Ally Loprete

Exceed Your Own Expectations



Open up to your healing power. Earlier this week, I had ---what I like to lovingly refer to as --- "The Mommy Melt Down". My mind was clouded with overwhelm and I was finding it unusually difficult to focus on my daily tasks. (Did I remember to sign the permission slip? When did we run out of food? Did I remember to walk the dog? Are the baseball uniforms washed and ready for the game this weekend? I must remember to call that client back... and that one, and that one...) "Mind Clutter" like this was most likely the result of lack of sleep, lack of exercise, lack of nutrition, hormonal imbalance... whatever... It felt like my brain needed to BREATHE. ...and I realized I needed to give it more oxygen. So I cleared some time and went for a quick run. It was like taking a magic pill. IT FIXED EVERYTHING. Once the darkness cleared, I was able to easily obtain a more clear and effortless FOCUS. Suddenly, all that had -- just moments earlier appeared-- DEMANDING, now seemed uncomplicated and elementary, even... dar