Ally Loprete

Social Media for Maverick Mompreneurs



"There is a sea of possibility waiting for savvy entrepreneurs to navigate." - Captain of "online media", Sue B. Zimmerman You already know that I "cracked a code" using Twitter. Once I got over my fear of the big bad internet and realized its potential for us aa parent entrepreneurs, I began to explore the uncharted territories. What I discovered is unlimited possibilities to connect with our newest clients and our future fans. For the past two years I have taught more than 250 small businesses to learn what I know about social media. The biggest mindset "misconception" that I see out there among online business owners is that they seem to be jumping into new social media platforms BLINDLY --- (and because someone told them to)... without REALLY knowing WHY or HOW being on social media will directly effect their bottom line. It's all about focused strategy. Despite how you might feel on some days, the internet was NOT created to stress you out! It is an EXPANSIVE resource that... if we are strategic enough..