Ara City Radio

Interview With Patricia Abdelnour From Ons Heemescht



Mir wëllen Iech Ons Heemecht Weisen is a Luxembourgish grassroots NGO that fosters intercultural dialogue between local residents and refugees. Patricia Abdelnour joined us this morning to talk about their activities and take a look ahead at their fundraising concert that is taking palce at Trifolion in Echternach in March. Mir wëllen Iech Ons Heemecht Weisen (we want to show you our heritage) create informal moments of exchange through intercultural events and workshops for refugees to get to know locals and vice versa. From cooking workshops to museum visits, their meet ups provide space for cultural dialogue and exchange and building new friendships as well as helping refugees to integrate into society in Luxembourg. Their new portal fenster allows refugees and Luxembourgers to suggest activities for the group. On the 3rd of March, Ons Heemecht will host their annual fundraising concert. Three well known Luxembourgish musicians Serge Tonnar, Pascal Schumacher and Jean Muller will all perform for a go