Praying Medic

066 Pedophile Rings and Government Corruption.



For more than a month I've been investigating pedophile rings, human trafficking and government corruption. Based on tips that were provided by an anonymous FBI agent, I'll discuss my findings surrounding the scandal known as Pizzagate. You may wonder why citizens feel they have a right (or an obligation) to conduct a criminal investigation. Why not leave it to the professionals? Investigations that were underway by law enforcement have been temporarily suspended. (I explain why in the podcast.) Right now, average citizens, with the assistance of law enforcement and intelligence communities, have been looking into crimes that seem to be mentioned in the emails of high-ranking government employees. (The fact that high-ranking government employees are alleged to be involved may help you understand why law enforcement investigations have been suspended.) Thousands of connections have been made that may link various individuals and organizations to criminal activity. One of the connections is a set of symbols use