Ken and Deb Mornings



Begin each day with Ken and Deb in the Morning, a live and local radio broadcast designed to get you going in the right direction. Heard every weekday from 6 to 9 a.m., hosts Ken Brooks and Deb Gustafson will encourage you with Scripture, spark thoughtful conversation on current topics and challenge you to live today for Jesus Christ. Listen for Christian music, news, traffic updates, weather, community events, interviews, features, as well as opportunities for you to participate! Designed to inspire, inform and entertain, Moody Radio's Ken and Deb in the Morning will bring a smile to your face as you dive into your day.


  • Our Father: A Conversation with Becky Harling

    11/06/2024 Duración: 10min

    What can we learn about our Heavenly Father from the Lord's Prayer? Bible Teacher Becky Harling introduces us to the deep theology of the Lord's prayer and the invitation to relationship contained in this pattern of prayer Jesus taught his disciples to pray. As we head toward a weekend celebrating fatherhood, be comforted by what Jesus taught us about our Abba Father.See for privacy information.

  • The 5 Masculine Instincts: A Conversation with Chase Replogle

    10/06/2024 Duración: 13min

    The struggle is real in knowing how to handle those instincts that are part of our DNA. In this conversation, Chase Replogle teaches us about the 5 Masculine Instincts unpacking the experience of men in the Bible and how men today can learn from their example. Learn how to employ these instincts in a way that helps you become a better man!See for privacy information.

  • Family Crisis and Mental Health: A Conversation with Dr. Joannie DeBrito

    10/06/2024 Duración: 14min

    Close to 60 percent of couples say that they have experienced a marriage crisis that has mental illness as a major factor. What is the best way to support your spouse who is dealing with depression, suicidal tendencies, anxiety, and PTSD? Is it wise to wait to address mental health struggles? Licensed marriage and family therapist on staff at Focus on the Family Dr. Joannie DeBrito talks with us about these questions and provides helpful information and tools to address and overcome these challenges in this segment on Mornings with Seth and Deb. See for privacy information.

  • Fathers in the Field: A Conversation with John Smithbaker

    07/06/2024 Duración: 16min

    Over 17 million children in our culture live without a biological, step, or adoptive father in the home. What role does the Church have in addressing and filling this need? John Smithbaker seeks to engage the Church through his Fathers in the Field program. This is a ministry that seeks to stand in the gap for fatherlessness through a one-on-one mentorship program. John joins Seth and Deb to celebrate dads and encourage churches to step in and step up in the lives of young men to fill this vital role. See for privacy information.

  • A Christian Perspective on the News: A Conversation with Dr. Mark Caleb Smith

    06/06/2024 Duración: 14min

    What do the recent guilty verdicts mean for former President Trump? Will his legal troubles affect his run for the presidency? Dr. Mark Caleb Smith joins Seth and Deb to talk about the trial and how, as Christians, we should be processing these guilty verdicts and what they reveal about the candidates and the current political climate. How do the decisions in this case provide lessons for us on the meaning of justice and the state of our justice in the US? Be listening for this Christian Perspective on the news on Thursday's Mornings with Seth and Deb. See for privacy information.

  • God Speaks Your Love Language: A Conversation with Dr. Gary Chapman

    06/06/2024 Duración: 15min

    What is your love language? How does God speak your love language? As we approach Father's Day you may be feeling as if you never had a father who truly knew you and knew how to speak love into your life. The good news is that we have a Heavenly Father who knew us from our very beginning and also knows how to best communicate love to us. Dr. Gary Chapman joins Seth and Deb to show us how God speaks our love language and how to recognize His overtures of love to us. See for privacy information.

  • Voice of the Martyrs Update: A Conversation with Todd Nettleton

    05/06/2024 Duración: 15min

    Where are some of the most difficult and dangerous places to be a Christian? Every other week on Mornings with Seth and Deb we visit with Todd Nettleton from Voice of the Martyrs who fills us in on the latest stories of persecution from brothers and sisters in Christ. In this conversation, Todd updates us on Susanna Koh's ongoing trial in Malaysia, discusses the results of India's elections, and we'll hear a report on what kind of persecution Christians in Vietnam are facing. Listen in for specific ways to pray and to hear the amazing ways God is working through His people. See for privacy information.

  • Moving On: A Conversation with Jason Crosby

    05/06/2024 Duración: 19min

    Has God ever called you to move on to a new ministry, a new job opportunity? What was it like to go through that process and how have you seen God work the move out for His glory and your good? Seth and Deb talk to former Moody Radio Quad Cities Station Manager Jason Crosby about a new beginning in his life and how he has experienced God's leading to his new ministry assignment! Listen for Jason's "move on" story and call in to share your story on Wednesday's Mornings with Seth and Deb!See for privacy information.

  • 5 Hebrew Names of God Every Christian Should Know: A Conversation with Melissa Briggs

    04/06/2024 Duración: 14min

    How do the Hebrew names of God help us to know God better and to draw nearer to Him? Melissa Briggs is an experienced Hebrew Teacher who regularly joins Seth and Deb to share the riches of the Hebrew language. In this conversation, she'll explain 5 Hebrew names of God. Explore the powerful meanings of God as our Rock, Shepherd, Provider, The Lord Who Provides, The Lord Our Righteousness, and Jealous God with Hebrew Teacher Melissa Briggs on Mornings with Seth and Deb!See for privacy information.

  • The Size of Your Cross: A Prepared Devotional Teaching with Gerad Hall

    04/06/2024 Duración: 13min

    What is the size of your cross?  Do you have a small decorative cross on your wall or a delicate cross adorning your neck? In this devotional teaching, Gerad Hall challenges us to see the cross as it is and consider the immensity of our sin and the sufficiency of what Christ has accomplished for us. Let's consider anew the truth that Calvary covers it all and the call to live a life of sacrifice. See for privacy information.

  • Summer Reading Challenge: A Conversation with Jacob Iverson and Hope Francis

    03/06/2024 Duración: 10min

    Do you long to pass that love of good books on to your kids or grandkids? Moody Publishers invites you to jump into their Summer Reading Challenge! Learn about this fun way to engage your kids in reading during their summer break as we hear all the details of signing up for the challenge with Jacob Iverson and Hope Francis from Moody Books on Monday's Mornings with Seth and Deb!See for privacy information.

  • Mental Health and the Christian: A Conversation with Dr. Karl Benzio

    31/05/2024 Duración: 18min

    More than 20 percent of people experience mental illness at some point in their lives. American Association of Christian Counselors offers hope, support, and resources to counselors and the faith-based community. We will explore what help is available and effective as we focus on how science and faith can work together when it comes to the treatment of mental illness and struggles with our mental health. Psychiatrist Karl Benzio co-founded a unique Christian residential treatment center, Honey Lake Clinic, and serves as the medical director of the American Association of Christian Counselors. Dr. Benzio will share a holistic approach to mental health struggles that embraces faith, family, and community in achieving mental wellness. See for privacy information.

  • Bridge Building Apologetics: A Conversation with Lindsey Medenwaldt

    30/05/2024 Duración: 14min

    How do we preserve relationships in a polarized culture? Do we always need to agree to get along? What did Paul mean when say he was "all things to all people?" Author Lindsey Medenwaldt offers tips for graciously reaching out to those with whom we differ; holding on to truth and relationship. Lindsey gives examples from her life of how to have genuine friendships even when we disagree on big issues. It's an iron sharpens iron conversation on how to reach out in love on Thursday's Mornings with Seth and Deb.See for privacy information.

  • The State of the Bible: A Conversation with John Plake

    30/05/2024 Duración: 13min

    The American Bible Society has recently released its State of the Bible report and we'll look at the key trends and observations discovered by the results of their research. Chief Program Officer of the American Bible Society John Plake joins Seth and Deb to discuss the current findings on how the Bible shapes decisions, our approach to the Bible, and what they discovered about AI and online church attendance. Learn how this information can provide direction and encouragement for sharing the gospel in today's world.See for privacy information.

  • She Was Born for a Purpose: A Conversation with Janet Lohmann

    29/05/2024 Duración: 13min

    What is God's purpose for your life? GROW Ministries Founder Janet Lohmann began her ministry to women in crisis back in 2004 and has seen God lead and expand her Kingdom purpose. She recently released her story in a new book, She Was Born for a Purpose. Janet will be with us Wednesday to share how God has a purpose for each of us and how God revealed His purpose and plan in her life. Be encouraged that God is at work in your life and has good plans for you!See for privacy information.

  • Pastors and AI: A Conversation with Steele Billings

    29/05/2024 Duración: 16min

    Should Pastors give guidance and prepare their congregations for the emergence of AI? Head of AI at Gloo, Steele Billings, says that new data from Barna and Gloo reveals nearly half of Christians and churchgoers wish they had received more spiritual or theological guidance from church leaders concerning the wise use of technology. Steele joins Seth and Deb to encourage pastors to be proactive in helping their congregations navigate the new world of AI. Learn about the exciting possibilities of AI and some of the dangers of this evolving technology on Wednesday's show. See for privacy information.

  • Psalm 84: A Prepared Devotional Teaching with Stephen Palm

    28/05/2024 Duración: 14min

    A growing number of Christians are opting out of attending a local church. What are you missing when you are not a part of a church community? Pastor Stephen Palm shares a devotional teaching from Psalm 84 highlighting the blessing of a life centered on God's House and God's Presence. Through this Psalm we learn how blessed we are living out our faith in community!See for privacy information.

  • Bread and Bibles: A Conversation with Gregg Quiggle

    28/05/2024 Duración: 12min

    You may or may not know that our call letters WDLM come directly from the Founder of Moody Bible Institute, Dwight Lyman Moody! This morning we remember his legacy by taking a closer look at the man and how His example would be wise for believers to follow today. Author Gregg Quiggle joins Seth and Deb for a fascinating discussion on this man whose influence and impact lives on today through the many men and women who are discipled through the Moody Bible Institute, Moody Publishers, and Moody Radio!See for privacy information.

  • Death is Not the End of Our Story: A Conversation with Ray Pritchard

    28/05/2024 Duración: 14min

    What happens when we die? Is it the end of our story? It is a tradition for many families on Memorial Day to decorate a loved one's grave and to remember and honor their lives and love. Maybe you've wondered what happens at that moment when we take our last breath. This morning Ray Pritchard joins Seth and Deb to offer hope and assurance for all who have died in the Lord and for those of us who have yet to greet that day. See for privacy information.

  • Bathroom Humor: A Bible Study Tools Conversation with Dr. Jim Coakley

    28/05/2024 Duración: 15min

    Did you know that biblical authors sometimes use "bathroom humor" in their storytelling? Yes, Professor Dr. Jim Coakley, is going there in this Bible Study tools segment. During this conversation, Dr. Coakley will take us to the various accounts where bathroom humor is used and explore why Biblical authors are not ashamed to use this method as a means to get their point across in an entertaining and sometimes "edgy" way. See for privacy information.

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