Ally Loprete

Celebration Time!!



SO MUCH TO CELEBRATE! It's our last live show of 2015... and IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!! And... in honor of another incredible year together... I have lots of surprises to announce, and loads of free gifts! Speaking of gifts... Tune in for our BEST TIPS for GIFT GIVING! We'll be covering the BEST way to give your spouse/ partner a gift this holiday season...and forever more. What does HE/SHE REALLY want you to get them, that they would never tell you themselves? This is FLAWLESS advice that will have your partner singing your praises every time. A LIFETIME of Retrospect What is in AN AGE? On the 42nd day of my birth, I have many realizations. I don't feel nearly as old as I thought I would 20 years ago. Why is that? I feel... youthful, fit, excited about being alive, and AGELESS. The benefits of being more "experienced" in life far outweighs having a few more expression lines on my face. I can't imagine a more meaningful place to stand than in the spot I am in right at this very moment. Happiness truly is the Meas