Ally Loprete

What makes you... YOU???



The TRUTH will make you laugh... and set you on fire. I met Beth Lapides many moons ago. I was pre-motherhood, insecure and deeply obsessed with my acting career. She was the director of a spoken word comedy workshop in Hollywood, which was a fast-trending process for spotlight whores like me. The course was an exercise in both self-loathing and self-loving....if that is even possible. Over the years it has become a widely effective method for artists, writers, performers and comics to develop unique material based on their own painfully disastrous experiences. Therapeutic, revealing ...aaaaaaaand a bit narcissistic. I will never forget getting up on the stage to tell a pathetic and humiliating true encounter of how I was chased off of a poppy reservation by a man in uniform... over a misunderstanding... about where I was allowed--- and NOT ALLOWED --- to walk. What had me in tears only days earlier now had Beth (as well as my classmates) in stitches. One person's pain is another's entertainment. While givi