Ally Loprete

WANT the Fairytale



You've been told that you CAN'T HAVE the fairytale. And you believed it. Heck. You may have even heard yourself telling your KIDS the same thing. Happily ever after doesn't exist. Get REAL. Or does it? If we truly can create our own reality--- and new research in quantum physics tells us that WE CAN--- why NOT go for the fairy tale? You see others achieve their happy endings... IF YOU BELIEVE IT EXISTS FOR EVERYONE ELSE... then why not YOU? Real Fantasy That may sound like an oxymoron, but not if you change your perception of what the fairy tale ending looks like for you. For example, getting rescued by Prince Charming may not sound as appealing as it once did and that is because YOU HAVE EVOLVED. In fact, if you have ever been "rescued" before, it most likely didn't feel even a fraction as good as it did when you rescued yourself. Be your own hero! Women typically love being the one who does the rescuing... so much so...that we often go lookingfor trouble. (Do you relate?) We SURE ARE gifted when it co