This Is Your Brain With Dr. Phil Stieg



Dr. Phil Stieg, Neurosurgeon-in-Chief of NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center and founder and Chairman of the Weill Cornell Medicine Brain and Spine Center, introduces his new podcast, which will explore different aspects of our most important and complex organ the brain. In each episode, this world-renowned neurosurgeon will present a view into how the brain works, what can go wrong, and what we know about how to fix it. Get life-saving information and timely advice on how to live a brain-healthy life


  • Game Changer: A Concussion Revolution

    25/08/2023 Duración: 28min

    The impact of mild traumatic brain injury extends far beyond the gridiron – concussions can happen anywhere, including playing fields, bike paths, and war zones. Kenneth Kutner, PhD, who specializes in head injuries and has been the team neuropsychologist for the New York Giants for 30 seasons, joins us to talk about what the latest research has revealed about concussion and how it affects physical health and cognitive function. From the military to the NFL, and even in the corporate boardroom, this invisible injury is finally emerging from the shadows. Plus… why don’t woodpeckers get concussions?

  • Thinking In Pictures

    11/08/2023 Duración: 28min

    Temple Grandin, PhD, wants kids -- especially those on the autism spectrum -- to start using their hands again. The woman Oliver Sacks called "the anthropologist on Mars" explains how our brains may be naturally wired to think in words, mathematics, or visuals, and there's nothing disordered about any of them. Dr. Grandin urges us to respect our young visual thinkers and celebrate their strengths instead of labelling them disabilities.

  • Taking Laughter Seriously

    28/07/2023 Duración: 24min

    Giggles, guffaws, or belly laughs -- whenever we crack up, we're communicating more than we realize. Laughter, says Dr. Sophie Scott, a neuroscientist at University College London as well as a standup comic, is pretty complicated. It's a way of expressing group membership and affection (as long as nobody is laughing AT you) and involves a physical reaction as well as an emotional one. Scott can make you laugh -- and then explain why you did!

  • Finding Your Soul In Ice (reprise)

    14/07/2023 Duración: 27min

    Extreme athlete Wim Hof has set records for immersion in icy water, and he recommends it for physical and mental health. Find out why his wife's suicide drove Hof to master controlled hyperventilation -- in breathtaking cold -- to become happy, strong, and healthy. (Everything else, he'll tell you, is BS!) Surprisingly, heart and brain science just may support the Wim Hof Method.  Plus... contrasting Ice with Fire.

  • Marketing to Your Primal Brain

    30/06/2023 Duración: 29min

    With each of us receiving more than 30,000 messages a day - everything from news headlines to print, TV, radio, and online advertising - how do today's marketing professionals have a chance of getting a product or service to stand out?  Dr. Christophe Morin is a "neuromarketer," combining his expertise in neuroscience with his passion for understanding how to persuade people to do or buy almost anything. This week, Dr. Morin talks about the "emotional cocktail" that is our response to advertising messages, and why appeals to the rational brain don't work. Hit the primal brain using these six strategies, he says, and you'll get the emotional brain to respond every time. Plus... did subliminal advertising ever work? 

  • I've Got (Circadian) Rhythm!

    16/06/2023 Duración: 29min

    Your brain, your heart -- in fact, every cell in your body -- has its own clock telling you when to be alert and when to pack it in. You probably know that jet lag and daylight savings time affect that clock, but did you know that the food you eat (and when you eat it) as well as your activity level can also wreak havoc on it? Emily Manoogian, PhD, chronobiologist and clinical researcher at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, explains how shift work, long flights, eating at the wrong times, and even staying up too late on weekends all affect health, mood, and emotional regulation. Plus - what happens when animals are thrown off their rhythm?

  • Mesmerized By Magic

    02/06/2023 Duración: 28min

    Magicians and illusionists rely on our brains' tendency to predict what comes next—and the surprise we feel when we're wrong. Dr. Luis Martinez, a neuroscientist at the Spanish National Research Council at the Institute of Neuroscience in Alicante, Spain, explains how card tricks, illusions, and other sleight of hand is all about the brain's interpretation of reality. Hint: your reality is different from the magician's.   

  • The “Reading Brain” In A Digital World

    19/05/2023 Duración: 26min

    The human brain did not evolve to read -- but reading makes us more fully human as it opens up new worlds of understanding and empathy. Today, as we read so much by "skimming" on phones and tablets, we're missing out on the sophisticated thought processes that deep reading provides. Dr. Maryanne Wolf, director of the Center for Dyslexia, Diverse Learners, and Social Justice at UCLA and the author of several books on literacy, joins us this week to discuss how reading in a digital era affects our critical thinking and leaves us vulnerable to misinformation.   Plus... is dyslexia actually a superpower?

  • The Mother of All Brain Changes

    05/05/2023 Duración: 27min

    New parents - especially moms - experience profound changes in the brain when they are expecting and welcoming a new baby. Health journalist Chelsea Conaboy explains how the caricature of "mommy brain" and its cognitive fog has it all wrong - parenthood actually has a neuroprotective effect, as the brain adapts to meeting the needs of children. It happens to all parents, not just mothers, but it's most dramatic in gestating parents. Plus... how it takes a troop to raise a monkey. 

  • Unlearning Addiction

    21/04/2023 Duración: 27min

    Teen brains are uniquely primed for addiction -- that age is all about novelty seeking, risk taking, and impulsivity, a developmental stage with strong drives and little inhibition -- and they "learn" the pleasures of alcohol and drugs a little too well. Judith Grisel, PhD, a behavioral neuroscientist at Bucknell University who has written widely (and from personal experience) about the brain chemistry of addiction, explains why the urge to feel good "on demand" is so difficult to resist, and how the brain adapts to highs and lows. Fortunately, she also explains the path to life after addiction. Plus... why smelling weed on every street corner these days makes recovery much harder.

  • Engaging Your Spiritual Core

    07/04/2023 Duración: 26min

    You know what you have to do to tighten your abs (whether or not you actually do it), but do you know how to awaken your brain?  Lisa Miller, professor of psychology at Columbia University, explains how we humans are hard-wired for spirituality, but we've lost the connection. Faith-based traditions once connected most of us to something larger than ourselves, and without that we've entered a self-centered age of widespread depression, addiction, and suicide. Dr. Miller has insight into how to awaken our brains and reconnect to the deeper force in life, even if you don't believe in a god. For episode transcripts and more information:  Dr. Miller's book "The Awakened Brain": 

  • Presence: Hallucination or Visitation?

    24/03/2023 Duración: 28min

    Have you ever felt a "presence" - someone next to you, even speaking to you, when no one is there? Dr. Ben Alderson-Day, a psychologist at Durham University in the UK, studies the phenomena of felt presences, or what he calls "the unseen other." These experiences are not always symptoms of mental illness - these are universally reported and not always distressing. Learn what's happening in the brain during these hallucinations - or should we call them visitations? Plus... how the Internet brings together groups of people who can conjure up invisible friends, seemingly on command. Full transcripts and additional resources available at:  For more about Dr. Alderson-Day's book, "Presence; The Strange Science and True Stories of the Unseen Other" 

  • Thinking in Pictures

    10/03/2023 Duración: 28min
  • Speaking Truth to Trauma

    24/02/2023 Duración: 30min

    Some 6 million Americans suffer from active PTSD at any given moment, and nearly half of us will be exposed to major trauma at some point in our lives. Dr. Shaili Jain, a Stanford University psychiatrist and PTSD specialist, explains why silence plays such a large role in the aftermath of trauma, why some people recover quickly and others don't, and why men experience more trauma but women are more likely to develop PTSD.  Plus... mitigating trauma with the help of “man’s best friend.”  

  • Magic, Myths, and the Unconscious Mind

    10/02/2023 Duración: 24min

    Superstitions, fairy tales, and talismans are more than silly remnants of our early human history -- they are bridges to the unconscious mind. Psychiatrist Daniel Z. Lieberman, MD, talks about just how complicated the unconscious is, and how rituals and fairy tales actually make us more sophisticated managers of our conscious mind.

  • The Other Side of A Stroke

    27/01/2023 Duración: 24min

    With the left hemisphere of her brain ravaged by a hemorrhage, neuroscientist Jill Bolte Taylor made a surprising discovery. The brain bleed had not only deprived her of language, it had also wiped away memory of past trauma. What Dr. Taylor learned about brain cells after a stroke has implications for identity, spirituality, and insight.  Find out why you’re a better lie detector without your left hemisphere, and why shouting at a stroke survivor is not the best strategy.   Plus - the "Singing Brain Banker".  

  • Secrets of the Sleeping Brain

    14/01/2023 Duración: 26min

    We all work on important tasks while we sleep – consolidating memories, building immunity, and managing weight, just for starters – but some of us do a whole lot more. From walking and talking to driving and committing crimes, sleep disorders can be disruptive, dangerous, and downright deadly. British neurologist and sleep expert Guy Leschziner explains how different parts of the brain can be in different stages of sleep at the same time, how the most common sleep disorder is actually several different problems, and why poor sleep may cause hallucinations and out-of-body experiences. Plus - how some animals can sleep with one eye open!

  • Cultivating Confidence (repeat)

    30/12/2022 Duración: 29min

    Where in the brain is that little something that makes top performers feel so confident in their ability? Can that confidence be developed in someone who is naturally more timid? Dr. Nate Zinsser, director of West Point’s Performance Psychology Program and author of The Confident Mind, explains how a sense of mastery develops, and why butterflies in your stomach are a signal from the brain when you're about to do something great. Plus... why Ted Lasso wants us all to be a little more like goldfish.

  • The Neuroscience of “Movie Night”

    16/12/2022 Duración: 26min

    Did you ever notice when you see a close up of Julia Roberts smiling on the big screen, you have an urge to smile back?  That’s an effect of your brain’s “Mirror Rule” according to Dr. Jeff Zacks of Washington University.  Watching movies in a theater stimulates the signals in our brains more than almost any other activity.  Dr. Zacks investigates the various ways your brain is being manipulated while you are watching movies – including how propaganda movies embed into your memory more powerfully than books or any other medium.  Plus – how “the talkies” changed us!

  • Natural Born Killer Cells

    02/12/2022 Duración: 27min

    Placental stem cells have the potential to stop cancer and autoimmune disorders in their tracks, slow or even halt the aging process, and perhaps even tackle the next pandemic. Dr. Robert Hariri, a surgeon and stem cell entrepreneur, explains how a temporary product of pregnancy, often discarded as waste, is actually an example of evolution at its best, a veritable "nature's supermarket" for cells with amazing regenerative properties. Plus - learn how some cells are more "potent" than others. 

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