Ally Loprete

What does "Having It All" REALLY look like for Modern Moms?



What's it going to take--- to get you personally empowered? In seven years of broadcasting, I don't think I've ever gotten quite a response like the one I got after last week's episode. I shared a very candid experience with you about my personal struggle with depression, how acknowledging my illness was a part of my recovery (as well as my forgiveness of it) and how I am now able to powerfully own it as part of who I am. Speaking out about depression wasn't just cathartic for ME... it seems to have opened up a safe dialogue for so many who feel isolated and debilitated by this mental illness. Thank you for your letters, your bravery, and your willingness to keep this important discussion going. Together we will prevail. Now that we are in recovery, it's time to get back to our purposeful intentions. Once the fog clears, we may be able to see an inkling of the bright and beautiful dreams that we once had...but it's still accompanied by fear for so many of us. What if we drive ourselves to exhaustion...and n