Ontrack With Judy Warner

The True Benefits of Printed Electronics



In this episode, we are very excited to have Jesus Zozaya, CEO of Voltera, and Matt Ewertowski, product manager at Voltera. We will discuss pushing the boundaries in electronics design through printed electronics. Join us and together let’s discover the many benefits of printed electronics from expedited prototyping, proof of concept, and academic research. Show Highlights: Introduction to Jesus Zozaya, CEO of Voltera, and Matt Ewertowski, product manager at Voltera Jesus takes the lead in explaining what Voltera does, and introduced their first product – V-one Matt explains the difference between Printed Electronics and additive manufacturing process Electronics printer pushes the limits and welcomes new possibilities and opportunities for new materials in the electronic design space Voltera designed NOVA (their second product) with users in mind, they created a tool that all electrical engineers can utilize regardless of their skills in material science Can you do stack-ups using printed electronics? Jesus