personal mission is to help others heal and attune to their own inner voice. Amanda shares her story of addiction & recovery. She walks us through her own evolution that has led her to being a lightworker and spiritual teacher. We talk about faith and how she transformed her personal understanding of who Jesus was a teacher and spiritual master. Amanda is a trained, licensed therapist within t

  • Elizabeth Atkins | The invisibility of race and the quest of self discovery

    06/12/2019 Duración: 50min

    Elizabeth Atkins has spent most of her life working to bring the experiences of mixed race persons into the narrative of American culture. She is the daughter of a interracial couple whose fascinating journey includes a story of love, defying the catholic church, breaking rules & barriers while consciously raising two daughters who now work to do the same.  Elizabeth has spent the last decade or more healing her own pain around her identity, her deep need for spiritual connection and learning to make peace with her body. She has become a voice in the conversation around purpose, growth and the profound benefits of meditation. Her recent memoir expands on her personal journey: publishing company:

  • Barbara Payton | Growing Pains

    25/11/2019 Duración: 01h13min

    Barbara Payton is a sultry, Detroit rock singer/songwriter with a soulful, bluesy voice. Recognized as one of Detroit’s most powerful and engaging live performers, Barbara has rocked stages, festivals, arenas and private listening rooms for more than 25 years. In addition to her solo career, Barbara has toured as a background singer for both Bob Seger and Kid Rock. But Barbara is so much more than this bio. She is thoughtful, articulate, honest and open about her life, the growth she has dedicated to, loss, pain, parenting aging adults, reclaiming her life and what it means to her to be living more wakefully. We talk about the trappings of religion, what it was like to come out, being a local lesbian icon for decades and the role the Salvation Army played in her life. I think you love her more than ever after this deep & stirring conversation. I know I do. Event:

  • Lori Lipten | Shamanic Medium & Big Questions

    08/11/2019 Duración: 01h27min

    The incredible, wise, funny and loving Lori Lipten is back with another enlightening conversation. Lori is a teacher, author, shamanic, medium, intuitive guide, healer and so so much more. She is a bright light in the world and this conversation is illuminating in so many ways. WARNING: We go really deep, I ask some hard questions of the Universe and Lori answers with honesty, humility, ease, and grace. We talk about much that may challenge your current paradigms, how you see your life, and what it really means to be alive, now, on earth, in this plane of experience. Connect with Lori: www.lorilipten.com

  • Juliet Tang | Conscious Business

    30/10/2019 Duración: 01h11min

    Juliet Tang is a feminine business mentor for conscious and ambitious women service-based entrepreneurs – coaches, consultants, holistic doctors, therapists, practitioners, and transformational leadersAfter being raised in communist China, Juliet found her way to liberation and had many awakenings and breakthroughs along the way that has led her to her current work. We talk about life, the common hang ups and pitfalls spiritually driven women face when trying to launch into their unique soul's purpose. Juliet is a powerful, intuitive, heart centered woman whose mission it is to inspire other women to step forward into their passions & purpose by learning to harness masculine energy in a positive way that allows us to boldly do the change-making work we are called to. This conversation was important for me and I will be listening several more times in an effort to really embody these powerful reminders. Find Juliet here: up for a

  • Carly Lozdoski | BONUS Halloween Astrology

    23/10/2019 Duración: 51min

    Do you believe that the stars somehow dictate or guide the shifts that happen earthside? Have you often heard people blaming life's mishaps on MERCURY in RETROGRADE? Have you wondered what in the world that means? Do you find that this time of year leads you to feeling low? Do you feel like uncomfortable truths are asking to be exposed, do you feel called to heal? Do you feel ready to unearth some of what you have been keeping down for a long time? Welcome to Scorpio season with a bonus of mercury in retrograde. Carly helps us unpack what this all could mean as we traverse the shift into the depths of Fall. Follow Carly on Instagram OR check out her new website:

  • Kelli McMullen | Honoring the mess

    22/10/2019 Duración: 01h29min

    Kelli McMullen is the firecracker owner of an eclectic and electric movement studio called The Space in Brighton, MI. Kelli is a self-proclaimed "Cheerleader in a Yoga Teacher's body." Her studio is part yoga, part HIIT, part dance with an anchor in soulful conversation on the meaning of life. Kelli is the my kind of person, she is brave, messy, radically honest and full of F-bombs. Our conversation goes from authenticity, the raw truth on how challenging relationships are for those of us who are really showing up in them, parenting and so much more. Connect with Kelli: Space: references this book: Heart Talk by Cleo Wade.Also referenced: Brené Brown & Braving the Wilderness Join the Becoming Community.

  • Rachel | Souls Path & Purpose

    08/10/2019 Duración: 01h06min

    The lovely Rachel is back with another vibrant conversation on all the big questions of life. We talk about the purpose of suffering, oppression, healing, love, soulmates, twin flames, energy and how it moves the world and so much more. This is another life changing conversation and I am so grateful for my time with her and her willingness to share her wisdom. Rachel is always very clear to let us know she is still a student of life and to take all she says and check it against your own truth. I hope this conversation gets you thinking and inspires you to see your life from a different perspective. There are some deeply thought provoking and challenging concepts presented here. I encourage you to have an open mind and an open heart. If you are triggered by her words, dig in, look inward, find your own truth. To contact Rachel for a session email her:

  • Ann Fancy | Being a "disappointer"

    03/10/2019 Duración: 19min

    It seems so many of us have moments of lifetimes that we believe we don't belong. We spend our days trying to fit in, and our nights feeling the deep sadness of having compromised our selves to make it work. There is so much power in being seen, soulful authenticity and showing up as ourselves. Let's all learn to disappoint others while showing up in our own truth. It is powerful work and not for the faint of heart. Work I reference: and

  • Nadia Elmagrabi | Winding Path

    18/09/2019 Duración: 01h17min

    Nadia was raised by two immigrants, an Egyptian and a Brit. She spend much of her childhood free from boundaries and cultivated a life of curiosity. Somewhat unintentionally Nadia kept finding herself in the role of healer. She has worked as a massage therapist, clinical counselor and nutrition and wellness coach. But her insatiable curiosity continues to lead her to more and more interesting places. She is now part owner of Expanding Spirits an experiential crystal shop. She recently started a new adventure guiding others through Past Life Regression. This was an experience I had myself with Nadia, let me tell you... it was FASCINATING. Come along on this journey as we navigate Nadia's path and all the moments that led her to her most recent incarnation in this life. :) REFERENCEDEdgar Cayce: Codes by Dr. Sue Morter:

  • Ann Fancy | Beyond Love & Bliss...

    11/09/2019 Duración: 31min

    Hey, Hey! Season 2! Let's start this season off with a doozy of a conversation. Warning, this dialogue may push your buttons, because it has been pushing mine for years!In the world of spirituality (with or without the addition of religion), so many of us have unintentionally ignored, muted or shamed one another in the name of "faith." In fact, even if you find yourself under the label of atheist, I would challenge you to take the same look at the ways our society collectively seeks to avoid pain. We often avoid deep and challenging conversation, we fall short in holding safe space for one another in our lowest moments, and we quickly numb our own suffering in an effort to sidestep the pain. I know, we are all good people here. We don't intend to fall short. But, I think it is time to have an uncomfortable conversation around spiritual bypassing, numbing, disconnection and smatterings of plain BS in how we "use" religion, love, light, spirituality in an effort to circumnavigate p

  • Patty Shaw | The Shy Healer

    30/07/2019 Duración: 01h19min

    Patty Shaw is a healer, spiritual counselor, light-worker, author, akashic record reader and self proclaimed introvert. She has a gentle angelic energy with the ability to find a lightness and laughter in all of the challenges we face. She has been in the healing arts, the woo-woo and the new age movement since the early 90's and brings a voice of wisdom and experience as she has lived through the continual evolution of this awakening towards a 5D reality. Patty was raised in a large family, she is one of nine. She was painfully shy and learned much about the world from the vantage point of quiet observation. She and her sisters began exploring the world of energy, metaphysics, mysticism and spirituality nearly 30 years ago. They own and operate the Candle Wick Shoppe in Ferndale, MI and have expanded their reach into various facets of spirituality. We had so much to talk about from the evolution of spirituality in the last few decades, managing negative energies and ghosts, healing blockages through aka

  • Carly Lozdoski | Astrology for the July 16th Full Moon

    12/07/2019 Duración: 01h14s

    Join Carly and I as we discuss the upcoming full moon this month. Carly continues to educate us on how astrology can impact our day to day life, what makes people seemingly lose their mind around the full moon and who is impacted most deeply by the moon this July. From Carly:Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn July 16 - Full Moons are all about releasing. On Tuesday incorporate time into your day to release what no longer serves. This specific Full Moon is asking us to step toward our personal truth & give a deep bow to the structures in your life that have gotten you to this point. Journal Prompts include:• Celebrations & Successes - write out all of your societal successes. Ex: graduating from college• Graditude - write out all the things/people/jobs that have allowed you to accomplish your achievements. Ex: grateful for my Mom for babysitting so I could focus on my job to receive my big raise. • List out the blocks & stories that stop you from pursuing new areas of your life, new areas of inte

  • Teri Williams | Unexpected Path

    26/06/2019 Duración: 01h22min

    Teri Williams says she is simply someone who is doing her best to live her life. She is proudly 25 years sober and made some big shifts 25 years ago that let her to deepening her innate connection to spirit, intuition, energy work and a shamanic path. Teri is also no-nonsense kind of gal. We talk openly about the courage and bravery it takes to shift away from the dogma and programming most of us have been taught throughout our lives and step into a different understanding, a new perspective and an alternate way of seeing the world. Teri is a Shamanic Energy Practitioner as well as host of Soulful Living on Empower Radio who LOVES the sound of the drum. It reminds her heart is still beating and deepens her connection to the Universe.  She has 25 years’ experience in the healing arts and mysticism, assisting others in unleashing their potential within for overall good health and well-being. Her specialties include: Shamanic Drum Circles, Shamanic Energy sessions, Shamanic Journey Sessions, Soul Retrieval, Sham

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