Nysea Sports Talk

Commotio Cordis - A life threatening trauma



One of the scariest scenes unfolded this past Monday night for the world to see. There was great excitement for this game, as two of the best teams in the NFL were competing head-to-head with playoff implications. A packed stadium and a buzz that only great teams can generate. Shortly after the game had started the unthinkable occurred… 24-year-old Damar Hamlin was injured on the field. Just a routine tackle. A play that you’ve seen numerous times in a game and one that you would never think twice about. As Hamlin stood up, he soon then collapsed back down and lay motionless on the field. Doctors rushed by his side, administered CPR, and 20 minutes later he was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. Dr. Grant Garcia wanted to share some information about what happened and explain what Commotio Cordis is: a trauma to your chest, a type of injury that is usually associated with Baseball, Lacrosse, Hockey, and combat sports. Dr. Garcia wants to let coaches and families know how to be prepared and recognize the dif