Ally Loprete

Magazines and Mobile Media



The biggest regrets come from the failure to think big from the start. Stop and consider for a moment that we really do have access to the same tools and resources- in everything we do. You may not have been born with the natural ability to understand business, but learning the skills that you need to take action is as easy as choosing to absorb new insight. Their are infinite channels of enterprise available worldwide with immediate results at almost no cost - and learning to leverage these channels is worth more than any price tag. It all begins with a little bit of hunger for knowledge. As a busy work-at-home parent, the digital age can be a blessing and a curse. Emerging media sources are exploding, but traditional media platforms still play an important role in giving exposure to small business. If only you knew how to cut through that fierce competition. Remember that everything worthwhile comes with hard work and perseverance. Most of the time, the reward is simply given to the ones who never threw in