Ally Loprete

A Show for the Dreamers



Do you suffer from TOO MANY ideas? You may be FILLED with revolutionary concepts and visions ...many of them you imagine would make you CRAZY WEALTHY... if only you had a game plan to execute them. Or perhaps you've tried to implement some of your ideas, only to become inundated with new ideas that impose on your momentum and confuse your intention. In short--- YOU ARE ALL OVER THE PLACE. Too many ideas is a sign of OVERWHELM First, don't beat yourself up. It isn't a terrible thing to be a "dreamer". In fact, there are many who envy your natural ability to have ideas pouring out of you. After all, you are an optimist and a visionary. Without thinkers like you, the world would be stagnant and motionless. The trick is to CAPITALIZE on your strength and not allow the influx of sparkling ideas to drown out the other tasks that will ensure your BEST IDEAS get put into action. Focus is key. It doesn’t mean you can’t have layers, complexity, and lofty ambitions. Without focus however, the Universe doesn’t know how t