Ally Loprete

Summer Activities 4 kids



Welcome to CAMP MOMMY! We are knee deep into summer and for many of us, our roles have transitioned from mom-preneur to mom-cierge. Our businesses may have to be scaled back during this time of year, but the work load hasn't decreased one iota. In my kid's world, Camp Mommy is filled with all sorts of busy activities: free bowling days, $1 movie days, water fun-filled play dates, concerts in the park, and indoor crafts (on those brutal-can't-go-outside-scorching HOT days). It's A LOT of work to keep my kids entertained! Do your children appreciate what a PRIVILEGE it is to have you at home? We already know the positive effects of exposing our children to our work-at-home careers, but it is important that we ENGAGE them in the freedoms that comes along with being financially independent. Not to mention if you are looking for some NEW ACTIVITIES to do with your children this summer (besides flooding the downstairs bathroom with water balloons) why not help them to earn a little money of their own? If you are lo