

Living Life on Your Terms Take away: Follow your heart, no matter what it is.  Action step: Go to Kris's site, There's a tool called the balance wheel. Try that and just look at that and say, hey, is there anything there that says wow, is your wheel nice and round? Or do you have some gaps or broken spokes? If it's broken spokes, what's something you could do today to make one little thing better? That's one thing. If you could do that would be great.  Money Learnings: Kris learned differently than most people. He found out early when he could actually start mowing lawns for people, shovel snow or things like that, how well you can do even if it's your own business. He got the bug early on and had the ability to save.  Bio: Kris Kluver is a dedicated speaker, facilitator, advisor, seasoned entrepreneur, and bestselling author of The Aspiring Solopreneur: Your Business Start-Up Bible as well as The Fable: Life on Your Terms, part of the Defining What’s Next series. He has helped thousands