Do It With Dan

What if Your Emotions Aren’t a Problem? | Dr. Alex Wills



Are you frustrated by your emotions? Do you feel like they control you and just get in the way of your progress? When you accept that reality wraps around how you feel, you understand just how powerful and important emotions are. Feeling them is empowering, not a weakness. TAKE OUR FREE MONEY MINDSET QUIZ HERE: If you want to create a new reality for yourself, it starts with your emotions! Luckily, we have an emotional expert for you this week, in the form of Dr. Alex Wills. Alex Wills, MD, is a board-certified psychiatrist. He is the owner of Perma Mental Health, a private psychiatric practice. Alex’s clinical days are spent using the Radical Emotional Acceptance method to help patients heal from issues ranging from past traumas to interpersonal struggles in their marriages. Give a F*ck, Actually is based on that experience. Welcome once again Dreamers, to the Do it with Dan Podcast! The place to truly dream with your eyes open. It's time to expand our experience