Cupid's Coach With Julie Ferman



Are you Single? Wish you weren't? I'm your host, Julie Ferman, join me as I challenge today's evolutionary, modern day dating experts, through interviews that are frank, courageous, open-hearted and often hilarious.We'll shine light on your blind spots (yep, we've all got 'em) and we'll laugh through our A-HA moments together. You'll hear about couples who did dating well and found each other, and the flops -- those who are doing dating badly -- we'll learn from them too. How might you do dating differently? What subtle and not so subtle changes might you make that might just change everything? Join me on this journey as we listen, laugh, learn and love!


  • Ep. 18 - When Julie Coaches Her Coach

    12/08/2019 Duración: 49min

    30 years after Manuel Manga coached me on how to find my partner, the tables have turned and now I have my former dating coach in the hot seat, addressing what romantic love is today. The dangers in The List, why wealth and beauty aren't the answer, what women can do to become easier to find, to date, and to love!

  • Ep. 17 - Pickiness, Loneliness, and Happiness

    05/08/2019 Duración: 51min

    Join me as I interview relationship expert Wendy Newman, author of 121 First Dates, revealing the truth about pickiness and how to evolve beyond it. Why dating the short guy might change everything for you. What to do if you're stuck in "One Date Wonderland" - and Happiness Habits that will transform loneliness into healthy self-love!

  • Ep. 16 - Romance & Intimacy

    21/07/2019 Duración: 43min

    When romantic chemistry doesn't happen, why is that? "The Relationship Coach" Devon Loomis joins be to discuss how to develop the ability to connect with others, through falling in love with ourselves first. The real purpose of dating. The gifts in breakdown, conflict and triggers. When to go inward and when to engage? The dangers in pornography, as the ultimate disconnect and the exact opposite of intimacy, love, and healthy relationship.

  • Ep. 15 - How To Be Courageous

    14/07/2019 Duración: 37min

    How did Debbie find her guy? Why does a prince look like in today's modern world? Why your expectations could be your biggest barrier to finding relationship. Should you lose weight first, or date while you're on a fitness kick? And what to do with that phone of yours while you're on a date. This episode is all about courage, developing the courage to step outside your existing comfort zone, and the rewards that this extra courage will bring you!  

  • Ep. 14 - Small Town Love

    20/06/2019 Duración: 41min

    We take aim at dating in Santa Fe, New Mexico! The best venues for dining solo, how to make magic of Trader Joe's, The Coop, Whole Foods, and how Ecstatic Dance is for anyone and everyone. Hiking, cooking classes, art gallery socials, connection opportunities over music festivals, festivals and food trucks. Why we should never burn a bridge, chatting, flirting, initiating, getting good at capturing that phone number, and what about sober dating? How women can and should let him know she's open to his initiation, and how to let someone down easy, making a friend in the process. How ghosting is self-sabotage and how truthful, compassionate communication is your friend, and how to build your OWN social network of fantastic single people!

  • Ep. 13 - What Men Truly Need

    10/06/2019 Duración: 57min

    Join me as I tap into the wisdom of renowned dating coach for strong, successful women, Evan Marc Katz. What is compatibility, really? How to adjust our dating behavior and expectations in this world of rapidly evolving gender roles. Discover what men truly need from women, and how to be that woman who gets the best out of the men in your life. Why so many married couples are unhappy and how to manage your love life so that won't be you in the future. 

  • Ep. 12 - Adventure Dating

    02/06/2019 Duración: 48min

    Listen in as Mark Owen, Founder of Events and Adventures shares the value of social and athletic events as a vehicle for developing interpersonal skills and as a chance  to explore common passions with like minded people. Why sleeping around and drinking too much will kill your options, how to dress up a coffee date, what "marrying up" really is, and how a guy who isn't looking for marriage ends up there...happily!

  • Ep. 11 - Discover Your Love Lineage To Free Your Soul

    25/05/2019 Duración: 44min

    What is your love lineage? The Love Designer Renee Piane joines me to show how what we learned about love from our family of origin often blocks us from the relationship we're hoping to find; healing our own hearts through understanding and releasing historical pain. We explore the power of intuition and how sparks can ignite after decades of dormancy. 

  • Ep. 10 - Dating Disasters...And Miracles Too!

    12/05/2019 Duración: 41min

    Listen in as I share real life stories of dating mishaps and success from the archives of a real life matchmaker. People who got it right, who did dating well, and ... those who are messing things up royally. What can we learn from these wins and the tragic losses? How expectations and assumptions are your enemy, how texting or the absence of a text can ruin everything. How a dog can be your best flirting prop, when to let the guy pay, the valet parking dilemma, and the real truth about money in dating!

  • Ep. 9 - Confidence, Vulnerability, Trust & Boundaries

    06/05/2019 Duración: 42min

    Join me as I explore the ways we unknowingly sabotage our romantic relationships with psychologist and best-selling author, Dr. Debra Mandel. Dr. Mandel (author of "Dump That Chump" and "Healing The Sensitive Heart") reveals the power in confidence, tenderness and vulnerability. You'll discover how the stories you share might be hurting you, and how anger chases love away.  You'll learn how to know if you're rebounding or truly ready to love again, and how to determine what YOUR part is, in relationships that didn't endure. 

  • Ep. 8 - Lose The Weight, Get The Date!

    29/04/2019 Duración: 34min

    Wanna know how to feel great, and handle the weight issue once and for all? Nutrition and Health Coach Liz O'Keefe is the woman who knows, because she has done it and can show you how! Join us as we share a weight loss/nutrition solution that's easy to integrate and just plain works. Losing 15 lbs can transform your responses from "meh" to "wow!" and is the magic ticket to health, love, and the life you are looking to get!  

  • Ep. 7 - Online Dating In A 2019 World

    21/04/2019 Duración: 41min

      Online Dating Guru Julie Spira jumps into the hot seat to talk getting off the hamster wheel, the paradox of online snooping, the reality of rebounds, and finding a true connection! We reveal how to manage age issues, height issues, food issues, finances, transients, and non-committals - plus photo tips, safety tips, creating a welcoming space, and much, much, more! Everything you need to succeed online - and get offline fast!  

  • Ep. 6 - Being Your Own Matchmaker

    14/04/2019 Duración: 52min

    TV Personality and Dating Specialist Damona Hoffman joins me to explore taking control of your dating destiny through initiation, finding the FUN in dating, and being your own matchmaker. Listen in as we reveal the tricks to getting offline quickly to have real world connections, how much to reveal initially, and what to hold back. Everything you need to find the dates you want and the love you seek!

  • Ep. 5 - How To Create Love On Purpose

    07/04/2019 Duración: 46min

    Soulmate Coaches Orna and Matthew Walters join me to talk creating love on purpose, and managing communication in a modern dating culture. Ghosting. The Money Trap. The Car Door. And the power of a foot rub! Dive in as we explore the blessing of a bump in the road, appreciation and acknowledgement as fuel for our men, how to tell if he really wants a relationship - and what his showing off for you REALLY means!

  • Ep. 4 - Soulmates, Happiness, and Developing a Magnetic Heart

    31/03/2019 Duración: 57min

    Renowned Vedic Astrologist Carol Allen shows us the power of curiosity, how to recognize our energetic compliment and the importance of bringing happiness to our love lives. Why are we rarely attracted to the person who’s perfect on paper? What is a soul - and are we meant to find a soulmate? Sexual chemistry vs. compatibility, broken pickers, the danger in quick conclusions, contempt, and overthinking. Boners, bad kissers, hormones,a woman’s role in her own satisfaction, and much, much more!

  • Ep. 3 - Presence, Beards, Confidence... And A Tube Of Lipstick!

    24/03/2019 Duración: 50min

    Are you a Fear-Based Flaw Finder, frozen in pickiness? Image Expert & Therapist Kim Seltzer reveals the power of experience, practice, presence and connecting energetically to create real chemistry.  Sex -how long to keep your pants on, when to reveal your “stuff,” and how to date without attachment. Are your results begging you to adjust your expectations? How to turn disappointment into an a-ha moment. Guys, keep the beard, ditch it, trim it? Is your “look” attracting the right women? Ladies, the power of The Dress, The Shoes, and maybe just one tube of lipstick in developing your approachability quotient. 

  • Ep. 2 - The Female Side Of Courtship

    17/03/2019 Duración: 42min

    What's a woman's role in dating today? Listen in as Julie interviews fellow matchmaker Marla Martenson about how smart women are putting the spin on courtship in the post #MeToo era. How can she get HIM to initiate? Should she text him a Thank You after the date? Attraction: WHY a man is stuck on his preferred body type, and what to do about it. Entitlement, expectations, and the too-quick-to-veto trap.  Manifesting through affirmations, intuition and kindness, and how to NOT burn your bridges.   

  • Ep. 1 - The Time Is Now

    10/03/2019 Duración: 40min

    In this, my very first episode of the Cupid's Coach podcast, I share with you the reasons why I'm optimistic about dating, yes, even in today's wild world.  I guide you through the process of creating your Romance Marketing Plan -- your guide, to keep your love life on track. You'll identify your Elements of Appeal (why you're a Catch) and also the areas where you might want to evolve, to cause yourself to be more marketable and more lovable. You'll nail down the qualities that most matter to you in the partner who's in your future, learning the distinction between a preference and a Critical Criteria. And you'll create your strategic action plan for the coming year of your life. Your love life is yours to design. Starting today. 

  • Welcome To The Cupid's Coach Podast!

    03/02/2019 Duración: 51s

    I'm Julie Ferman, take a sneak peek at the road ahead as we laugh, learn, share, grow, and love!

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