Sales Reinvented

Share Stories That Show Value with Patti Pokorchak, Ep #331



When you can share stories that demonstrate the value of your product or service—while making your prospective client the hero—it makes what you offer come alive. Patti Pokorchak likes to say, “When people see the value, they will find the money.” Learn how Patti crafts stories that show value in this episode of Sales Reinvented!  Outline of This Episode [1:19] Why is storytelling an important skill? [1:46] Is storytelling something that can be learned?  [2:37] The ingredients of a story that sells [3:18] The attributes of a great storyteller [4:03] Resources to improve your storytelling [5:16] Top three storytelling dos and don’ts [6:25] How to keep your story more concise [7:19] How to make the story about the customer [8:12] When people see the value they find the money Is storytelling something that can be learned?  Patti jokes that she’s living proof that you can take a shy geek and turn them into a more outgoing multi-million-dollar sales professional. Storytelling is another tool in her arsenal that