Underground Usa

Is The Dream Still Alive?



Before we get to this morning segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I’d like to acknowledge Martin Luther King Jr. Day.It's important that we start circling back – and I hate to use that term because of Jen Psaki, I mean no disrespect by using it – but we need to circle back to the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We have gotten to a point where we are judging people; our society is judging people by the color of their skin, especially on the caustic Left.They have completely abandoned Martin Luther King Jr's teachings and abdicated their fidelity to the Civil Rights Movement. Today, all the radical Left does is judge people by their skin color and it is reprehensible.Critical Race Theory is racism. And I know that people on the Left would call me a racist for saying that but the fact is they are the racists. They're judging people because of the color of their skin without even knowing them; without even caring to know about them. And they compound that by saying the sins of s