Mother The Mother



Discussions of the many facets of Motherhood, with a particular focus on the Postpartum journey. You've had the baby - now what?! As told from a Doulas perspective, helping women to empower themselves from fertility through to postpartum. Sharing ways for women to be supported in order to heal, thrive and kill the mom game.


  • 018 | Death Becomes Her: Conscious Dying + The Art of Death Midwifery | with Olivia Bareham

    17/07/2019 Duración: 01h07min

    Rev. Olivia Bareham has been a powerful inspiration and guiding force in my life and in my relationship with death – something that is often difficult for us to talk about or even think about, but something that is also necessary to talk about when you’re discussing life. That is why Olivia – who is a certified Death Midwife, Home Funeral Guide, and Celebrant – founded Sacred Crossings with the vision of changing the culture of death and dying through education, death midwifery, and home funerals. Olivia not only counsels bedside with the dying but facilitates classes and workshops in conscious dying and a certificate program in The Art of Death Midwifery. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: Resources: Learn more at ( Facebook: Twitter: Die Wise: A Manifesto for Sanity and Soul by Stephen Jenkinson Mother the Mother is a production of Crate Media

  • 017 | Podcast Inspiration + Branding + Women's Work

    10/07/2019 Duración: 54min

    Kelli Tennant is like my second podcast mom. She pushed me, inspired me, and pointed me in the right direction so that I could share my message with all of you beautiful people! Kelli is also the host of her own podcast, ( , and a big believer in the power of podcasts to change people’s lives. I also know you will love Kelli, too, because she is an advocate for women in everything she does, using her podcast and platform to help us heal, grow and elevate our lives through food, holistic medicine, and badass vibes. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: Resources: Learn more at ( See Ceremony Wellness LIVE: Listen: Ceremony Wellness Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Mother the Mother is a production of Crate Media

  • 016 | Birth + Loss within the Life Continuum of Women | with Ivy Joeva

    03/07/2019 Duración: 55min

    Ivy Joeva is a certified holistic health counselor, registered yoga therapist, DONA-certified birth and postpartum doula, and Khalsa Way prenatal yoga instructor – which all adds up to being a mother’s personal consultant for birth and beyond! Ivy firmly believes “EVERY birth is a good birth,” and that’s why she’s so passionate about encouraging moms to find their own voice and values, armed with accurate information and a strong arsenal of tools for labor and life. Today, Ivy shares why she started her second life as a doula, how she rocks that true feminine power to her core, and what women need to know about birth and loss along the life continuum of womanhood. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: ( Resources: Learn more at ( Instagram: Mother the Mother is a production of Crate Media

  • 015 | Embracing What Is: Motherhood + Integrative Reiki + Zen Buddhism | with Lara Elliott

    26/06/2019 Duración: 01h16min

    Lara Elliott, M.S. LAc is the incredible, inspiring woman who taught me reiki, and she’s really become a dear friend over the years. I have so much respect for the way that she works and how she has studied so many different modalities: craniosacral therapy, Reiki, acupuncture, chinese medicine, and Zen Buddhism to name a few. But before she transitioned into the healing arts, Lara was in the fashion world for years – and I love that because I really resonate with body workers or healers who have walked the walk and lived many different lives. I find it easier to connect with and trust the people who have really lived. I don’t think that’s necessarily right for everybody, but it’s important for me when I’m trusting someone to enter my sacred space and help me heal. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: Resources: Learn more at Instagram: Mother the Mother is a production of Crate Media

  • 014 | Post-Retreat Download + The Freedom of Getting Away | Real Talk

    19/06/2019 Duración: 22min

    Last week, I shared all my big feelings about leaving town for nine days without my babies – and, today, I want to share what I learned about myself and my relationship from our couple’s retreat! To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: Resources: Learn more at Instagram: @motherthemother Mother the Mother is a production of Crate Media

  • 013 | MagaMama on Women's Worth + Single Motherhood + Up Leveling in Business | with Kimberly Ann Johnson

    12/06/2019 Duración: 01h17min

    Kimberly Ann Johnson is a dear friend and colleague, and she has been an expander and inspiration for me ever since inviting me to be on her podcast! I joined her just four days before I gave birth to Goldy Wolf, and I was in the “birth zone” so I loved sharing what it was like to be in that portal and what my hopes and dreams were for my birth (spoiler: they came true!). That was my first ever podcast interview, so really, you can think of Kimberly as my “podcast mom!” Kimberly is a Sexological Bodyworker, a Somatic Experiencing trauma resolution practitioner, a birth doula, and a single mom. She specializes in helping women prepare for birth, recover from birth injuries and birth trauma, and heal from sexual trauma. She is the author of the bestselling book The Fourth Trimester: A Postpartum Guide to Healing Your Body, Balancing Your Emotions and Restoring Your Vitality, an incredible book that I recommend to any new mom or mom-to-be! She is also the creator of Activate Your Inner Jaguar, an online course u

  • 012 | Big Feelings: Discussing Trust + Allowing for Miracles as I Leave Town (Without My Kids!) | Real Talk

    05/06/2019 Duración: 30min

    Our society likes to talk about the hard things in life after they’ve already happened; we like to wait until we’ve already gone through the healing process and found some closure. But I don’t. I like to talk about things while I’m going through them, and I like to listen to people while they’re going through their own stuff. Especially in this space, I think it’s really important to know how people feel when they’re actually going through the thing – because almost all of us are going to go through a pregnancy or support a loved one going through a pregnancy at some point in our lives, and almost all of us are going to have some difficulties during the postpartum period! And, because we often feel alone when we’re going through difficult times, it can be so powerfully healing to hear these stories. So, today, I want to talk about my experience as I prepare to leave my children for an extended period of time, for the first time since my first child was born. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, vis

  • 011 | Deep Healing: When Mind + Body + Spirit Are Viewed as Equal Parts of the Whole | with Dr. Jo Taisuke

    29/05/2019 Duración: 52min

    I am absolutely over the moon to share today’s guest with all of you. Dr. Jo Taisuke is an amazing person, healer, and bodyworker who has been a key player in my postpartum healing. My whole family goes to see Dr. Jo, and we really appreciate his holistic perspective on health; he views the person as an interconnected system of mind, body, and spirit, in which each part of the system is an equal part of the whole. I can’t say enough positive things about this man, and after this episode, I’m sure you will understand why! To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: Resources: Learn more at ( Mother the Mother is a production of Crate Media

  • 010 | Relationship After Baby | Real Talk

    22/05/2019 Duración: 29min

    Content warning: I discuss physical and sexual abuse in this episode. Today I want to start a conversation about your relationships, partnerships, and marriages after having a baby. This is a massive topic and I’m sure we’ll talk about it again on the show, but a lot of people have been coming to me with questions about partnership so I think it’s pertinent that we start the discussion today. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: Resources: Learn more at Instagram: @motherthemother Stan Tatkin: ( Mother the Mother is a production of Crate Media

  • 009 | Postpartum Psychosis + Healing | with Lisa Abramson

    15/05/2019 Duración: 43min

    Many moms and moms-to-be aren’t aware of Postpartum Psychosis, and it certainly wasn’t something our guest ever thought possible when she got pregnant. And although it isn’t very common – it affects about 1 in 1000 new moms – it’s something that women should be aware of and talking about. So, in today’s episode, Lisa Abramson shares her journey of giving birth, coming to terms with her psychosis, seeking professional help, and ultimately committing to mindfulness self-care practices that allowed her to heal herself and, later, give birth to a second healthy baby girl. It’s a powerful and moving story, but the most beautiful thing about it is that Lisa didn’t stop after healing herself – she is now showing up for thousands of other women, as an executive coach, mindfulness teacher, and the author of The Wise Mama Guide to Maternity Leave. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: Resources: Learn more at: ( Instagram:

  • 008 | Women's Worth in Motherhood + Honoring Women Without Kids | Real Talk

    08/05/2019 Duración: 20min

    What do you feel you are worth? Women’s worth is a massive topic, and it’s something I feel like I’m always discussing with my mom friends, my single friends, my colleagues, and my mentors – so, pretty much every woman in my life! It’s definitely a societal question that’s being asked right now, as women are standing up for themselves like they never have before. But this is also a very confusing time; it’s a confusing time in our political climate, it’s a confusing time in our job market, and it’s a confusing time in many of our families. We’re dancing around a whole new way of being, of looking at motherhood and womanhood; we all know that mothers, and women in general, are not supported as we need to be, but I also think we can see this changing in front of our eyes, and things will improve for our generation and the generations to come. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: Resources: Learn more at Instagram: @motherthemother Read: Spirit

  • 007 | Motherhood + Mantras | with Wah!

    01/05/2019 Duración: 01h06min

    This interview is a total dream moment manifested. Wah! recently came to my house in LA, met my family (we’re all huge fans), and sat down with me to share her journey of living her dharma, sharing her music, and mantras for healing. I emailed Wah! out of the blue last Fall on what I thought would be a total shot in the dark, but she met my question with a big, “Yes!” I am eternally grateful to Wah! for allowing her stunning recording of “Jai Ma” to be played at the beginning of the show to set the tone and intention for the Mother The Mother podcast. I knew in my bones that it had to have this mantra, and so it is. Wah! is a world-renowned musician who brings healing through sound and the teachings of yoga, creating high energy tracks of Sanskrit mantras using electronic keyboards, drums, and bass. If you have taken a yoga class in the last 20 years, you have undoubtedly heard her music. She has also lectured at Princeton University and Loyola Marymount University, performed with Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer

  • 006 | Self-Care = Self-Love | Real Talk

    24/04/2019 Duración: 30min

    Self-care is a bit of a buzzword these days, and a lot of us are trying to prioritize implementing self-care into our daily lives – but it can (ironically) be a little stressful figuring out where and when to start, especially as moms and moms-to-be! So today, we’re going to think about what “self-care” means to each of us, in this moment and at this particular point on our journey of motherhood, and simple self-care strategies that anyone can implement. This isn’t just lip service to a trendy topic – self-care and self-nurturing is setting you up or setting you down for the life that you want to be living. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: Resources: Learn more at Instagram: @motherthemother Mother the Mother is a production of Crate Media

  • 005 | Psychological Astrologer: What We Can Learn from the Human Experience | with Danielle Beinstein

    17/04/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    Danielle Beinstein is a great friend and an extremely grounded psychological astrologer. So, if this is a world you know nothing about, if it’s something you’ve been interested in dipping your toe into, or even if it seems a little too woo-woo for you, I urge you to listen with an open mind because she is a beautiful entré into the world of psychological astrology. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: Resources: Learn more at Instagram: Mother the Mother is a production of Crate Media

  • 004 | My Birth Stories | Real Talk

    10/04/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    Birth stories are a fascinating portal into who we are as women and how we bring our babies earthside... and it’s just so incredible how we all do it so differently! So, today, I want to share my birth stories. I think it’s important that I share these experiences because they are really what led me into this work, and they still guide me today. I had to go through a lot of pain and suffering to get here, and now I want to, as much as I can, to support other women so that they don’t have to suffer in isolation. But I also want to acknowledge that, especially if you’re pregnant, this is not your story; you and your baby have your own unfolding that will be revealed in due time. Every woman has their own journey and their own lessons that they need to learn. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: Resources: Learn more at Instagram: @motherthemother Mother the Mother is a production of Crate Media

  • 003 | Mamaste, Mindful Moms, & Supporting Women On the Birth Journey | with Lori Bregman

    03/04/2019 Duración: 56min

    Today, I am so honored to be able to share one of the most positive women that I know (I swear she is sprinkled with fairy dust): Lori Bregman, a renowned doula, life coach, healer, and the author of both The Mindful Mom to Be and Mamaste: Discover a More Authentic, Balanced, and Joyful Motherhood from Within. From the day that I met Lori as a brand new Postpartum Doula, she has been nothing shy of a sister of the heart and mentor to me. She has encouraged me and lifted me up when I needed guidance, and I know that all of her clients feel the same way about her. With over 15 years of experience, Lori works with moms to be and new moms on all aspects of their personal transformation, from fertility through pregnancy and into new motherhood. She is unique in her innate ability to blend spiritual coaching, healing, and intuition, fully integrating them into a powerful Doula practice. Lori cultivates a strong relationship with her clients by supporting them throughout the entire process – before, during and after

  • 002 | What's Up with the First 40 Days? | Real Talk

    27/03/2019 Duración: 24min

    Today I want to start a conversation about the First 40 Days, which is also known as the fourth trimester or sitting moon, and really examine what it means and how you can implement it into your healing, if you feel called to do so. This postpartum period is really a space for you to heal as the mother, and it helps you prepare to show up as a good mother in the many, many months of motherhood to come. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: Resources: Learn more at Instagram: @motherthemother Email: The First Forty Days cookbook: Mother the Mother is a production of Crate Media

  • 001 | Craniosacral Magic | with Dr. Maura Moynihan

    20/03/2019 Duración: 43min

    I feel blessed to have had the healing hands of today’s guest, Dr. Maura Moynihan, help my baby when she needed extra support as a newborn, as well as for her loving Mama care when I needed it as a mother of a newborn. I think I speak for all of my women friends that know her – whether they are a doula or a client – that she is a true gem in the healing world. So who is Dr. Maura Moynihan? She is a craniosacral practitioner, a chiropractor, and so much more. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: Resources: Learn more at Instagram: Rising Tide Women’s Group: Mother the Mother is a production of Crate Media

  • Creating a Space to Gather, Support, & Empower Mothers | Real Talk with McLean McGown

    06/03/2019 Duración: 10min

    Hello new mothers, mothers-to-be, and curious Souls! My name is McLean McGown, and I am so excited to introduce myself to all of you and invite you to join me on this journey. As a Postpartum Doula and prenatal motherhood guide, my intention is to create a space where we, as women, can gather to support and empower our own healing. Whether you are a mother to your own children, to your business, to your animals, to your friend’s kids, or to your own inner child, you are welcome here and you are needed here. We all need to learn and hear and bear witness to each others’ stories, and your stories will be received without judgement and without shame. Because this is your tribe. And no matter where we are in this world, no matter where we are on this journey of motherhood and womanhood, it is so important to learn and share with one another. If you have any burning questions to ask, topics you want to hear about, or stories to share, please share them! You can DM me on Instagram @motherthemother or you can em

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