Inverse Podcast

Black Excellence, Racial Trauma, and Hosea 11:3-5 with Sheila Wise Rowe



Sheila Wise Rowe is a truth-teller who is passionate about matters of faith and emotional healing. She advocates for the dignity, rights, and healing of abuse and racial trauma survivors and racial conciliation. Sheila holds a Master's in counseling psychology and over twenty-eight years of experience as a Counselor, Spiritual Director, Educator, Writer, and Speaker. She’s counseled and taught counseling in Massachusetts, and Paris France. For a decade, Sheila worked with homeless and abused women and children in Johannesburg, South Africa. Sheila is a member of The Redbud Writers Guild and The International Women's Writers Guild. Her essays can be found in numerous blogs, newspapers, journals, and books such as; The Boston Sunday Globe newspaper, The Wonder Years: 40 Women Over 40 on Aging, Faith, Beauty and Strength, Voices of Lament, and The Gospel of Peace in A Violent World. In 2020 Sheila authored the award-winning book Healing Racial Trauma: The Road to Resilience and, recently, Young, Gifted, an