

“The ultimate guru is you." It’s almost inevitable that we’re revisiting the topic of Control, which we first pondered in 2019 and are now circling back to discuss. (Listen to our earlier thoughts on Control.) This MBM was sparked during a plane ride, where MG was listening to a podcast from a “guru” talking about control. He theorized that for our entire lives, we've deceived ourselves into the idea of controlling things. His point: We control NOTHING. Our problem/challenge with this idea is that it’s dichotomous thinking. While we’re not in control of millions of things, including the environment and other people, we ARE in control of our thoughts and much of our behavior. It’s not an either/or situation: We’re not in control, and we are in control. It’s important to accept what we’re NOT in control of, and then take responsibility for what we can control. If we do as the "guru" advised and let go of all control, we’re abdicating our personal responsibility to direct our lives. (Another reason why YOU are y