Ally Loprete

Are Distractions Derailing Your Life?



Shiny Objects ? Look away! Distractions can destroy your very best intentions and leave you wondering, “What the #%@& happened?” Over time, the impact on your business and your life can be disheartening…or devastating. Is Multi-Tasking Making us Dumb? According to new research conducted at Stanford University, multi-tasking is changing the structure of our brains and is LESS productive than staying focused on one single action at a time. In some cases mutli-tasking is LOWERING our IQs. No wonder we feel like we are losing our minds...RIGHT?! Let's get (re) Focused! Time to heal your cognitive and social well being. Let's give you some powerful tools to do just that! On Today's Show... (Oh Boy! Are YOU in for a treat.) The magnificent Ellen Rohr will be joining us in the studio to teach us how to DESTROY those DISTRACTIONS before they DEVASTATE! Get ready to take notes...this hour will be an entire course! What you'll learn today: ✔︎ 3 Simple Tools for identifying your distractions and stayin