Sales Reinvented

Scott Ingram’s Story that Aligns Him with Executive Stakeholders, Ep #334



What does a customer experience when they hear a story? It should be entertaining, enjoyable, and relatable. Storytelling is innately human. We are wired to receive and retain information when it’s told in story form. Stories can also be used to create alignment with important executive stakeholders in the sales process. Learn how Scott Ingram uses stories to create executive alignment with Fortune 500 companies in this episode of Sales Reinvented! Outline of This Episode [0:53] Why storytelling is an important skill to possess  [1:30] Is storytelling something that can be learned? [2:44] The ingredients of a great story that sells [3:32] The attributes of a great sales story [6:23] Resources to improve storytelling abilities [7:17] Reaching executive stakeholders with one question [14:03] The success Scott sees aligning with stakeholders [15:11] What you can take away from Scott’s story Stories are perfected through practice Scott has developed specific stories for specific situations that he knows will re